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7 week Autumn term Morning Work Slides for Year 5/6: grammar, maths, jokes, riddles, affirmations
Morning work - 7 weeks
If you liked my freebie week, then these morning work slides follow exactly the same format. Slides contain daily practice of your word of the week, a daily affirmation to promote emotional literacy, riddle and joke of the day, grammar exercises and daily mathematics.
All answers are provided and class talk is encouraged.
You are provided with a set of class teacher instructions but feel free to adapt how you teach this with your class. Let’s face it, you know your class best!
If you are unsure whether to purchase, check out my freebie week first.
I will be planning these in 7 week chunks so look out for my next set!

Upper KS2 - Morning Work Slides - include: Grammar, Mathematics, Riddles and Jokes
Morning work freebie for one week!
Test out my morning work slides with your class which include a word of the week, daily affirmation, riddle and joke of the day, grammar exercises and daily mathematics.
All answers are provided and class talk is encouraged.
You are provided with a set of class teacher instructions but feel free to adapt how you teach this with your class. Let’s face it, you know your class best!
Follow me for further updates as I am currently working to finish 7 weeks for Autumn one which will be uploaded soon and then onto the rest of the year.

Elephant's Toothpaste - chemical reactions, changes - fully resourced lesson
Fully resourced 2-hour lesson on Elephant’s Toothpaste.
A lovely chemical reaction lesson for all ages using everyday things. Presentation and worksheets included in the package alongside all answer sheets, risk assessment and lesson plan.
This lesson is a great way to both introduce the idea of chemical reactions and to wow your class with a fun and engaging activity. I have tested this with my own class and you can find pictures of the activity in the preview.
All you need is:
2 x 500ml bottles
warm water
food coloring (colouring)
liquid dish soap (washing-up liquid)
3% and 6% hydrogen peroxide

Classroom Clues Game, Worksheets and Flashcards (Recognise numbers to 1,000,000)
Recognising numbers to 1,000,000
This resource includes place value charts, part-whole models, problem solving questions and other representations relating to recognising numbers to 1,000,000 (1 million). Perfect for active learning classrooms with task cards, question sheet and a tick list to find the offender in a Cluedo-like game.
Do you find the topic of Place Value a little bland? Is it always the same activities?
Classroom Clues will help liven up the classroom with place value talk and a sense of healthy competition.
Children solve place value questions which will lead them to an answer flashcard. This flashcard will have a person, thing or place at the bottom of their card. Children tick this off their list and move onto the next question. Eventually, they will only have one option for each column left.
Children will answer the question we all want to know…
This fully resourced set includes:
Worksheet with 15 questions and the Culprit tick sheet
set of 15 flashcards
Answer sheet
Card to place in an envelope to reveal at the end.

Word Jumble - Fast Finisher, Morning Work Activity Sheets with Statutory Spelling Words Included
Looking for a great fast finisher activity that will have your students working with words? These word jumbles are fantastic. Children search for words within the gameboard and the longer the word, the more points they score.
This resource includes 40 puzzles, enough to cover each week of the school year.
The worksheet includes:
directions to minimize interruption while you’re working with other students
plenty of spaces to write words
a scoring section where students can easily add up their points
Will work for:
early finishers
work for supply teachers
morning work
brain breaks and more!
Hidden within many of the boards are the Year 5 and 6 statutory spelling words. Great opportunity for extra practise.

Display Pack - Muted/Neutral Rainbow in Grey - Drawer, Peg, Book and Number Labels
Display pack in muted/neutral rainbow design.
The PDF pack comes with pre-written drawer lablels, book labels and number circles.
The pack contains labels for: Pencils, erasers, pens, glue sticks, pencil crayons, felt-tip pens, plain paper, colour paper, lined paper, card, handwriting pens, marking pens, line guides, pencil sharpeners, calculators, rulers, whiteboards, whiteboard pens, whiteboard erasers and spare things.
The book labels include: English, writing, big write, reading, gaps, spag, literacy, maths, mathematics, numeracy, morning work, topic, history, geography, design technology, music, art, French, German, Spanish, computing, RE, RSHE, PSHE, science, physics, chemistry, biology
The number labels are from: 1 - 40
I have also included an editable PowerPoint so that you can create your own labels. The editable pack also includes labels for pegs.
Please be aware that on the pre-written labels I use my own font and the font will be different when you type your own labels.

Muted/Neutral Rainbow Display Pack - Orange/Brown - Peg, Drawer and Book Box Labels
Display pack in muted/neutral rainbow design.
The PDF pack comes with pre-written drawer lablels, book labels and number circles.
The pack contains labels for: Pencils, erasers, pens, glue sticks, pencil crayons, felt-tip pens, plain paper, colour paper, lined paper, card, handwriting pens, marking pens, line guides, pencil sharpeners, calculators, rulers, whiteboards, whiteboard pens, whiteboard erasers and spare things.
The book labels include: English, writing, big write, reading, gaps, spag, literacy, maths, mathematics, numeracy, morning work, topic, history, geography, design technology, music, art, French, German, Spanish, computing, RE, RSHE, PSHE, science, physics, chemistry, biology
The number labels are from: 1 - 40
I have also included an editable PowerPoint so that you can create your own labels. The editable pack also includes labels for pegs.
Please be aware that on the pre-written labels I use my own font and the font will be different when you type your own labels.

Adding and Subtracting Decimals - Year 6 Choice Cards (Multiple choice questions) word problems etc
choice card for adding and subtracting decimals.
Children stick the sheet into their book and begin at the top row.
They pick one of the three options and complete the working out in their book. Once answered, children can colour in that box.
Then, they move onto the row and choose a question from the three options.
Children choose a question from each row, colouring as they go.
Answer page is included.

Adding Fractions - Year 6 Colour-by-number worksheet (Christmas/holiday theme)
This resource is designed to practise children’s fluency at adding fractions. Questions include same denominator addition, different denominator addition, answers with whole number fractions and improper fractions.
Common misconceptions are included within the possible answers so that it is very easy for you to ascertain which children have understood the concept or which children require further intervention or assistance.
Included in this pack is:
Worksheet with mutlichoice answers
mark sheet
colouring page (Crhristmas tree themed)
Answer page with full colour picture.

Common Factors - Task Cards (Year 6) worksheet and marking page (multiplication and division)
Part of Four Operations unit of work, these task cards align with find factors and common factors.
A great resource as a way to assess what the children have learned and close gaps.
within this pack you will find:
16 task cards
answer sheet
marking page
Question Type: tables, Venn diagrams, word problems, which one doesn’t belong? and circling activities.
Tried, tested and loved by my own class!

All About Me! Bunting for Transition Work (Worksheet)
A free resource for your children to complete during their transition day or week.
Nicely presented with sections that include:
picture of themself

Four Operations (Y6) - Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits Maze Worksheet (game/puzzle)
Four Operations unit of maths for Year 6
This is a maze/puzzle for Year 6 to test their knowledge on multiplying a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. There are a range of questions for children to answer and find their way through the maze.
Questions include:
True or False
Missing number calculations
Greater than, less than or equal to
Multiplying by 10
A fun way to to complete independent practise in the lesson or for homework.

Skip counting in 2s (counting in 2) - range of activities-scavenger hunt, flashcards and worksheets
Range of activities to support counting in 2s
Within the small bundle we have:
small children flashcards which can be utilised for a range of purposes (instructions for their use and suggestions for games can be found in the download)
Cut and paste worksheets to support what is being taught
Scavenger hunts based of the people worksheet and the Numicon.
a Numicon numberline to supplement.

2 x Table (Multiplication) Bundle for age 5 -7 or KS1 - Scavenger Hunts and Worksheets
The complete KS1 package of 2 x table games and activities.
You will find:
A collection of cards with lots of 2 (children) on them for learning to skip count. They can be laminated or printed in card for flashcard games, used with counters for counting in twos or for problem solving eg you have 4 people and in total we have 8 children. How many cards do I have behind my back.
A Numicon numberline for skip counting and to learn the colours for the Numicon Scavenger hunt.
8 x scavenger hunt (loop cards) Level 1 - people, Level 2 - Numicon, Level 3 - multiplication tables, Level 4 - division
6 x cut and paste worksheets
Any questions, please just ask
Thanks for taking the time to look at my Bundle.

I have...You have task cards - 3D Shape game to name various shapes
I have…You have… cards
in this free pack you will receive ten cards. Hand one card out to a person or group of people. Chose someone to start the game and they read what is on the card.
for example: I have a cone, who has a cube?
The person with the cube continues the game until it finishes the loop.
Shapes include:
triangular prism
squared-based pyramid
triangular prism

Cut and Paste Activity: Place Value - Representing number to 10,000,000 (ten million) Year 6/Grade 5
Cut and paste activity that can be used in the first few lessons of Year 6. Is in line with the White Rose curriculum and has a range of representations to ensure that deeper and more broader understanding of number.
Resource comes supplied with the answer sheet and there is an amended version for the US market.
If you like this resource, more will be uploaded soon.

Addition Scavenger Hunt (Loop Cards) - Year 6 (Upper Key Stage 2) Mastery
Complete Scavenger hunt for Year 5 or 6 which tests their knowledge on addition.
This is self-checking format means children can work independently or part of a group to calculate the answer and then move onto the next card. Eventually, if they get the answer correct, they will end where they began. Children can begin on any card as it will still loop around.
Really good for:
independent practice
group work
active learning
The pack will contain examples of: place value counter addition, Base 10 addition, decimals, money, Roman Numerals, negative numbers, missing number calculations and part-whole models.
Tried, tested and loved by my own class!

Order of Operations (BIDMAS OR BODMAS) scavenger hunt (Loop cards) - Year 6
Complete Scavenger hunt for Year 6 which tests their knowledge on order of operations.
This is self-checking format means children can work independently or part of a group to calculate the answer and then move onto the next card. Eventually, if they get the answer correct, they will end where they begin. Children can begin on any card as it will still loop around.
Really good for:
independent practice
group work
active learning