Lesson plan and accompanying resource for teaching Romeo and Juliet act 2 scene 4-with a specific focus on the nurse. Requires a film version of the play
Two lessons plus resources for teaching Act 1. There is a lot to cram in so you may want to spread this out over more than the two lessons depending on class need.
Two powerpoints which will take at least three lessons for teaching Act4 scene 3 of Julius Caesar-focusing on Brutus and Cassius’ relationship and then Brutus’ introspection and feelings
Two lessons for teaching the opening chapter to TO Kill a Mockingbird. FIrst lesson deals with context and narrative perspective whilst lesson two deals with the presentation of Boo Radley.
LEsson looking at the developing relationship between Brutus and Cassius in Act 4-mainly the breaking down of their friendship. Main activity is a drama/hotseat
23 lessons on Fat Boy Swim including accompanying worksheets. Uses old levels for assessment but can be easily adapted. Lesson PPTs are designed for 50 minute lesson and take into account periods of reading.