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Miss Howell

Average Rating3.58
(based on 44 reviews)

A range of high-quality, engaging and heavily-differentiated resources catered to secure the learning of all. Easily accessible for all learners with SPLD, dyslexia and a range of barriers to learning. All lessons provide challenge for the most able, whilst additionally providing support, sentences starters and exemplar material for those in need of support.




A range of high-quality, engaging and heavily-differentiated resources catered to secure the learning of all. Easily accessible for all learners with SPLD, dyslexia and a range of barriers to learning. All lessons provide challenge for the most able, whilst additionally providing support, sentences starters and exemplar material for those in need of support.
Last Minute Romeo and Juliet Conflict Revision

Last Minute Romeo and Juliet Conflict Revision

An all inclusive resource for students to explore the theme of conflict. Includes retrieval focusing on key questions, key quotes and key points. Includes an essay plan with detailed points, a deconstructed WAGOLL paragraph and an activity for students to complete It also includes two tables Quotes divided by character Quotes divided into themes
Last minute Romeo and Juliet Revision: Themes

Last minute Romeo and Juliet Revision: Themes

Key words with definitions, two tables with A4 sheets of quotes linking to 1) Characters 2) Themes. Accessible revision with key quotes, points and questions with a further start of a tables consisting of essay plans for students to complete. All include clear detailed WAGOLLS. Love Fate Conflict Age Also additional short plans for secrecy/ light/ darkness/ injustice and honour. All the revision you need for themes
Language Paper 1: Question 3 Structure (JAWS)

Language Paper 1: Question 3 Structure (JAWS)

A full lesson focusing on analysing structure and writing-up a model response. Using a Jaws video to encourage students to pick up on focus and shifts using a storyboard. Students then will read and annotate a Jaws extract an complete a timed questions. Follows I DO, WE DO, YOU DO format. Includes: Powerpoint Exam style question and extract High quality model responses Structured sentence frames Guided reading questions A Please note: resources are printable from PPT itself.
Marcus Rashford Poverty Letter Writing

Marcus Rashford Poverty Letter Writing

Two lessons on letter-writing using Marcus Rashford’s letter as inspiration. I used this with a low-ability class of Y11 and they really enjoyed it and also were able to write Grade 5-6 standard letters. Frayer Models used for direct vocabulary instruction. Using Personally/ Socially/ Future/ Solutions as a template to plan a letter Features WAGOLL introduction Includes structure strips
The Tempest: Act 2, Gonzalo and Colonialism

The Tempest: Act 2, Gonzalo and Colonialism

Starter: Exploring rules students would create in school Development: Exploring the theme of colonialism / how the message is conveyed in The Tempest Main: Exploring Gonzalo’s Commonwealth ideas/ creating their own shared set of social ideas Plenary: PEAR paragraph ‘What social message is Shakespeare trying to send through the character of Gonzalo?’
The Tempest: Act 1, Scene 2 Ariel and Prospero's Relationship

The Tempest: Act 1, Scene 2 Ariel and Prospero's Relationship

Hook: Exploring what three wishes students would have if they were given by a fairy. Starter: Re-capping questions verbally/ watching Act1, Scene 3 Development:Comprehension questions/ analysis (challenge) questions on the conversation between Prospero and Ariel Main: Students will analyse Ariel’s language in his fight to freedom and Prospero’s responses-exploring the theme of power Plenary: Students are to write a paragraph exploring why Ariel does/ does not deserve power
Power and Conflict: Poetry Revision: The Power of Humans (My Last Duchess)

Power and Conflict: Poetry Revision: The Power of Humans (My Last Duchess)

Starter: Introduces main themes and context of MLD and key context Main: Students go through key quotations and language/ structural techniques Active Learning: Students are to ‘compare’ the model paragraph with an additional poem using the model paragraph as a WAGOLL Plenary: Fill-the-gaps/ reduce task guiding students to retain and memorise quotations
Romeo and Juliet Justice and Honour Revision

Romeo and Juliet Justice and Honour Revision

Starter: Introduces students to ‘planning responses’ - featuring extract and wider play. Main: Teacher will go through key parts of justice throughout the play, providing students with Ao1. From this, students are to complete analysis/ could complete an essay. Plenary: Explore the role of Benvolio as a figure of justice
Romeo and Juliet Revision: Themes and Essay Plans

Romeo and Juliet Revision: Themes and Essay Plans

An all inclusive lesson (could be turned into 2 hours) with clear thematic essay plans. Students are to complete the ‘analysis’ and relate to context. Starter: Key context and vocabulary Main: Completing/ uplevelling PEARL essay plans Plenary: Answering questions on worksheets
Romeo and Juliet Revision: Themes

Romeo and Juliet Revision: Themes

Revision including key vocabulary / ambitious key terms. Explores love, fate, age and conflict. Includes key quotations, guided questions to explore with relation to a range of characters and main essay/ topic points that may come up on the exam. Challenge asks students to criticize / play devil’s advocate to statements. My students learned a LOT from these lessons and it enabled them to revise and plan their essay responses.
Romeo and Juliet Revision: Act 3, Scene 5

Romeo and Juliet Revision: Act 3, Scene 5

Literally, Metaphorically, Symbolically Starter focuses on key ambitious vocabulary and encouraging students to use Level 5/ Higher Tier vocab when discussing key events in Romeo and Juliet Lesson explores the theme of fate vs free will based on act 3, scene 5 and characters’ premonitions. Students will cherry-pick key quotations and will explore the literal, metaphorical and symbolic meanings using the templates. Includes a model example Students will then write a paragraph exploring the significance of the scene.
Romeo and Juliet Revision: Act 4, Scene 1

Romeo and Juliet Revision: Act 4, Scene 1

Exploring Paris and Juliet prior to her plan to feign her own death. Juliet and Paris in the tomb. Explores ambitious key terms such as equivocation in a match-up activity. Guided reading with key focus on language analysis and exploring Shakespeare’s methods. Challenges throughout exploring Paris as a symbol of the Patriarchy. For/against discussion of Juliet as a deceitful character Analytical paragraph tracking Juliet’s transformation throughout the play.
Romeo and Juliet Revision: Juliet's Death

Romeo and Juliet Revision: Juliet's Death

Exploring Nurse, Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s Death. Initial extract analysis. Begins with Lowry Principle technique and considering/ pre-empting characters’ reactions. Continues with guided reading and questions to enable students to analyse language in each reaction.
Romeo and Juliet: Juliet's Transformation

Romeo and Juliet: Juliet's Transformation

Extract based analysis- revising Juliet’s transformation throughout the play. Includes visual hexagons with key quotations and key vocabulary. Focus on language analysis with hexagons. Analytical paragraph plenary to track her transformation. Includes challenges throughout to explore and analyse her/ consider possible questions that may come up on the exam.
Power and Conflict Poetry Revision: Identity Poems (Tissue/ Emigree/ Checking)

Power and Conflict Poetry Revision: Identity Poems (Tissue/ Emigree/ Checking)

Focused on key revision skills. Students are to recall quotations based on images. Students are to answer recall questions to aid revisions/ fill-the-gaps of key quotations with missing words. Students are to use the retained information applying the skills in analytical paragraphs/ exploding quotations. Includes challenges. A great, quick way to revise and teach students specific revision skills.
AQA Language Paper 1, Structure Q3: Jekyll and Hyde (Pathetic Fallacy)

AQA Language Paper 1, Structure Q3: Jekyll and Hyde (Pathetic Fallacy)

Starter: Links to previous lesson with a self-assessment checklist Starter: Discussion- what is meant by structure? How are texts built? Main: Guided questions with reduced scaffolding and WAGOLLS. Focusing on different parts of the texts- shifting focus, climax etc with guided questions. Plenary: 3…2…1 Post-it note plenary.
AQA Language Paper 1: Q2 Exploring Language Jekyll and Hyde

AQA Language Paper 1: Q2 Exploring Language Jekyll and Hyde

Do it Now! 200 words. Desribe your best dream or your worst nightmare including success criteria. Starter: Highlighting langage features and answering comprehension questions (including challenges). Main: Exploding quotations with a model response and guided steps (differentiated through scaffolding and challenge/ extensions) Plenary: PEAR paragraph: How does Stevenson use language to create a mysterious atmosphere?