I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
A fully resourced money lesson for being able to add amounts of money together (including adding amounts with pounds and pence that require conversion e.g. £3 and 58p + £2 and 74p) in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced addition and subtraction lesson for being able to subtract one number from another using the written method for 2 and 3-digit numbers using the process of exchanging from tens to ones in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Worked examples of subtracting with exchanging that can be used to support independence
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
Check out free lessons in the addition and subtraction unit that include the same elements:
Estimate Answers Lesson
Inverse Operations Lesson
Make Decisions Lesson
A set of three differentiated worksheets that work on calculating the area and perimeter of shapes for Year 6 children. Having used a similar format in my own lessons, these sheets often provide enough challenge for two days lessons, with children taking on the easier work then moving on to harder challenges within the other sheets.
These have all been made with mastery in mind and so follow this pattern.
Worksheet One - Works on practise and fluency (LA)
Worksheet Two - Practise, fluency and reasoning (MA)
Worksheet Three - Practise, fluency, reasoning and problem solving (HA)
Answers are included for each sheet.
A worksheet that provides a variety of questions linked to being able to add and subtract fractions that involve denominators where one is linked to the other as a common multiple for the majority of the questions.
Included as part of the worksheet are 8 different questions that provide variation to check understanding through the use of different models, representations and question styles. This includes trying to get pupils to identify links and patterns to support their answers.
There are also 4 challenge questions provided for those that finish to then push their understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Answers are also included for all questions.
A fully resourced position and direction lesson for being able to draw 2-D shapes on a grid in the first quadrant in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
A guided practice sheet to support being able to complete the questions
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced fractions lesson for being able to understand unit fractions and what the denominators of unit fractions are showing in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced fractions lesson for being able to find non-unit fractions of objects and non-unit fractions of different amounts in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced fractions lesson for being able to use number lines to be able to identify equivalent fractions in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced fractions lesson for being able to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator (including creating mixed numbers or subtracting from improper fractions) in Year 5 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced decimals lesson for being able to divide a 2-digit number by 10 to create a decimal answer in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced decimals lesson for being able to partition decimal numbers into ones and tenths or ones, tenths and hundredths in Year 4 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced decimals and percentages lesson for being able to understand the place value of decimal numbers up to 2 decimal places (including identifying various values and being able to partition numbers) in Year 5 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced decimals and percentages lesson for being able to identify equivalent fractions and decimals when working with hundredths (including mixed number and improper fractions as decimals and vice versa) in Year 5 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced decimals and percentages lesson for being able to round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number (including numbers with 1 decimal place and numbers with 2 decimal places) in Year 5 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced mass and capacity lesson for being able to use scales through intervals on a number line and being able to work out the missing values in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced decimals and percentages lesson for being able to understand the link between fractions and percentages (including as hundredths and other fractions e.g. 1/5 = 20%) in Year 5 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A fully resourced time lesson for being able to read a clock and tell the time to 5-minute intervals (based on an analogue clock) in Year 3 based on the objective from White Rose Maths.
Included in the resource is:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
A bundle of fully resourced multiplication and division lessons based on the Year 4 White Rose maths unit for multiplication and divison (B) with 15 fully planned and resourced lessons included.
Included are lessons for:
Lesson 1 - Factor pairs
Lesson 2 - Use factor pairs
Lesson 3 - Multiply by 10
Lesson 4 - Multiply by 100
Lesson 5 - Divide by 10
Lesson 6 - Divide by 100
Lesson 7 - Related facts - multiplication and division
Lesson 8 - Informal written methods for multiplication
Lesson 9 - Multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number
Lesson 10 - Multiply a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
Lesson 11 - Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (1)
Lesson 12 - Divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number (2)
Lesson 13 - Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number
Lesson 14 - Correspondence problems
Lesson 15 - Efficient multiplication
All lessons include:
A lesson PowerPoint with starter, vocabulary, modelling (with teacher notes) and guided practice
Lesson plan
Worksheet with answer sheet
Scaffolded worksheet with answer sheet
Modified worksheet for those who need additional changes to access the learning with answers
Challenge tasks
Support strips that can be stuck in books
Everything is included that could be needed to run the lesson successfully, with each resource carefully considered in ensuring accessibility for all as well as ensuring there are plenty of opportunities for challenge to provide depth of understanding.
The Big Book of Fractions includes a range of fraction topics within it over 95 pages including:
What a fraction is
Colouring fractions
Representing fractions
Equivalent fractions including simplifying
Comparing fractions
Finding fractions of amounts including finding original numbers - Using the bar model
Converting between mixed and improper fractions
Adding fractions
Subtracting fractions
Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Multiplying fractions by fractions
Dividing fractions by whole numbers
Fractions, decimals and percentages equivalence
Glossary of what particular terms mean
Within this there are help sheets, showing how to do different operations with fractions through the maths and also through showing pictorial representations, generally using the bar model.
After the help sheets most topics include practise questions and then questions that challenge children's fluency, reasoning and problem solving abilities.
This can be used for a range of things, whether it be just to print the help sheets to encourage children to be independent or to give children a practise activity or activity that requires them to think more deeply.
A sheet with two place value grids on that can be photocopied and sliced up to be used. The place value grid follows the idea of splitting the place values into threes to help show how thousands and millions truly work as well as signposting where commas should go.