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Active Science

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A specialist science shop featuring hands-on and minds-on activities all designed to promote both thinking and learning. I'm a very experienced teacher with advanced skills teacher (AST) and specialist leader of education (SLE) accreditation under my belt.




A specialist science shop featuring hands-on and minds-on activities all designed to promote both thinking and learning. I'm a very experienced teacher with advanced skills teacher (AST) and specialist leader of education (SLE) accreditation under my belt.
Introduction to Measuring

Introduction to Measuring

A fun practical activity that introduces the idea about accuracy of measurement and using the appropriate piece of equipment. The teacher sheet is backed up by a worksheet for students. It is aimed at keystage 3 students but is likely to be useful for less able keystage 4 students.
Salt and Food

Salt and Food

Here are details of a practical investigation into the role of salt in preserving food that is simple to carry out and doesn't require much equipment. The results are quick and easy to analyse. To follow up there is a worksheet probing further into salt and human health where students calculate how much of the recommended daily intake is contained in various foods.
One gene, one protein: switched on genes

One gene, one protein: switched on genes

This is a hands on activity to help students consolidate and fully understand these important ideas. Students pass around pictures of 9 different types of cell and then complete the grid on the student sheet to show which of the genes listed will be switched on in that cell type. There is also a plenary activity designed to reveal any student misconceptions along with some teacher notes, with a link to a great animation which will explain the concept clearly to non-specialists
Senses and sensitivity

Senses and sensitivity

This introduction to the senses is a good introduction to the topic for keystage 3 students and also suitable for foundation students at keystage 4. There are instructions for a series of demonstrations and mini-practicals to investigate the human senses that are not easy to carry out but they are fun and thought provoking. Also in this package are student instructions for practical work to test the sensitivity of the skin along with a results table for them to record their findings.
Classification and species using ladybirds

Classification and species using ladybirds

After a discussion about what constitutes a species, students study pictures of ladybirds and record their observations. They decide how many different species of ladybirds they think there are. They then classify each of the pictures again using an ID chart and compare their findings.
Food Chains Demonstration

Food Chains Demonstration

It's hard to find much practical work to do around food chains. Here's a very active demonstration that turns into a student race and brings home all the key ideas that students need to understand. It's accompanied by a crossword puzzle.
photosynthesis and respiration: summaries and comparison

photosynthesis and respiration: summaries and comparison

Here you'll find a colour- in worksheet which summaries photosynthesis along with a cut and stick poster that summaries respiration. Both activities are designed to promote thinking and understanding whilst still being enjoyable to complete. The suite is completed by a teacher led activity comparing the two processes that students have to add labels to.
Continuous and Discontinuous variation

Continuous and Discontinuous variation

This is a suite of materials containing a number of different activities. It starts with lots of fun mini experiments where students record the differences between them. Their results are used to examine the differences between continuous and discontinuous variation. Variation in other species is examined too with an emphasis on data handling.
Carbon Cycle Game

Carbon Cycle Game

A very visual way of appreciating the carbon cycle and a great introduction to climate change. This board game shows carbon atoms cycling around the natural environment. It moves around the 3 main stores (plants, animals and the atmosphere) according the the roll of a dice, but overall stays in balance. However, when the game is repeated (by skewing the number of atoms that move for one number on the dice) the cycle goes out of balance. There is a sheet for students to record the movement of the atoms and notes for the teacher as well as Word and pdf versions of the board which can be printed onto A4 card of laminated.
Molecules of Life Top Trumps

Molecules of Life Top Trumps

Whilst students play top trumps with these well designed cards (supplied in word and pdf format), they will learn much about molecular structure and formulae as well as finding out about how living organisms use the molecules. A great starter activity, students enjoy the game and learn a lot along the way.
Heart and Circulation Role Play

Heart and Circulation Role Play

"......I do and I understand". This role play is designed to help students really understand the circulatory system and how it works. As they move the oxygen and carbon dioxide around the different parts of the heart and body, students take the route taken by blood cells and learn by doing. To accompany the activity there is a suite of worksheets: - cut and stick boxes to put in the correct order - a simple worksheet to colour - a worksheet to label and add arrows to - a more difficult sheet where information about artificial valves is sorted and matched
Introduction to cells suite of activiites

Introduction to cells suite of activiites

This group of activities provides a fun and active way to introduce cells including building squidgy model cells. It includes investigative work to find out the conditions that cells need to grow best. All the activities are backed up by student worksheets.