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Head of RE/PSHE
99 Names of Allah 9-1

99 Names of Allah 9-1

Year 7 differentiated lesson throughout. Starter; students questioning a text describing Allah including deepening thinking. Main task based on 9-1 grades, students choose from a range of tasks and how they want to produce it. Plenary 5:5:1 task.
Resurrection and ascension of Jesus 9-1

Resurrection and ascension of Jesus 9-1

This lesson has activities throughout which looks at the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. The main activity requires group work in which they create concept maps in expert groups. They then teach their peers. Evaluation question with mark scheme included for the plenary.
Church growth

Church growth

This is a question based lesson, where students will research Christian population throughout the world. There is a worksheet of questions to print off.
AQA 12 mark war question

AQA 12 mark war question

an activity which draw out key questions from the statement about war. Students should use this to help them fill in the table so that they get used to analysing a statement before they begin answering the question.
The need for charities

The need for charities

This lesson looks at the need for charities. Students become their own charity and work in teams to rescue the citizens from Hurricane Katrina.


Don't know where i got this from but very handy
Life after death

Life after death

Good for starter activity - class vote on beliefs about life after death, colate data and discuss
Causes of poverty

Causes of poverty

This lesson looks at the causes of poverty. The ppt displays images, which is effective with music played in the background.
Life after death

Life after death

In this lesson, students travel around the room to the different resources to enable them to answer the questions on the different aspects of life after death.
Defining miracles

Defining miracles

This lesson looks at miracles, and the 10 plagues, and includes a maths task to define the term 'miracle'.
Family life

Family life

Adapted from several power points to make one - thanks if it is one of yours i adapted.