
German: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - Wales)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016 featuring the German and Welsh teams. These can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus. Cards feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.
The file is in pdf as the word document is too big to upload

Spanish: Football Cards (Euro 2016 - England)
Top trumps cards for Euro 2016.
The cards can be used to play the card game or as a speaking/writing stimulus, they feature current squads from the Euro 2016 competition.

Spanish: Voicemail el contestador automático
el contestador automático - this file could act as a stimulus for students to leave a message arranging to meet up with friends or to arrange a business meeting.

French Clothing: Children's characters gap fill
A gap fill sheet containing descriptions of characters from French books and kid's TV programmes.
Students select the words from the bottom of the sheet and put them in the correct places.