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Tray Liners
Perfect lesson for designing tray liners, very useful for graphics, food technology, science. This lesson can be also used as cross curriculum but useful in zooming or face to face.

AQA Award Scheme Unit: Family
Thank you for purchasing this resource. This pack consist of all evidence required for the students to achieve their AQA Award in the required unit they are working. This pack consist of PowerPoint presentation, worksheets and Aim and Outcome required for the unit.
Please check that each student has his or her names and dated the worksheet, which is vital evidence requirement by the AQA with teachers and Coordinator has signed and dated too.

Different Types of Jobs
This resources is created for English as Additional Language. Someone really new to English speaking country.This resource contains Power-point, worksheets which also includes word bank for extra help and guidance. Also includes Lesson plan, students name have been deleted.

Biology: Enzymes Core Practical - GCSE Exams
This resource is created for Year 10 and GCSE’s students to prepare them for exams.This resource contains the step by step for enzyme core practical with GCSE’s exam questions.
This pack contains 27 power-point slides.

AQA Award Scheme Unit: Using the Microwave
Thank you for purchasing this resource. This pack consist of all evidence required for the students to achieve their AQA Award in the required unit they are working. This pack consist of PowerPoint presentation, worksheets and Aim and Outcome required for the unit.
Please check that each student has his or her names and dated the worksheet, which is vital evidence requirement by the AQA with teachers and Coordinator has signed and dated too.

Biology: Core Practicals
This is a simple resource on Plant and Animal cell, perfect for Year 10, GCSE’s students and Key stage 3 students.
This resources includes 6 power-point slides with AQA Award unit worksheet, which is perfect in unprecedented times when students are working from home. This unit helps them achieve their awards in AQA.

Biology: Enzymes and Nutrition
This resource is Exam style slides especially created for my Year 10 and GCSE’s students. This resource is based on Enzymes and Nutrition explaining How enzymes work in digestion using the lock and key model, 20 power-point slides using pass exam paper questions and slides includes videos too.
This pack also includes resources for students to achieve their aqa awards in the unit, especially helps students working from home since lock-down.

Food Miles
This lesson is a perfect resource if you are thinking of zooming but its great, tried and tested face to face in a classroom. This lesson is research based, making students to work independently or you can buddy them.
This resource contains a power point with 3 research tasks for students to complete.

AQA Award Unit Scheme: Using the Toaster
Thank you for purchasing this resource. This pack consist of all evidence required for the students to achieve their AQA Award in the required unit they are working. This pack consist of PowerPoint presentation, worksheets and Aim and Outcome required for the unit.
Please check that each student has his or her names and dated the worksheet, which is vital evidence requirement by the AQA with teachers and Coordinator has signed and dated too

Biology: Transport of Materials
This is a perfect resource to use if you are teaching Osmosis, Diffusion and Transport of materials.
This resource is step by step explanation through 22 power-point slides explaining & discussing the topic.

Biology: Osmosis Experiment-
This is perfect resource if you are teaching osmosis as this pack contains step by step to experiment on Osmosis with GCSE’s practice exam questions.

My Healthy Junk Fast Food
This is brilliant resource if you are zooming lesson or teaching within a classroom. This resource is a research base independent learning, perfect for preparing year 10 students for their GCSE’s exams.

Personal Hygiene for Teenagers
This resource is created for Teenagers on Personal Hygiene and has AQA unit with worksheets to be achieved. It also includes PowerPoint presentation on the topic for learners to think more about their own personal cleanliness.
Thank you for purchasing the pack. The resource pack with the worksheet and PowerPoint covers the entire AQA award scheme unit-81015 on Our Bodies-Personal Hygiene. Please make sure students enter their names and date their worksheet as its vital evidence to achieve their award.

EAL-Communicative English- SOW
Are you an EAL Teacher or Teaching Assistant? Are you worried of what to teach your new arrivals with very little English or no English language understanding?
I have created Scheme of Work for Autumn Term 1 and 2 with Worksheets which has Ten-Tasks to complete, which includes from when to use Capital letters and singular/plurals.
Thank you for purchasing this resource, if you find it easy to follow and would like SOW for the year, please leave a message.

Sustainability-Food miles/Carbon footprints
This is a perfect resource if you are doing cross curriculum as its connected to Climate Change, STEM, Geography, Food Technology, Tourism.
This lesson can be used as a zoom lesson as the power-point contains independent research work by the students.

Health & Social Care- Year 9
This resource is created for Health and Social Care in Year 9. This resource is Component 1A-Lesson 1 on ‘Human Lifespan Development’
This pack consists of following:
Power-point presentation
Home-work Worksheet
Thank you for purchasing this resource,look out for lesson 2 on ‘Growth and development across the main life stages’

AQA Award Unit: Eyebrow and Eyelash Tinting
Thank you for purchasing this resource. This pack consist of all evidence required for the students to achieve their AQA Award in the required unit they are working. This pack consist of PowerPoint presentation, worksheets and Aim and Outcome, Step by step picture worksheet and Consent Template form required for the unit.
Please check that each student has his or her names and dated the worksheet, which is vital evidence requirement by the AQA with teachers and Coordinator has signed and dated too.

Biology: Core practicals Part 1
This is perfect resource to teach core practicals in Biology on preparing Onion cell and Cheek cell. This resource is perfect for Year 10 and GCSE’s students but can be use for Key stage 3 too. This resource also includes AQA Award unit. Its perfect in times of lock-down with students working from home by completing this aqa unit will help them achieve their AQA Award.
Please buy with complete confidence as I don’t come to know the buyer but if you do need any other resources or SOW, leave a message.I’ll upload the resources for you.
This pack contains power-point which includes step by step of preparing the slides and is perfect for zooming lessons too.

Food Court or Food Miles
This resource is perfect whether you are zooming lesson or teaching face to face to students. This lesson is based on research and working independently on their laptop or computers.
This resource can be used as Introductory lesson on Food miles or just research based lesson. Other scaffolding lessons connected are available too but if you can’t find what you need, please leave a message.