
GCSE German Role Play Cards
Designed to fit with the look of AQA’s 2016 specification. There are 17 Role Play cards. Aimed primarily at the higher tier, but with varying degrees of difficulty.
Pack contains:
17 x Candidate cards
17 x Teacher cards

GCSE German Topic Theme Questions
Questions to fit the 2016 specifications. Can be used as questions for the general conversation part of the speaking exams or as revision for role plays and photo cards.

Spanish: Footballer Profile
Footballer profile sheet in Spanish with an example and one for students to complete themselves.
There maybe some translation mistakes in the language, I am not a Spanish specialist.

German: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - Wales)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016 featuring the German and Welsh teams. These can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus. Cards feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
The file is in pdf as the word document is too big to upload

German: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - England)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016. The cards can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus, they feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.

Spanish: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - England)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016.
The cards can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus, they feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.

French: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - Wales)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016 featuring the France and Wales teams. These can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus. Cards feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
The file is in pdf as the word document is too big to upload.

French: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - England)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016, can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus. Cards feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
The file is in pdf as the word document is too big to upload.

German: New Technologies - Onlinesucht Listening
Listening activity based on a short report by ZDF heute - Onlinesucht bei Jugendlichen
The listening activity is differentiated - one set of questions is completely multiple choice, the other the students have to fill in their own answers.
The headphones image on the first slide of the powerpoint hyperlinks to the video in the ZDF Mediathek. The video does show some of the answers in text so you might not want to have the video showing when the students do the activity.
There's also a set of answers to the questions.
You can download the video from the following link (right like "save link as" [chrome]/ "save target as" [IE] on one of the "Abspielen" links):
There is also a link on the answer sheet to the listening should the ZDF link not work.

German: Radicalisation - Warum radikalisieren sich junge Menschen?
Gapfill Listening exercise from an interview with Jochen Müller (ufuq in Berlin).
Audio file can be found at: http://www.br.de/radio/bayern1/sendungen/mittags-in-muenchen/jochen-mueller-zur-radikalisierung-jugendlicher-100.html
Transcript of interview is also included.
Duration of interview: 8mins 18secs
NB: The audio file has since been removed from the BR website. I have uploaded a recording of the file. Apologies for the interference towards the end of the file.

German/French/Spanish: Facebook Profile Template
Facebook profile template in PowerPoint form.
Each slide has the template in a different language
Slide 1: English
Slide 2: Spanish
Slide 3: French
Slide 4: German

French: French Music/Bands
Powerpoint slides with hyperlinks to contemporary French musicians/bands' videos.

German: German Music/Bands
Powerpoint slides containing hyperlinks to videos of some German musicians on youtube.

French: Christmas Story - Le Sapin by Hans Christian Andersen
Gap fill exercise for the story of Le Sapin by Hans Christian Andersen.
Audio file can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.litteratureaudio.com/livre-audio-gratuit-mp3/andersen-hans-christian-le-sapin.html

German: New Technologies - Reading (Death by Selfie)
Reading comprehension activity using an article from German youth radio puls.

German: New Technologies Listening Activity (Differentiated) - The effects of Instagram & Facebook
Listening activity based on a short report by ZDF heuteplus - Warum sind wir so #likegeil
The listening activity is differentiated - one set of questions is completely multiple choice, the other the students have to fill in their own answers (except on question 5 where it is multiple choice).
The headphones image on the first slide of the powerpoint hyperlinks to the video in the ZDF Mediathek. The video does show some of the answers in text so you might not want to have the video showing when the students do the activity.
There is also a transcript of the video and a set of answers to the questions.
You can download the video from the following link (right like "save link as" [chrome]/ "save target as" [IE] on one of the "Abspielen" links):
There is also a link on the answer sheet to the listening should the ZDF link not work.

German: "Erstmal ein Selfie" by SDP
Gap fill exercise for the song "Erstmal ein Selfie" from German band SDP.
The headphones one the first slide hyperlink to the song on youtube. There is a gapfill sheet with some vocab on the bottom as well as the lyrics in full.

French: Christmas Wordsearch
Christmas word search relating to French customs and traditions at Christmas time.
Solution and translations of words included on page 2

French: Christmas Booklet (Updated)
Update to previous version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/french-christmas-booklet-6323510
I have updated my previous resources to make it easier to fold and to print.
Students create a little booklet on French christmas traditions. The key dates of the Christmas season are labelled and students draw and colour in their own images for each date.
The word document only works in Microsoft Word 2007 onwards, in earlier versions all formatting is lost.
If you have Word 2003 or earlier please download the .pdf version instead.