This worksheet is intended to be used for the acceleration required practical in AQA GCSE physics. Included is the list of equipment, method and a diagram of the setup. This sheet has been designed to improve students' graph drawing and analysing skills.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint covers chapter 8.5: More about Levers and Gears.
The lesson objectives are:
How levers act as force multipliers
How can you tell if a lever is a force multiplier
What gears do
How gears can give a bigger turning effect
As the content is for triple science students, the lesson has been aimed at high ability. The questions at the end refer to the summary questions on page 123 of the AQA GCSE physics book.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint covers chapter 8.8: The Parallelogram of Forces.
The lesson objectives are:
What the parallelogram of forces is
What the parallelogram of forces is used for
What is needed to draw a scale diagram of the parallelogram of forces
How to use the parallelogram of forces to find the resultant of two forces
As the content is for higher science students, the lesson has been aimed at higher achieving students. The powerpoint goes through both the scale drawing and trigonometry approach of calculating a parallelogram of forces. The answers at the end relate the the summary questions on page 129 of the GCSE physics book.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint covers chapter 16.3: Planets, Satellites and Orbits.
The lesson objectives are:
What force keeps planets and satellites moving along their orbits
The direction of the force on an orbiting body in a circular orbit
How the velocity of a body in a circular orbit changes as the body moves around the orbit
Why an orbiting body needs to move at a particular speed for it to stay in a circular orbit
As the content is for triple science students, the lesson has been aimed at high ability. The answers at the end refer to the summary questions in the AQA GCSE physics book, page 237.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint covers chapter 16.5: The Beginning and Future of The Universe.
The lesson objectives are:
What the Big Bang theory of the universe is
Why the universe is expanding
What the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is
What evidence there is that the universe was created in a big bang
As the content is for triple science students, the lesson has been aimed at high ability. The answers at the end refer to the summary questions in the AQA GCSE physics book, page 241.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint covers chapter 16.2: The Life History of a Star.
The lesson objectives are:
Why stars eventually become unstable
The stages in the life of a star
What will eventually happen to the Sun
What a supernova is
As the content is for triple science students, the lesson has been aimed at high ability. The answers at the end refer to the summary questions in the AQA GCSE physics book, page 235.
These worksheets have been designed for lower ability students. They cover how elements are represented and how to work out the different constituents of an atom.
This resource was designed with lower ability students in mind, though has been differentiated, in the file names:
L - lower - Aiming for level 1-2
M - medium - Aiming for level 2-3
H - higher - Aiming for level 3-4
It covers electronic structures, representing ions and ionic bonding. There is also a glossary and wordsearch at the end.
This worksheet follows closely along with the AQA GCSE Biology book, chapters 11.7: The Artificial Control of Fertility. Students can use the book to help answer the questions. There is a stretch task at the end, a six mark question.
For teaching about the different glands and hormones present in the endocrine system. Posters are A3 in size. Place around room and students can find the information themselves on the worksheet.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint covers chapter 14.2: Refraction of Light
The lesson objectives are:
Where refraction of light can happen
How a light ray refracts when it goes from air into glass or from glass into air
As the content is for triple science students, the lesson has been aimed at high ability. The answers at the end refer to the summary questions in the AQA GCSE physics book, page 205.
PowerPoint presentation aimed at KS3 students on the topic of series and parallel circuits. The lesson objectives covered are:
Describe the difference between series and parallel circuits
Describe how current and potential difference vary in series and parallel circuits
This follows closely along with the AQA Activate 2 book, chapters P1.4.
PowerPoint presentation aimed at KS3 students on the topic of energy and temperature. The lesson objectives covered are:
State the difference between energy and temperature
Describe what happens when you heat up solids, liquids and gases
Explain what is meant by equilibrium
This follows closely along with the AQA Activate 2 book, chapters P2.3.
For use in either biology or physics lessons. This practical sheet provides a method of calculating reaction times when catching a falling ruler, using just the distance (no need to use stopwatches). The students will be calculating their reaction times with and without music, and concluding why they differ.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying transformers, in particular the ratio between number of coils and potential difference in transformers. It contains extension questions to stretch and challenge the higher achieving students. The answers have also been provided.
Following closely along with the AQA GCSE physics book, this lesson PowerPoint and worksheet covers chapter 15.1: Magnetic Fields.
The lesson objectives are:
The force rule for two magnetic poles near each other
The pattern of magnetic field lines around a bar magnet
What induced magnetism is
Why steel, not iron, is used to make permanent magnets
The Powerpoint is aimed at all abilities, although the corresponding worksheet is aimed at lower abilities. It is suggested that during this lesson, the students should have access to magnets to play and observe with. The answers at the end refer to the summary questions in the AQA GCSE physics book, page 215.
This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students studying momentum. It contains extension questions to stretch and challenge the higher achieving students. The answers have also been provided.