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Laumorrow's Shop

Average Rating4.35
(based on 207 reviews)

Hi welcome to my shop! I'm currently Head of Humanities, but I've also been head of department at a number of other schools, not to mention head of year. So I have a lot of high quality resources to share. I take real pride in trying to ensure my resources are well presented, clear, easy to use and of course challenging and engaging for the students. They have taken me a lot of time to make, but hopefully they will save you a lot of time. If you have any feedback then please review me!




Hi welcome to my shop! I'm currently Head of Humanities, but I've also been head of department at a number of other schools, not to mention head of year. So I have a lot of high quality resources to share. I take real pride in trying to ensure my resources are well presented, clear, easy to use and of course challenging and engaging for the students. They have taken me a lot of time to make, but hopefully they will save you a lot of time. If you have any feedback then please review me!
Injustice Assembly - Maya Angelou

Injustice Assembly - Maya Angelou

The assembly looks at the issue of injustice and how we can respond to it through the case study of Maya Angelou. It tells the story of Maya Angelou and her life as an inspiration to the students. If you like this assembly please leave a review.
Muslim Attitudes to Drugs and Alcohol

Muslim Attitudes to Drugs and Alcohol

This lesson get the students to explore the Islamic teachings about the use of drugs and alcohol. It uses different teachings from the Quran to explain why Muslims have the attitudes they do towards drugs and alcohol. The students will also be asked to consider whether or not these views should still be held today, and if not what the counter arguments could be. A good lesson to highlight student attitudes and misconceptions.
The British Raj - Did the British do more harm than good?

The British Raj - Did the British do more harm than good?

Was colonialism good for India? While the question might seem obvious the students will be asked to use their critical thinking skills to investigate sources of information. They will be asked to consider why so many people in India still debate whether colonialism was actually a net positive for Indian development. That is the central question at the heart of this excellent lesson the encourages students to learn the history of India and try to identify the positive and negative contributions Britain made. Well worth a look!
Money & Debt and Pocket Money

Money & Debt and Pocket Money

This lesson gets students to think about how to manage their money and why it is so important. This is a usful lesson as students complain they don’t get enough life skills, and money management is a very important skill.
Silence Assembly

Silence Assembly

The aim of the assembly is to get the students to focus on mindfulness and the benefits of silence. This assembly is suitable at any time of year and with any year group. If you like this assembly please leave a review.
Islamic Attitudes to War - Jihad

Islamic Attitudes to War - Jihad

This lessons looks at the Greater and Lesser Jihad and explores the Muslim attitude to war. The pupils really enjoyed this lesson and felt that they understood this topic much more clearly after this lesson. It helps pupils to understand many of the misconceptions surrounding Jihad, and Islam in general and helps them to understand the positive aspects of Islamic attitdues to violence and war. An interesting and fun lesson that challenges what the pupils may have previously believed. Originally created for KS4 RS, it can easily be adapted for KS3 or KS5.
Nazi Economic Policy - Outstanding Observation Lesson

Nazi Economic Policy - Outstanding Observation Lesson

This GCSE History lesson explores the Nazi Economic policies and evaluates how successful they were. It was created for a lesson observation and earned an outstanding rating (when they still gave ratings!) The resources include a starter, a plenary, sources, a table, a powerpoint and two possible assessments. An interesting and strong lesson.
Jehovah's Witnesses - Alternative Religion

Jehovah's Witnesses - Alternative Religion

This fascinating lesson introduces students to the Jehovah’s Witness faith. It looks at myths and facts about Jehovah’s Witnesses, teaching the students about their background, history, beliefs, traditions and way of life. The students will take part in a treasure hunt to find the answer to questions, and compare Jehovah’s witnesses to Christianity. A really fun and interesting lesson full of interesting resources. I have also included teachers notes for anyone unfamiliar with this faith.
Why couldn't they catch Jack the Ripper - Part 2 (Sources)

Why couldn't they catch Jack the Ripper - Part 2 (Sources)

This lesson looks at sources from the time of Jack the Ripper to understand why it was so difficult to prevent these crimes let alone catch the killer. The students will learn how to analyse sources and work on key the key historical skill of source analysis. The focus of the lesson is on inferences with the students using original sources to learn why solving crimes in the Victorian period was so tricky. An interesting and challenging lesson that the students should enjoy. It is also good preparation for the end of unit assessment. If you like this lesson then please give a positive review.
Returning to Learning - Back to school following lockdown

Returning to Learning - Back to school following lockdown

This is a welcome back lesson or series of tutor time activities designed to help students cope with returning to school following lockdown. -It is designed to encourage the students to reflect on their time away from school and how they have been feeling. -It is also designed to get the students to consider the positives as well as the negatives from lockdown. -It will help the students to address their concerns and anxieties about returning to school. -It includes several activities, videos and tasks. Overall - It will help the students to think about the impact of Covid-19 on individuals, their community and society as a whole.
Silent Debate Lesson

Silent Debate Lesson

This lesson was originally created for RS but can easily be adapted for any written subject (Especially English, History, Geography or PSHE) It encourages pupils to challenge each other and work on their literacy skills. The students have to support or challenge a proposition, and then have a live debate but in complete silence. It is also good prep for writing an essay style question in RS where the students need to consider multiple perspectives about the same issue. The students love this lesson and often ask to do the lesson again! This is a surprisingly effective lesson that the pupils really enjoy.
Moses - The story of Moses part 2 (Outstanding Lesson)

Moses - The story of Moses part 2 (Outstanding Lesson)

This lesson covers Moses return to Cairo, the ten plagues, his freeing of the slaves, the parting of the Red Sea and the ten commandments. It also gets the students to debate the 10 commandments, and how they would change them given a chance. It also introduces an element of British Values by getting the students to consider why we have rules and laws, and what society might be like without them. A fast paced and interesting lesson. Highly Recommended.
What is geography?

What is geography?

An interesting KS3 lesson that is designed to introduce students to geography and bring it to life. This is designed to introduce students to geographical skills and concepts that they will build on in future lessons. An enjoyable and well paced lesson that builds on pupils prior knowledge. It includes homework tasks.
Tribal Relgions - Aboriginies (Indigenous Australians)

Tribal Relgions - Aboriginies (Indigenous Australians)

This lesson looks at the Indigenous Australians (or Aboriginies) as a case study for religions in other parts of the world. The students investigate the aboriginal way of life and beliefs to learn what life may have been like in Britain before Christianity arrived. The lesson covers: -History -Life style -Beliefs -Culture/Medicine -Future A fascinating lesson that is a good into to both Aboriginies and other world ancient religions.
Gossip - You are what you say

Gossip - You are what you say

This is an excellent assembly to get the students to think about the power of gossip and the importance of communicating effectively. It uses several examples to make the point and features intro and exit music (and a clip featuring advice from Socrates) An excellent one off assembly or an assembly to respond to gossip around school.
Sleep - Why is sleep so important?

Sleep - Why is sleep so important?

The assembly focuses on the importance of sleep. The health, psychological, relationship, educational and even economic benefits. It also has tips for sleeping better. If you like this assembly please leave a review.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

This assembly was originally created to introduce Mental Health Awareness week (in May) but can be done at any time of year. It covers: -causes -effects -Consequences -Prevention -A case study (Robin Williams) -Video with real world examples This is designed to be an assembly that is designed to run for 10 to 15 min. If you like this assembly please leave a review.
The Schlieffen Plan & MAIN causes of WW1

The Schlieffen Plan & MAIN causes of WW1

This lesson looks at the German plan to win WW1 and the reasons for its failure. It also covers the timeline to war, and the MAIN causes of WW1. The students will learn about the Schliffen plan, how it was supposed to work and what it tells us about Germany. They will also analyse why it failed and suggest how it could have been improved. An interesting and challenging lesson.
Africa Population

Africa Population

This lesson looks at the population of Africa and asks the question ‘why is the population growing so fast?’ It is a useful lesson for a unit on population or on Africa. It looks at numerous factors that contribute to population and uses the case study of Nigeria (both rural and urban) to explore these themes. A terrific (and terrifying!) lesson,
Geography of Africa

Geography of Africa

This is a really interesting lesson that introduces the geography of Africa and can be used in a variety of different ways. This can be used as a stand alone lesson, as part of a SoW on Africa/inequality/development or as part of project on Africa. This lesson introduces the physical landscape of Africa and encourages the pupils to learn the key features of the great continent. A clever and important lesson.