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L2 The Story of the man in the well (Upper KS2)
Second RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich.
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources.
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Vocabulary recap
Slide three: Learning Intention and Targets for Success
Slide four: Start of the vocabulary
Slide five to six: Starter task sketch the eight parts of ‘the Man in the Well’
Slide seven to eight: Interpretation task
Slide nine: The real interpretations
Slide ten: Sentence starters and key vocabulary
Slide eleven: Summary
Slide twelve: Plenary
Slide thirteen: End of the lesson quiz
Slide fourteen: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
Print-making (KS2 Art and Design)
This is a print-making scheme of six-lessons using space as an inspiration (preferably for upper KS2). It covers an introduction to print-making artists and print-making skills (planar, relief and intaglio).
I have created this scheme using skills that I have acquired over the years, training in Print-making throughout my Fine Art degree and teaching Art and Design to KS2 for over 5 years.
This has been a really popular scheme for my pupils, which teaches a variety of print-making skills: mono-printing, screen-printing, relief and collagraph (relief) printing. I’ve taught it within the classroom and an art room. It would be worth investing in screens for the screen printing lesson.
Resource bundle includes: Medium term plan, Lesson plans, Visual Language word mat, Lesson Powerpoint (PDF cursive, PPT and PPT cursive versions available - please note the powerpoints may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings) and accompanying resources/scaffolds. Each lesson includes a starter, modelling for each task, an evalution and an end of the lesson plenary.
What helps Hindu people as they try to be good? Bundle (Upper KS2)
Lesson Bundle including six lessons looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. The lessons are inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but include a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich.
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources.
L1: Brahman and Atman
L2: The Story of the man in the well
L3: Karma
L4: Purusharthas
L5: Moksha
L6: Inspirational Hindus (Ghandi)
Hindu Creation Story - Upper KS2 RE
This is the fourth lesson in a series of five. This lesson focuses on the Hindu Creation Story.
Lesson resource contains: Powerpoint (PDF), Closed Precedure Sequencing Activity (PDF), Hindu Creation Story Circular Template (PDF).
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Islam Creation Story - Upper KS2 RE
Lesson three in a series of five. This lesson explores the Islam creation story. Resource includes: Powerpoint (PDF), Closed precedure sentences activity (PDF), Comparison activity (PDF).
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Humanist Creation Story - Upper KS2 RE
This is the final lesson in a series of five. This lesson focuses on the humanist creation story.
Lesson resources include: Powerpoint (PDF), Closed procedure sequencing activity (PDF).
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
English - Wisp Scheme (Upper KS2)
These lessons are from a really lovely English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book ‘Wisp, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total.
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources for each lesson - all handmade.
I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
English - Wisp L3 (Upper KS2)
This lesson is the third from a really lovely English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book ‘Wisp’, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total.
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources.
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Learning Intention and Targets for Success
Slide three: Starter
Slide four: Metaphors
Slide five: Let’s Read
Slide six: Effect of Metaphors
Slide seven: Metaphors
Slide eight: Is this a Metaphor discussion task
Slide nine: Task
Slide ten: Plenary
I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
L1 What is a celestial body? (Year 5 Space)
This lesson is the first lesson from my Primary Science Space scheme of work for upper KS2 (Year 5).
The lesson focuses on Celestial Bodies and has been tailored for pupils after years of being a Year 5 practitioner and Science lead.
Lesson Objective: To identify celestial bodies.
Scientific Question: What is a celestial body?
Enquiry Type: Research using secondary sources.
This is the first lesson of many I hope to convert into user-friendly documents (as my planning slides currently remain of Lynx files).
Resource bundle includes: Lesson slides (PDF and powerpoint) and scaffolded accompanying resources (word and PDF). I’ve included powerpoint and word for ease of editing - although as I know these massively reformat I’ve also included PDF versions.
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Key vocabulary pre-teach
Slide three: Enquiry type
Slide four to five: Starter (answers included)
Slide six: Celestial bodies input
Slide seven: Celestial bodies task using QR codes for individual research
Slide eight: Fact file template and modelled example
Slide nine: End of the Lesson Quiz
Slide ten: End of the Lesson Quiz feedback
Fronted Adverbial building poster (KS2)
Fronted adverbial building poster using ISPACE to support use of different fronted adverbials.
Christian Creation Story - Upper KS2 RE
This is the second lesson from a series of five. This looks at the Christianity creation story in detail.
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
The resources include: Powerpoint (PDF), Christian Creation Wheel (PDF).
Creation Stories (Upper KS2)
This bundle includes lesson slides and resources for a Creation Stories scheme of work for upper KS2 RE (PDF).
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Lesson’s Included:
Creation Story Introduction
Christian Creation Story
Hindu Creation Story
Islam Creation Story
Humanist Creation Story
Recommended Book of the Week
I’ve collated a range of book recommendations for my Year 5’s to display in my book corner throughout the year. I’m hoping these will act as hooks to engage my pupils and encourage them to read something new!
Within this resource, there are 16 pages of recommendations: each page contains 3 book recommendations (48 recommendations in total) for pupils ranging from 9-12 years old. Each recommendation includes a quote, the book cover and a summary/blurb of the book.
The recommendations are around A6 in size, but could be printed larger. I’ve opted for a green gender-neutral checkerboard design, as I know it’s a design which all pupils will enjoy.
I hope your class are inspired by these as much as mine have been!
please note: I’ve included more books than 1 per week, as I’ve tried to account for books being used within the curriculum
Apostrophes (KS2)
This lesson is part of my SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. This lesson focuses on apostrophes, but also contains some further grammar practice. This lesson was created completely independently and was created purely to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge.
I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target.
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and any accompanying resources.
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Question 1: apostrophes
Slide three: Apostrophes questioning
Slide four: Apostrophes
Slide five to six: Apostrophes teach
Slide seven: Question 25: Apostrophes
Slide eight: Contraction Task
Slide nine: Contraction Task feedback (answers)
Slide ten: Possession Task
Slide eleven: Possession Task feedback (answers)
Relative Clauses (KS2)
This lesson is part of my SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar - sometimes abbrieviated to GPS) collection. This lesson focuses on Relative Clauses, but also contains some further grammar practice. This lesson was inspired by some classroom secrets content and was created to plug gaps in my pupils knowledge.
I tend to get my class to complete a baseline for SPaG, so I know where to target.
Resource bundle includes: Two Lesson Powerpoints (PDF) and any accompanying resources.
PDF One:
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Relative Pronouns
Slide three: Relative Clauses
Slide four to five: Introduction
Slide six: Varied Fluency
Slide seven: Varied Fluency feedback (answers)
Slide eight: Varied Fluency 2
Slide nine: Varied Fluency 2 feedback (answers)
Slide ten: Application
Slide eleven: Application feedback (answers)
Slide twelve: Reasoning
Slide thirteen to fourteen: Reasoning feedback (answers)
PDF Two:
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Relative Pronouns
Slide three: Relative Clause
Slide four: Question 26: Relative Clause
Slide five: Question 37: Relative Pronoun
Slide six: Relative clause review task
Hindu Creation Wheel (KS2)
A free resource to accompany both the creation stories and ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good? Bundle’.
Creative Writing Story Mountain Resource (KS2)
This is a great resource which I’ve used for multiple creative writing tasks, particularly short stories.
It includes the key elements of a story, with prompts and a brief description of what is usually in each.
Once the scaffolding is used, I often encourage my higher attainers to think how they could move away from the scaffold, perhaps using the ending as a beginning for example.
Elements of the story mountain:
Build Up
The Problem
English - Night of the Gargoyles bundle (Upper KS2)
An incredible English scheme of work for upper KS2, using the book ‘Night of the Gargoyles’, inspired by HertsforLearning and adapted for my class. There are ten lessons in total. This was a great tool for creative writing and encouraged some beautiful descriptive pieces particularly from my boys.
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoint (PDF) and accompanying resources. Each lesson includes modelling for each task.
I hope you love this book as much as me and my pupils did!
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoints Available to edit for every lesson (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
L3 Karma (Upper KS2)
Third RE Lesson looking at ‘What helps Hindu people as they try to be good?’. This lesson is the first of six lessons looking at Hindu teachings. The lesson is inspired by the Bedfordshire RE Scheme, but includes a lot of personalisation, tailoring each lesson to the needs of my Year 6 class and ensuring that the content is accurate and vocabulary rich.
(01.03.23) UPDATE: PowerPoint Available to edit (please note this may need slight reformatting depending on your font settings)
Resource bundle includes: Lesson Slides (PDF) most containing end of lesson quizzes. Any accompanying resources.
Slide one: Title page
Slide two: Starter
Slide three: Recap
Slide four: Learning Intention and Targets for Success
Slide five: Start of the lesson vocabulary
Slide six: Introduction
Slide seven: Karma
Slide: eight: Moksha
Slide nine: Moksha snakes and ladders
Slide ten: Good and bad karma task
Slide eleven: Extension task
Slide twelve: Plenary
Slide thirteen: End of the lesson quiz
Slide fourteen: End of lesson quiz answers (feedback)
Place Value Word Mat
I have created this resource to use alongside my Place Value scheme of work for upper KS2. I laminated the resources double-sided and place them within individual learning packs for each of my Year 6 pupils.