
French: Sports and Hobbies Revision Booklet
Revision booklet for sports and hobbies with reading comprehension and writing task at the end.

French: Christmas Wordsearch
Christmas word search relating to French customs and traditions at Christmas time.
Solution and translations of words included on page 2

French: Who is it ? Match the sports star to descriptions
A worksheet using French, Swiss and Canadian sports stars where the students read the speech bubbles and use the information there in to find the correct sports person.
Sports included are: tennis, football, rugby and hockey.
The descriptions also links to the physical appearance descriptions of hair and eye colour.

Snakes and Ladders - Template 2
Multi-linugal snakes and ladders board.
Insert your own images or text to creat a speaking game.

German: Haushaltshilfe Job Adverts
Adverts from Sueddeutsche Zeitung for Haushaltshilfestellen.
Useful as an aide to a written task where students respond to job adverts.

German: Football Reading (World Cup/Euros)
A reading activity based on past and current members of the German football team.

Family Tree Templates
Two templates to help children build a family tree for the self and family topics.
The templates are blank so that they can be used with any language

GCSE German Topic Theme Questions
Questions to fit the 2016 specifications. Can be used as questions for the general conversation part of the speaking exams or as revision for role plays and photo cards.

French: French Music/Bands
Powerpoint slides with hyperlinks to contemporary French musicians/bands' videos.

Snakes and Ladders Template
Template for a snakes and ladders game. Add your own pictures to create a vocabulary speaking game.

German: Wer bin ich? - Match the sports stars to pictures
Students read the speech bubbles and decide which description matches which German-speaking sports star.
Includes tennis, hockey, ice hockey, football and F1 stars from Germany and Switzerland.

German: Modes of Transport
2 Worksheets relating to transport in German.
The postcard is a reading and writing activity
The match up task is for consolidation of vocab

German: Paris Attacks Listening
After the attacks in Paris on the 13th November, a German singer/songwriter has gone viral with his peace song written in the aftermath of the attacks.
The listening activities link to youtube, there is a gapfill to complete for both an interview with the singer and for his song. The video for the song shows the lyrics, so you might not want to have the video visible for the gap fill.
This is not a complete lesson, just something you could use with your class.

German: German Music/Bands
Powerpoint slides containing hyperlinks to videos of some German musicians on youtube.

French: Christmas Story - Le Sapin by Hans Christian Andersen
Gap fill exercise for the story of Le Sapin by Hans Christian Andersen.
Audio file can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.litteratureaudio.com/livre-audio-gratuit-mp3/andersen-hans-christian-le-sapin.html

German/French/Spanish: Facebook Profile Template
Facebook profile template in PowerPoint form.
Each slide has the template in a different language
Slide 1: English
Slide 2: Spanish
Slide 3: French
Slide 4: German

Spanish: Footballer Profile
Footballer profile sheet in Spanish with an example and one for students to complete themselves.
There maybe some translation mistakes in the language, I am not a Spanish specialist.

German: Hotel Job Adverts 2
Jobs adverts from Oberbayerisches Volksblatt
(www.ovb-online.de), specifically for hotels.