Very animation heavy so much sure you play it in slide-show mode when evaluating if it will work for you.
A powerpoint and student sheet on these organic compounds and their reactions.
This is a SLOP workbook for quantitative chemistry unit 3 for AQA combined science trilogy. This is designed to be printed as a booklet on A4 paper and worked through independently by students. You can also use it in conjunction with your teaching, so as to remove the need to print lots of different worksheets.
SLOP stands for Shed Loads of Practice.
This resource is free, but if you’d like the accompanying powerpoints and additional worksheets please take a look at my quantitative chemistry unit of work.
April 2018 - Newly updated with a knowledge organisers.
April 2018 - Newly updated with new images and formatting.
In this purchase you will find powerpoints for every lesson in the first unit of the New AQA Combined Science Trilogy - Chemistry - Atomic Structure & The Periodic Table. There are also many worksheets, help resources and homeworks.
Unlike other content on TES, this resource pack has been freshly designed this year, with the new specification in hand. As the level of challenge ramps up very quickly, I’ve thought carefully about how to introduce concepts progressively, such as electron configuration --> ions --> reactivity.
If you’ve seen my other content, you’ll know that my powerpoint formatting is very modern and clean, and the worksheets are of a high quality to aid with understanding and recall.
I have also included a mid term assessment for higher and foundation tier on the basics.
The lessons included are as follows: (1) - Atoms & Elements (2) - Compounds, Formulae & Equations (1) - Mixtures (Filtration & Crystallisation) (2) - Mixtures (Chromatography) (3) - Mixtures (Distillation) - History of the Atom - Atomic Structure - The Size & Mass of Atoms - Electronic Structure & The Periodic Table - Development of the Periodic Table - Metals & Non-Metals - Group 0 (The Noble Gases) - Group 1 (The Alkali Metals) - Group 7 (The Halogens)
Feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you all for your continued support,
This is a small booklet designed to be used in revision for AQA Unit 1 - Atomic Structure & The Periodic Table.
It has knowledge organisers summarising all of the information in the unit, followed by simple questions.
Students should answer the questions on paper, and then use the mark scheme to self-assess, or this could be teacher assessed.
I hope this is useful for you.
Kind regards,
This pack contains a plethora of powerpoints, worksheets, and mark schemes for all of the content in unit 5 - Energy changes of AQA 8462 Triple Chemistry, and 8464 Combined Science Trilogy.
For those of you whom regularly purchase my resources, you will know that I hold off releasing my resources until I am happy that you will be satisfied with the quality, quantity and ease of deliverance of your purchase - I’m now happy, I hope you are too!
Lesson packs include: Energy transfer during exothermic and endothermic reactions Reaction profiles The energy change of reactions (HT ONLY) Cells and batteries (Chemistry only) Fuel cells (Chemistry only)
Required practical 4 worksheet pack
All folders organised into zip folder
Resources are checked against the specification, and income tax is paid on all my sales. As always your feedback is greatly appreciated as good reviews really aid sales.
I hope you enjoy
Low ability: Note: print on A5, be specific about classification question 2 i.e. referring to the table on the sheet, not the periodic table as a whole.
Includes and animated powerpoint with starter, tasks and end of lesson quiz + 4 worksheets.
This powerpoint covers the stages of an LCA for paper vs plastic objects and gets students to think about the questions they must ask themselves about each stage of a product’s life.
Tailored for the AQA Chemistry and combined science trilogy specifications.
Kind regards,
Ability groups of 4-5, each has different task. Put their names on the sheets. Get them to work out the scenario's result, producing a poster with limited number of pictures, figures etc, so they then have to explain what they've found out.
Full unit for Organic Chemistry - AQA Combined Science Trilogy
Please review if you are happy with your purchase :)
Set includes:
Four lesson powerpoints, including tasks and answers
L1 - Crude Oil, Hydrocarbons and Alkanes
L2 - Fractional Distillation
L3 - Cracking
L4 - Combustion of fuels
Multiple worksheets for every lesson
Easy-print A5 (two per A4 page) versions of each worksheet
Scheme of Work (Lesson by lesson)
Videos of every lesson to post online should your students be absent
UPDATED MAY 2019 with workbook for the whole unit!
As promised, here is the whole of Unit 3: Quantitative Chemistry for the New AQA Combined Science Trilogy.
Every lesson is covered exactly to the specification with a plethora of worksheets and homeworks.
I have also included a scheme of work for the unit, with blooms taxonomy learning objectives paired with the new GCSE grades.
I can confidently state that this is the most comprehensive and high quality resource I’ve ever made, I hope you’ll agree.
Highly animated presentations & resources include:
3.1.1 - Conservation of mass & balanced symbol equations + 3 x worksheet + 1 x homework
3.1.2 - Relative formula mass + 2 x worksheet + 1 x homework
3.1.3 - Mass change when reactant is a gas + 1 x worksheet + 1 x homework
3.1.3 - Mass change when product is a gas + 1 x worksheet + 1 x homework
3.1.4 - Chemical Measurements
3.2.1 - Moles + 3 x worksheet + 1 x homework
3.2.2 - Amounts of substances in equations + 2 x worksheet + 1 x homework
3.2.3 - Using moles to balance equations + 2 x worksheet.
3.2.4 - Limiting reactants + 1 x worksheet
3.2.5 - Concentrations of solutions + 5 x worksheet + 3 x homework.
+ Scheme of work
The new AQA Combined Science Trilogy Unit 6 - The rate and extent of chemical change.
Includes powerpoints, worksheets and practical worksheets.
Divided into the following lessons: Calculating Rates of Reaction/Rates graphs and tangents. Factors which affect rates of reaction and collision theory. Catalysts Reversible reactions and energy changes
4.6.3 Equilibria (all)
Required Practical 5 - part a disappearing cross
Please see my other reviews for an insight as to the time and effort I put into making these of a high quality.
As always I really appreciate your feedback so please do comment below!
In this pack you can find a powerpoint and three worksheets on Equilibrium, designed for the new specification AQA Chemistry and Trilogy specifications.
Files include:
Powerpoint (with detailed animations to address common misconceptions, and animated answers to the practice questions)
Worksheet 1 - Conditions effecting equilibria
Worksheet 2 - Advanced practice questions
Worksheet 3 - Overall AfL for end of lesson application.
Mark schemes.
This A3 knowledge organiser is for use by students during revision and covers all of the content for Unit 2 - Structure and Bonding for AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy, and Chemistry 8462. I have uploaded it in both PDF and powerpoint formats so you can modify and use the images in your own powerpoints etc.
I hope your students find this helpful, mine like to use these to revise ahead of topic tests.
This pack includes 61 freshly designed files of powerpoints, worksheets and homeworks (including mark schemes) for every lesson in unit 4 Chemical changes for AQA Combined Science Trilogy Chemistry. Updated April 2018.
It’s finally here, and I’m very proud of this resource pack!
I’ve held off on publishing until the quality was right, and now it’s finally ready to go live. The quality of the formatting/animation is second to none on TES. TES SAYS IT’S 14 FILES, IT’S NOT IT’S 61, MANY ARE IN A ZIP FOLDER!
I have now fixed the ZIP Folder issue, should download perfectly!
Lesson order is as follows: - Metal oxides - The reactivity series - Displacement reactions - Extraction of metals and reduction - Reactions of acids with metals & - Acids + Insoluble bases - Neutralisation and the pH scale - Strong vs. weak acids - The process of electrolysis - Molten electrolysis - Using electrolysis to extract metals - Electrolysis of aqueous solutions.
That’s 12 lessons in total, all jam packed with novel animations, tasks, worksheets, green pen work throughs, and homeworks.
Please do review this if you choose to purchase as it really helps my sales.
Thanks for supporting my work.
All powerpoints are uploaded directly so browsers can see snippets of each one. Then inside your download there is a zip folder, which contains all powerpoints, checklists, worksheets, homeworks and mark schemes neatly organised in folders. Any queries can be emailed to
Students to draw what solid/liquid/gas states of water look like in the beaker. Then they are to 'zoom in&' to the particles and draw what they would look like for each state. Students to then complete a short extended writing activity using as many keywords as they can to describe the process of ice melting and water boiling. Higher ability students should be able to refer to the movement and arrangement of particles in this piece.