
KS3 French- Celebration BUNDLE
• This bundle includes 2 PowerPoints (Christmas and Easter).
• Variety of activities.
• Just click on each picture to get more details.

KS3 French- Easter Booklet
Fun activities with answers on Easter. You can also use the free vocab sheet I uploaded to provide some extra-help . There is a wide range of tasks that should suit most learners (problem solving, match up, fill in the gaps…). Some activities are also linked to different topics, grammar points ( numbers, verbs, prepositions). As the answers are provided (PDF format), students can just self-assess their work. This booklet would be a nice treat at the end of term.
-19 activities in total.
Vocab link:

KS3 French and German- Easter BUNDLE
• This bundle includes 2 booklets on Easter.
• Variety of tasks.
• Just click on each picture to get more information.

KS3 French- Celebration BUNDLE
3 booklets (with answers) for the price of 2! This bundle includes activities on Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. There is also a free vocabulary sheet online for each topic.
61 activities overall.
Just click on each picture to get more details.

KS3 French- Valentine's Day Booklet
22 activities + answers on Valentine’s Day. You can also use the free vocab list I uploaded to provide some extra-help. Wide range of tasks ( word search, reading comprehension, colouring…) and different levels of difficulty. Some activities are linked to topics, grammar points such as numbers, animals, prepositions. As the answers are provided, students can just self-assess their work.
PDF format for both documents.
Link to the vocab sheet:

French holiday- KS4
18 exercises (with answers) on the topic of holidays. There is a wide range of activities that would suit most types of learners. Some activities are vocab-based(past weather, at the train station…), others test grammar skills(past tense, en/au…) There are reading comprehensions, translations, a picture-based task etc… I have also tried to keep things up-to-date with the last activity (current pandemic).
This work would suit a mixed-ability group. As the answers are provided, students can just mark their own work. The instructions are in English, in case you want to use the booklet for cover.

KS3 & KS4 French- Food
PowerPoint activities on breakfast, fruit and vegetables. So that students can practise the vocab before each task, a list of words is provided.
Part 1: visual memory (15 words).
Part 2: Guess what? Students get clues in French and have to guess the fruit
(16 words)
Part 3: “Through the Keyhole” game (14 words)
As the answers are provided, students can mark their work as they go along.

French KS4- GCSE role-plays
Worksheet with some words that keep appearing in role-plays + an exercise to practise. I know it’ s not much but hope it may help someone!
Your feedback would be appreciated.

French Space- Mission Alpha
Cross-curricular activities + answer key on space and Mission Alpha. The various tasks will allow students to practise their French and check their science knowledge. As well as some vocab-based activities, there is a text on the mission itself and one on Thomas Pesquet.
The double-sided worksheet would suit KS3 students and even year 10.

French days, months worksheet
Word & PDF document on days of the week, months and birthdays to print on A4 or A5.