Templates for a haiku, rhyming poem, riddle and concrete (world and hands holding outline). Currently being used for year 4 poem writing through our virtual school.
A combination of various resources with a few edits, taking you through the process of dividing by powers of 10. The final 2 slides show green, orange and red questions and answers to work through. Children can choose which column works best for them. Year 5 lesson also with SEN sheet labelled ‘Lime questions’.
Visual timetable showing:
today’s date
today’s weather
morning activities
afternoon activities
class picture/logo/name
various lesson images to drag and select
A PPT for any year group that goes through step by step how to make a ‘cracking’ Easter card. Easy craft Easter session for that final week before the holidays!
This lesson, loosely follows the first section of the Understanding Christianity unit 2B.1 -Forigiving Others - Digging Deeper. This includes a PPT and a three part task set on the final slides. As well as a worksheet with this one. PDF, PPT and word doc versions.
A sheet for remote learning sent to year 5 children to create their own exercise routine. Page 2 and 3 include templates for children to use to plan their exercise routine.
A science lesson for year 1/2 measuring and recording their height and their friends. The teacher then puts this into excel to show the children in the next lesson what it looks like when you put data into a bar chart.
Lesson plan and worksheet