This collection of worksheets helps students learn the equations in GCSE physics. Students will need to state the different variable in each equation, their respective units, and all the various rearrangements for the equations.
Not all equations are included, but around 90% of them are. The triple only content equations are not included.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying momentum. It contains extension questions to stretch and challenge the higher achieving students. There is also a super stretch question to test your students’ ability to comprehend long questions. The answers have also been provided.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying transformers, in particular the ratio between current and potential difference in transformers. It contains extension questions to stretch and challenge the higher achieving students. The answers have also been provided.
PowerPoint presentation and worksheet aimed at KS3 students on the topic of waves. The lesson objectives covered are:
Describe the different types of wave and their features
Describe what happens when water waves hit a barrier
Describe what happens when waves superpose
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying specific latent heat. It contains extension questions to stretch and challenge the higher achieving students. The answers have also been provided.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying resistance (part of the electricity topic). This worksheet has been created with all abilities in mind, and has extension questions to stretch and challenge the more able. The answers have been provided.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying power (part of the energy topic). This worksheet has been created with all abilities in mind, and gets progressively more difficult down the worksheet. The answers have been provided.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying kinetic energy (part of the energy topic). This worksheet has been created with all abilities in mind, and has extension questions to stretch and challenge the more able. The answers have been provided.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying potential difference (part of the electricity topic). This worksheet has been created with all abilities in mind, and has extension questions to stretch and challenge the more able. The answers have been provided.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying force and motion (part of the motion topic). This worksheet has been created with all abilities in mind, and gets progressively more difficult down the worksheet. The answers have been provided.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint and worksheet covers chapter 15.4: The Motor Effect.
The lesson objectives are:
How to change the size and reverse the direction of the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field
How a simple electric motor works
What is meant by the magnetic flux density
How to calculate the force on a current-carrying wire
As the content is for triple science students, the lesson has been aimed at high ability. The answers at the end of the PowerPoint refer to the summary questions in the AQA GCSE physics book, page 221. The worksheet also is aimed at high ability, answers have been provided
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying magnetism. As this content is for triple science students only, the worksheet has been aimed at high ability students. The answers have also been provided.
Full lesson resources for “Mathematics in Science - Significant Figures”!
To understand the importance of mathematics in science
To be able to simplify numbers with a large amount of digits
To understand the concept of infinitely long irrational numbers
The lesson is intended for high school, though is also appropriate for middle. Estimated time for lesson is 51 minutes, though I give information on how to extend the lesson.
Files in resource:
PowerPoint with notes explaining each slide
Lesson plan outlining each activity
Worksheet, fully editable
Answers to worksheet
Lesson write-up. Goes through all lesson objectives in clear language. Students can read this instead of lesson, or use this for pre-reading, or to catch-up on missed lesson.
This worksheet is intended to be used for the forces and extension required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment and the method. This worksheet has been designed to improve students' graph drawing and analysing skills. It also includes an extension exercise.
This worksheet is intended to be used for the specific heat capacity required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment, method and a diagram of the setup. This sheet has been designed to improve students' skills in writing scientific conclusions, which has been broken down into three steps.
These worksheets are intended to be used whilst running any of the 10 required practicals in AQA GCSE physics. They all include the equipment and methods for running the practicals.
Some are designed towards improving maths skills; drawing graphs; calculating gradients; and substituting algebra with the line of best fit.
Some are designed to improve students' abilities in writing scientific conclusions.
These worksheets are designed towards higher achieving students, although the methods have been written to be easily followed by all, and a number of them have diagrams of the set ups included. The headers also link to where the learning can be found in the AQA books.
If you find any issues with any of the worksheets, please don't hesitate to let me know.
This worksheet is intended to be used for the thermal insulation required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment and the method. This sheet has been designed to improve students' skills in writing scientific conclusions, which has been broken down into three steps.
This worksheet is intended to be used for the density required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment and two methods for calculating the density of regular shaped objects and irregular shape objects.
This worksheet is intended to be used for the refraction of light required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment, method and a diagram of the setup. This sheet has been designed to improve students' skills in writing scientific conclusions.
This worksheet is intended to be used for the radiation and absorption required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment and the method. This sheet has been designed to improve students' skills in writing scientific conclusions, which has been broken down and simplified.