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Physics stuff.
Boyle's law questions for GCSE

Boyle's law questions for GCSE

Boyle’s law questions for medium to higher level GCSE students, suitable for new AQA Physics spec. Including extension questions. Also contains the mark scheme (MS). More Boyle’s law questions here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/more-boyle-s-law-questions-for-gcse-11380098 If you like this, you may also like this: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12690666 If you use the sheet, please leave a comment. Cheers!
AQA GCSE Physics Equations Sheet (editable word version)

AQA GCSE Physics Equations Sheet (editable word version)

The AQA GCSE Physics equations in an easily editable format. First page covers those they need to learn. Second page covers the equations given on the data sheet. I also have some equations practice sheets in the bundle below. ** If you like this, I have a bundle of 20 Physics resources for less than £5 **
More Boyle's Law Questions for GCSE

More Boyle's Law Questions for GCSE

Suitable for new GCSE Physics spec’s including AQA. See my other (free) sheet ‘Boyle’s Law Questions for GCSE’. This sheet is a follow up, focused mainly upon the results of the pxV experiment. Please leave a review if you can
Moment of a force - GCSE worksheet

Moment of a force - GCSE worksheet

Six pages of questions, starting simple and building up to extension. These questions do not apply the principle of moments so are suitable for section 8.4 of the Oxford AQA textbook. Now INCLUDES THE ANSWERS!
Visible light and microwaves - questions

Visible light and microwaves - questions

Question sheet on the visible and microwave parts of the EM spectrum. Includes practice of the wave equation. *** If you like this, consider my bundle of 20 resources for less than £5*** If you have time, please leave a review
Electromagnetism and YouTube - Flipped learning or revision

Electromagnetism and YouTube - Flipped learning or revision

This is great to get students thinking about the difficult concepts in GCSE electromagnetism topics. Students use the QR code to access the relevant YouTube video and answer questions on the sheet as they go along. Three two-sided sheets covering electromagnetism, the motor effect and transformers. I have used this for flipped learning but they are equally useful as as revision exercise. Suitable for all specs including AQA chapter P15. Uses videos from freesciencelessons.co.uk
Star Magnitudes

Star Magnitudes

Double sided worksheet to help students: understand the magnitude scale practice calculations involving the magnitude equation
Pressure and surfaces

Pressure and surfaces

Three page worksheet allowing students to practice applying the pressure formula and also converting areas between square metres and square centimetres. Questions are progressively more challenging.
Potential divider experiment

Potential divider experiment

Worksheet for an experiment to investigate the relationship between resistances and p.d.'s in a potential divider circuit. I use these resistances: A = 4.7 k Ohm B = 3.3 k Ohm C = 2.7 k Ohm D = 0.470 k Ohm E = 0.670 k Ohm F = 0.470 k Ohm
Circular motion in vertical and horizontal planes

Circular motion in vertical and horizontal planes

Two worksheets (each two or three pages long) to help students understand how to write equations for objects moving through vertical and horizontal circles. The aim to encourage the following process: Draw a free body diagram Write a statement for resultant force Equate with the centripetal force equation I would recommend preceding this by getting students to look at a couple of ‘accelerating elevator’ problems (e.g. from multiple choice exam questions), revising vertical linear motion from previous learning. Students could follow up each worksheet with a selection of exam questions from exampro looking at related ideas. Includes markschemes
Moments and Couples - Questions

Moments and Couples - Questions

A worksheet that covers the basics with definitions, simple questions and a few MCQs. Answers included. *** If you like this, consider my bundle of 20 resources for less than £5*** If you have time, please leave a review