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Character Traits Christmas Theme

Character Traits Christmas Theme

Character Traits Christmas Themed Pack (27 pages ) is perfect to use when undertaking a unit on character traits. Included in this pack is bright and colorful cut and paste activities and anchor charts (answer sheets) for students to consolidate their understanding of character traits. These activities would be great to use in: reading and writing activities, literacy centers or morning work. The character traits pack entails the following activities for: Santa Claus, Rudolf and an Elf • 1 page- Teacher instructions • 2 sets of 6 cut and paste worksheets (available in color or black and white) - .Students cut and pase the qualities to match the characters. Students also cut and paste adjectives to describe the appearance of Santa, Rudolf and The Elf. • 2 sets of 6 answer sheets or anchor charts (color or black and white) - you can use the answer sheets to display on your bulletin board so students can refer to them whilst writing. • 2 character sheet worksheets (black and white only) - students draw Mrs Claus and write 4 qualities and 4 adjectives to describe her appearance. These worksheets are suitable for students who require extension. Please see the preview before purchasing to get a further insight into what this package entails.
No David! Character Traits, Physical Traits & Feelings Task Cards

No David! Character Traits, Physical Traits & Feelings Task Cards

No David! These task cards are designed for first grade to third grade to provide your students with practice with identifying character traits, feelings and physical traits of characters in the story, “No David!” by David Shannon. These multiple choice questions will allow your students to make inferences about characters. Product Use ♥ Literacy centers ♥ Assessment ♥ Scoot ♥ Class discussions ♥ Early finishers The kit consists of: • 2 sets of 20 multiple choice task cards- colored and black lined sets • Student response sheet • Answer Sheet
Christmas Activities Bundle

Christmas Activities Bundle

6 Resources
Christmas Activities Bundle - save over 25% off. This literacy and math kit includes engaging activities to keep your kiddos busy during the festive season! The activities can be incorporated into your literacy & math centers, early finishers or morning work. *** Primarily targeted for kindergarten and first grade. *** Product Includes: *Character Traits - Christmas Theme cut and paste activities. * Christmas Character Traits Task Cards - multiple choice questions. * Connect 4 Christmas Game - great for a center activity * Christmas and Winter Theme Vocabulary sorts - verbs, nouns, adjectives and syllables * Christmas literacy and math activities - variety of no prep printables. * Christmas Tens Frames Game - Connect 4 Please click on links below and preview of each of the 6 products to see what each product entails.