2 sets of cards with fractions and decimals, useful as a resource in lots of ways (rounding decimals, writing decimals as fractions, feely box cards to add and subtract decimals multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000). Fractions cards can be used in a number of ways too (converting to decimals and percentages, writing equivalent fractions, ordering fractions etc).
A set of arithmetic problems covering all of the skills that arise in the arithmetic papers, with answers at the expected level for year 6. Can be given to a TA or used by teacher as an activity. Questions can be put on the board for whole class work or used by an adult as an consolidation lesson. Should be useful in preparing children for the end of year arithmetic paper test.
A list of some of the different categories of proper nouns, with examples. Can be used as a prompt sheet on tables whilst children are writing or make bigger to go on the wall. Can also be adapted into an activity e.g. How many examples of proper nouns can you think of in this category in 1 minute? etc.
14 Homework activities with past SAT's questions at the expected level on a range of topics. Can be used as in class worksheets too to show embedded learning and problem solving.
A series of sentences what can be shrunk to make a worksheet or printed to make a hunt/feely box game. Children have to read the sentences and work out which word/s are adjectives or whether the sentence has an adjectival phrase. Can be used as a sorting game and developed for children to think of sentences which adjectival phrases themselves.
A hunt/feely box activity involving multiplying and dividing decimals by 10 and 100. extends into using the concept to solve problems involving inverse with missing numbers in the middle and at the start of the calculations.
A worksheet/hunt/oral game for identifying how many missing capitals there are in a sentence. Can be used in a number of ways. A separate answer sheet with how many capitals are missing for each sentence that children can use to self-check their work.
A Powerpoint to teach children how to work systematically and use jottings to investigate square numbers in a practical context. Can be extended beyond 12 x 12 for more able learners and can lead to basic algebra writing rules for the next numbers in the sequence.