
Biology: Enzymes Core Practical - GCSE Exams
This resource is created for Year 10 and GCSE’s students to prepare them for exams.This resource contains the step by step for enzyme core practical with GCSE’s exam questions.
This pack contains 27 power-point slides.

Biology: Core Practicals
This is a simple resource on Plant and Animal cell, perfect for Year 10, GCSE’s students and Key stage 3 students.
This resources includes 6 power-point slides with AQA Award unit worksheet, which is perfect in unprecedented times when students are working from home. This unit helps them achieve their awards in AQA.

Biology: Enzymes and Nutrition
This resource is Exam style slides especially created for my Year 10 and GCSE’s students. This resource is based on Enzymes and Nutrition explaining How enzymes work in digestion using the lock and key model, 20 power-point slides using pass exam paper questions and slides includes videos too.
This pack also includes resources for students to achieve their aqa awards in the unit, especially helps students working from home since lock-down.

Biology: Transport of Materials
This is a perfect resource to use if you are teaching Osmosis, Diffusion and Transport of materials.
This resource is step by step explanation through 22 power-point slides explaining & discussing the topic.

Biology: Osmosis Experiment-
This is perfect resource if you are teaching osmosis as this pack contains step by step to experiment on Osmosis with GCSE’s practice exam questions.

Biology: Core practicals Part 1
This is perfect resource to teach core practicals in Biology on preparing Onion cell and Cheek cell. This resource is perfect for Year 10 and GCSE’s students but can be use for Key stage 3 too. This resource also includes AQA Award unit. Its perfect in times of lock-down with students working from home by completing this aqa unit will help them achieve their AQA Award.
Please buy with complete confidence as I don’t come to know the buyer but if you do need any other resources or SOW, leave a message.I’ll upload the resources for you.
This pack contains power-point which includes step by step of preparing the slides and is perfect for zooming lessons too.

Science-Biology Specialised Cells Lesson 2
Are you ZOOMING lesson in this unprecedented times pandemic lock downs. This resource is perfect answer to your lessons. This resource is created for students preparing for their GCSE’s exams.
This resource also will help students work towards their AQA Award unit, if they are going to work from home or SEN students.
This pack consists of following resources:
Power-point presentation
Plant & Animal Cell worksheet
Cells Worksheet
AQA Award worksheet unit
Thank you for supporting me by purchasing this resource pack during this lock down.

Biology: GCSE Revision on Enzymes
This resource is specially designed for Year 10 and GCSE’s students to revise and practice some past exam papers on the topic on Enzymes. but also includes worksheet on AQA Unit which students achieve their award especially helpful if students are working from home or for some reason cannot sit for GCSE’s exams.
This resource is step by step made up of 27 power-point slides, can be use as zooming the lesson too.

Biology: Bacteria and Enzymes-Lesson 3-GCSE
Are you ZOOMING lessons? Are you worried with how to go about? This resource is answer to your dilemma…
This pack is a continue to my Lesson 3 in Biology for Year 10 and Year 11 students working towards GCSE’s but this resource also useful if you want your students to achieve AQA Award as the unit also included which students need to complete for you to correct and send it off to AQA Exam Board for students to receive their award.
This pack consists of following:
Power-point presentation
AQA Award Unit
Thank you for purchasing this resource and supporting supply teachers in this unprecedented times

GCSE- Science-Biology Photosynthesis
Are you back in school teaching year 10 or ZOOMING lessons? This resource is perfect answer with 44 slides. This resource contains past paper practice questions with answers but also AQA Award Unit for students to work towards. If you have students unable to sit for GCSE exams next year or studying from home due to personal reasons,this resource is PERFECT.
This pack contains the following:
Power-point presentation- 44 slides
AQA Award Unit Worksheet
This resource is a complete lesson on Photosynthesis and covers experiment and past paper practice.
Thank you for purchasing this resource.

Biology: (GCSE 9-1-)Non-Communicable Diseases
This resource is prepared step by step 21 power-point slides explaining with videos, activities, quiz questions including AQA Award unit and will even be perfect for zooming as I have taught very successfully.
Included AQA Award unit worksheet, which will be really helpful in this unprecedented times when some students are working from home. This unit will help the achieve the award towards Non-communicable diseases.

Biology: Microscopes and Cells Lesson-1
Are you ZOOMING lessons due to lock down? This lesson is perfect for zoom teaching your students but also if you are expecting back the year 10 students.
This resource is designed for Year 10 and GCSE’s to prepare them for their exams but also your students could work towards gaining an AQA Award which unit is included in this pack for them to complete.
This resource is planned for Science-Biology in Microscopes and Cells Lesson-1, it consists of the following:
Power-point presentation
AQA Award Unit
Thank you for purchasing this resource which is a great help during this unprecedented times of lock down.

Are you STEM specialists or Geography teacher, an NQT teacher?Are you finding difficulty in planning your lessons/MTP in this unprecedented times of lock-downs. This resource is answer to all your worries.
Thank you for purchasing this resource. This pack contains week by week Power-point presentation, MTP Planning and Booklet presentation
MTP on Beat the Floods
Week-1: Introduction-Mechanisms
Week-2: Flood Barriers
Week-3: Response
Week-4: Flood Defenses
Week-5: Evaluate
Week-6: Final Lesson
Power-point to convert into Booklet.