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Dinosaur Assembly Script

Dinosaur Assembly Script

Script for a dinosaur assembly. Includes facts about dinosaurs and a drama retelling the story of Tyrannosaurus Drip. This was used with a year 1 class.
Ay sound worksheet

Ay sound worksheet

Worksheet for children to spell words containing the ‘ay’ sound. I use these as an independent activity in guided reading.
Identifying Verbs

Identifying Verbs

Worksheet based around identifying verbs based around the Three Little Pigs. Differentiated into phase 3 and phase 5 words,
Kenny Koala's Trip to Peru

Kenny Koala's Trip to Peru

A Powerpoint and postcard template with a story of Kenny Koala’s trip to Peru. Used as end of term unit for year 1 class to learn about South America.
Elmer and the Rainbow

Elmer and the Rainbow

1 Week’s lesson planning and resources based on the book Elmer and the Rainbow. Most suited for a year 1 class. Includes grammar, presentation and comprehension.
dge Sound

dge Sound

Smart notebook with activities and words to help children read and spell words containing dge.