I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add a 2-digit number to a 3-digit number where some exchanging is required.
Included as part of the worksheet are 7 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
Can easily be used as a worksheet when teaching the objective or used for recap/ revision or even to be sent home as homework.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to subtract a 1-digit number from a 3-digit number where some exchanging is required.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
Can easily be used as a worksheet when teaching the objective or used for recap/ revision or even to be sent home as homework.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add a 1-digit number to a 3-digit number where some exchanging is required.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
Can easily be used as a worksheet when teaching the objective or used for recap/ revision or even to be sent home as homework.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to subtract a 3-digit number from another 3-digit number where there is no exchange/ renaming required.
Included as part of the worksheet are 9 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
Answers are also included for all questions.
Can easily be used as a worksheet when teaching the objective or used for recap/ revision or even to be sent home as homework.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to multiply fractions by integers/ multiply fractions by whole numbers.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
Can easily be used as a worksheet when teaching the objective or used for recap/ revision or even to be sent home as homework.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to find fractions of amounts predominantly, with a question on finding the whole from fractions of amounts also included.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
Can easily be used as a worksheet when teaching the objective or used for recap/ revision or even to be sent home as homework.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add and subtract fractions that involve denominators where one is linked to the other as a common multiple for the majority of the questions.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to identify and calculate square numbers.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add and subtract 1-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers where there is no exchanging/ carrying so calculations can be done mentally.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add and subtract 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers where there is no exchanging/ carrying so calculations can be done mentally.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to identifying multiples and common multiples.
Included as part of the worksheet are 10 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 3 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add and subtract multiples of 100 from different numbers using mental calculation.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A worksheet that recaps some of the key areas of learning in place value with a mix of Year 3 and 4 objectives. Perfect for a mixed age class but can also easily be used by a Year 4 class as well.
Included are 11 different questions that work on various areas of place value, presenting questions in varied ways to challenge understanding. Areas include:
Identifying digit values
Rounding to 10
Comparing numbers using inequality symbols
Marking numbers on a number line
Partitioning numbers
Rounding to 100
Ordering numbers from smallest to largest
100 more and 100 less
Calculating to get negative numbers
There are also four challenge questions included that work on reasoning/ problem solving style questions with a focus on either finding reasons why or looking at various possibilities that fit a given criteria. Answers are included for all questions.
Can be used in class or sent home as homework as a way of checking understanding at the end of a place value unit or even using it later in the year as a recap.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add and subtract 1s, 10s and 100s from different numbers using mental calculation.
Included as part of the worksheet are 9 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers. There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
480 multiple choice question cards for place value that cover a range of topics that can be used for a variety of reasons.
The questions cover a wide range of place value topics including:
Identifying the value of digits in 3-digit numbers
Identifying the value of digits in 4-digit numbers
Identifying the value of digits in 5-digit numbers
Identifying the value of digits in decimal numbers
Rounding numbers to the nearest 10
Rounding numbers to the nearest 100
Rounding numbers to the nearest 1,000
Rounding numbers to the nearest 10,000
Rounding numbers to the nearest 100,000
Roman Numerals to 100
Roman Numerals to 1000
Roman Numerals above 1000
Using inequality symbols
Answers are included for all questions.
These cards can be used in a number of ways including:
Lesson activities
Retrieval style activity
End of unit check
Answers can easily be photocopied with the correct question sheet to form 2-sided flash cards so children can quiz each other with ease and provide instant and accurate feedback.
A weeks worth of activities, with some that can be done independently and others that are adult led for children working towards the PKS4 standards from KS1.
Included is a brief weekly overview with the activities for each day and where they need to be adult led.
Activities include:
Counting objects
Adding numbers together within 5
Colouring in the appropriate number
Number formation
Counting on a number line to 10 and 20
Filling in blanks on a number line
Names of shapes and counting involving shapes
1 more or 1 less than
An activity that requires children to count the number of coloured ‘counters’ before recording their answer in the box provided. These include patterned examples as well as counters spread across the box.
The activity then finishes with an addition task where children need to count the number of different coloured counters before adding the two together to find the total.
Answers are included for the activities.
This can be used as a general age appropriate activity or for children who are struggling to work at an age related expectation and who need further support with counting/ an activity they can complete independently.
A second activity has now been included with four work sheets that require children to count numbers up to 9 in different ways, through frames, counters, lines and through counting the sides of shapes - answers are also included
This resource includes 300 multiple choice questions for finding fractions of amounts that can be used as quiz/ flashcards with children in a number of different ways.
There are 75 pages with 4 question cards per page. These all include finding a fraction of an amount and deciding from 3 options which often include potential misconception answers. The questions also cover a wide range of maths topics including:
Times table facts
Dividing numbers by 10
Equivalent fractions
Finding the whole
These are supplemented by ‘standard’ fraction of amount questions including unit fraction amounts and non-unit fractions. Answers are included for all questions.
These cards can be used in a number of ways including:
Lesson activity when working on finding fractions of amounts
Retrieval style activity
End of unit check
Answers can easily be photocopied with the correct question sheet to form 2-sided flash cards so children can quiz each other with ease and provide instant and accurate feedback.
Five lessons that form a week focusing on being able to work with number bonds and being able to partition numbers.
The lesson sequence for the week is as follows:
Lesson 1 and 2 - Bonds within and up to 10
Lesson 3 and 4 - Bonds within 20
Lesson 5 - Partitioning numbers
Each lesson has a lesson PowerPoint with vocabulary, discussion, practice and then time for activities. There is an activity per lesson and challenge activities for each lesson to check children’s understanding.
Lesson 1 and 2 and then lesson 3 and 4 act as double lessons with the majority of teaching being done in the first lesson before a chance for a recap and to address any misconceptions in the second lesson.
The lessons work as either an introduction for the first time or as a recap/ introduction back into maths following the holidays.
20 different maths activities that are Halloween themed through the use of different images. The activities can be used as a booklet or can be printed off as separate activities that are ready to go.
There are a range of activities for counting and simple addition and subtraction with counting being up to 10 and adding including then going above 10 occasionally. Activities include:
3 activities that are counting the object in the box
3 activities counting an object in the box where there are other objects to ignore
3 activities that involve counting two different sets of objects
3 activities that involve counting two different sets of objects and then adding the two together to find the total
3 activities that involve counting two different sets of objects before writing the number sentence to find the total
3 activities that involve counting two sets of objects before filling in a sentence about how many more than there is of one object than the other
2 activities that involve counting two sets of objects before completing the number sentence for finding the difference.
Answers are included for all activities.