Hi! I'm Marie. From experience as a primary teacher, I enjoy creating sets of teaching resources (often with my own illustrations!) for introducing and teaching school topics, and with practical activities. Hope you find something useful. Happy teaching! :)
Hi! I'm Marie. From experience as a primary teacher, I enjoy creating sets of teaching resources (often with my own illustrations!) for introducing and teaching school topics, and with practical activities. Hope you find something useful. Happy teaching! :)
A great whole class teaching activity or group activity – children use labels and pictures to sort minibeasts into insect or not insect, and match key features while cooperatively making decisions and discussing the different possibilities.
Includes instructions, posters (text) to introduce Minibeasts, minibeasts pictures, group and features labels, recording worksheets and posters to check answers.
Follow up activities – worksheets:
• Complete a table, matching minibeasts with features and identifying if it is an insect or not
• Identify insects and not insects by circling in different colours
• Classification keys – use a series of questions to identify each minibeast
• Complete a Venn Diagram – list key features to compare insects and not insects
For more useful activities, please check other Minibeasts resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Set of posters and worksheets to learn about dinosaurs, time line, dinosaur groups, size, their diets (predator or prey) and types of food.
Activities include reading, completing sentences using word banks, and cut and paste pictures into different groups.
• Dinosaurs What do we know? - Complete information using word bank
• Facts About… 3 different worksheets - Complete information about a dinosaur using word bank
• Which One Is It? – Complete by choosing the right name
• Sorting Dinosaurs into herbivores and Carnivores – cut and paste pictures
• What Do You Know? 3 different worksheets - Write information, use word bank and Information Mat
• Dinosaurs Size – 2 different worksheets – Write number in sequence, write name of the dinosaur which is the shortest and longest, lightest and heaviest
• Dinosaurs Groups - Sorting into bird-hipped and lizard-hipped groups– cut and paste pictures
Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Fact sheets and worksheets to learn about what it’s like to be an astronaut.
The set includes fact sheets about famous astronauts and cosmonauts, male and female, including brief biographies, and text about how to become an astronaut and what work they do during space missions. Can also be used for a reading corner or as topic posters.
Worksheets include:
• Questionnaire: use fact sheets to find answers
• Famous People Time Line/ cut and paste: match each photo with its caption and date, and put them in chronological order to create a time line.
• Look on the internet for information about Tim Peake to complete the fact sheet template
• Job Description: find answers in ‘Becoming An Astronaut’ and ‘An astronaut’s Work’ ( text included) to complete a job description for an astronaut
• Interview An Astronaut: use an astronaut’s fact sheet to write questions and answers
For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
Thanks for looking :)
DT – Focus: Food
• Planning
• Posters - text, cereal bars fact sheets , recipe, sensory vocabulary
• Worksheets
• Target sheet (LO)
These activities encourage children to investigate different types of commercial cereal bars through text and tasting, and compare them describing their appearance, texture, smell and taste. They learn why cereal bars are not as healthy. They look at food labels to compare nutritional benefits and allergy advise. They follow a basic no bake/ no nuts recipe for making 2 different types of cereal bars, compare them and find out which one everyone liked best using a tally chart. Children then design their own cereal bars creating a new recipe, illustrate how their cereal bars will look and taste, list ingredients and equipment, write in which order they will work using the recipe template, and record their evaluation.
For additional Design and Technology resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources :)
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
3 useful sheets with key vocabulary for writing stories about pirates.
Includes: story sequence - sentence starters, nouns, verbs and adjectives.
I have also created Pirate themed worksheets for planning and writing own pirate story.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Learn about why food rationing was necessary in England during WW2, how food rationing worked, when different types of food were gradually rationed, and why people were asked to grow their own food.
The set includes facts sheets/posters, real pictures (use as flashcards or posters), worksheets and planning.
Facts sheets/posters and real pictures:
• What did people eat during the war? Food Rationing
• Food Rationing Timeline
• Producing Own Food
• Food Rationing - Use word bank to describe how rationing worked
• Foods that were rationed - Illustrate some foods that were rationed
• Food Rationing Timeline - Use Food Rationing Timeline poster as reference. Put pictures in chronology order, cut & paste
• What did people eat during the war? - comparing typical meals. Draw a typical meal people had in the war. Draw a typical meal people have today.
• Poster - Draw a poster asking people to help. (either Food rationing or Growing Food)
I have also created additional sets (sold separately)
BRITAIN IN WW2 – The Blitz
BRITAIN IN WW2 – Work Volunteers
BRITAIN IN WW2 – Children Evacuees
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
DT Textiles Fabrics Text and Worksheets
Text included:
• ‘Different Fabrics’ describing differences between various types of fabrics.
• ‘Properties of Woven fabrics’ and ‘Properties of Knitted fabrics’ – to find out advantages and disadvantages between woven and knitted fabrics, including appearance, texture, usage, sewing, longevity, ironing, wash and cost.
Worksheets included:
• Reading descriptions and naming different fabrics (word bank)
• Sticking fabric samples into 2 groups, natural fibres and synthetic fibres
• Sticking different types of fabrics and describing their appearances and textures
• Sticking samples of fabrics to match properties
• Comparing woven and knitted fabrics – tick (advantage) or cross (disadvantage) of each one’s appearance, texture, usage, sewing, longevity, ironing, wash and cost – write a conclusion
• Questionnaire
I have also created a set of flashcards and a set of Vocabulary Posters & Labels that can be used along with the worksheets.
Flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dt-textiles-fabrics-flashcards-12964802
Posters + Labels https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dt-textiles-fabrics-vocabulary-posters-and-labels-12964810
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Animal Classification -Groups of Sea Animals
Includes teaching suggestions, activity set (pictures and labels), instructions, worksheets, posters and answer sheets.
This is a great activity for children to learn how animals are grouped into different categories. The objective is to match each animal (pictures) under the correct group name (labels) – vertebrate, invertebrate, fish, mammal, reptile, crustacean, mollusc, echinoderm, coelenterate, worm and sponge – and match its features (labels) - while cooperatively making decisions and discussing the different possibilities.
Set consists of:
• Introduction - Information Posters: text about the different groups of sea animals – show on IWB
• Classification Activity : Animal Flashcards, Group Name labels, Feature Labels
• Worksheets: to record from activity
• Answer Posters: to check at the end of the sorting activity as well as worksheets – show on IWB
For more useful activities, please check my other Under the Sea resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Learn why children were evacuated in England during WW2, what it was like to be an evacuee away from home, how the local area was affected by the war and what it was like to be a child living in this area.
The set includes facts sheets/posters, real pictures (use as flashcards or posters), worksheets and planning.
Facts sheets/posters and real pictures:
• What was it like to be an evacuee?
• Being a young evacuee - Explain why children were evacuated, what it was like to be an evacuee.
• A Young Evacuee’s Letter (template) - imagine being an evacuee and write a letter home
• What was it like to be a child living in this area during the war? - Interview (preset questions or blank page)
I have also created additional sets (sold separately)
BRITAIN IN WW2 – The Blitz
BRITAIN IN WW2 – Work Volunteers
BRITAIN IN WW2 – Food Rationing
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
A lot of useful information about different groups of most common animals from the Amazon Rainforest – includes mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians and insects.
A5 fact sheets (once folded back to back) for a Reading Corner, Topic Board, Writing Corner, Science Resources – or alternatively used as A4 posters.
For additional resources based on animals from the Amazon rainforest, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Worksheets based on DT Unit 2A / Vehicles where children design a space buggy, plan how they will make it and evaluate their finished work.
The set includes:
Information sheets and worksheets that can be to introduce the topic:
• text about space buggies used during the moon exploration followed by a questionnaire
• picture of a space buggy with names of parts followed by one that children can label
Front cover sheet and targets (objectives) sheet
Worksheets for DT activities:
Think of ideas for making your space buggy (purpose)
Draw how your space buggy will look like and label the parts (own design)
Draw how you will make your space buggy move and label the parts (wheels and axels)
Draw a logo for your space buggy, and tick what you will use to make your logo
Write a list of materials and tools that you will need to make your space buggy
Plan in which order you will make your own space buggy
What do you think of your finished vehicle? (Evaluation)
Worksheet for creative writing:
Write an exciting short story for a newspaper report which includes a space buggy (newspaper template)
For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives.
For additional resources based on the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Set of worksheets to learn about living underwater and different groups of sea animals
• Living Underwater – to know how living things need to breathe underwater: text followed by questions
• Aquatic Animal Groups – to know that animals are put into different classification groups: text followed by questions
• Parts of the Ocean – to know the names and features of the different sea zones: text followed by questions
• Sea Zones – colour zones in different shades and name each zone
• Sea Mammals and Sea Reptiles: text followed by questions
• Fish – use word bank to complete sentences + label body of a fish
• Crustaceans and Molluscs: text followed by questions
Can be used as shared reading activities (Literacy)
For more useful activities, please check my Under the Sea Animal Classification set and Bingo in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Use a unique PowerPoint as a fun way to introduce and teach simple facts about plants and vocabulary. Ideal for whole class teaching or set up as independent reading / researching ICT activities.
In The garden - 24 slides
Includes: what is a garden/ what is there in a garden; what is a plant; parts of a plant; parts of a tree; what plants need (soil, water, sun); how insects help (pollen); why minibeasts are a threat and where to find them; what a gardener does; garden tools for different purposes; how to plant (simple instructions); what is compost for and made of; how to make compost; useful words (dictionary)
The PowerPoint has been created with animation & sounds – create a file and ensure that you save ALL PPPs and sounds in the same file. If any problem with sounds and fonts, please email me.
I have created 4 worksheets that can be used during or after – labelling gardening tools; labelling parts of a plant; what plants need/ do not need to grow healthy (writing activity); facts about compost. how to make compost (writing activity).
Please check more of my resources on Plants on TES – thanks for looking :)
Fact sheets about the planets in our solar system, the Sun and our Moon.
A5 fact sheets (once A4 folded back to back) for a Reading Corner, Topic Board, Writing Corner, Science Resources – or alternatively used as A4 posters.
A lot of useful information!
Each fact sheet includes information about the planet, its size, distance from the Sun, how many hours in a day, how many days in a year, temperature on the surface, number of moons, when and who first recorded it. Each one has the space craft which was used to explore the planet.
For more useful Space activities and resources, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
Thanks for looking :)
Set of worksheets to learn about the Amazon rainforest including text for reading activities.
• What is the Amazon rainforest? - to know how to describe the Amazon rainforest : text followed by questions
• A Map of south America – to know the names of seas and oceans around south America and most well known features: label names
• Where is the Amazon Rainforest? – to know where the Amazon rainforest is situated among other areas : colour areas
• War and Wet – to know about climate and how it affects the environment how seasons affect the environment and animals: text followed by questions
• Parts of the rainforest – to know that each forest layer is different: text
• Where the animals live – to name the different layers of the rainforest; name types of animals the live in each layer: use word bank
• Exceptional Explorer! – text about English naturalist Henry Bates
• Exploring the Amazon – to know which type of clothes and shoes are best when walking through the rainforest: text, illustrate suitable clothing
• What do you know about the Amazon? – use word bank
For more useful activities and resources about animals from the Amazon rainforest, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
Hope that you like and find them useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Set of worksheets to learn about minibeasts, their body parts, their features and habitats (minibeasts hunt), life cycle of a butterfly, butterflies colours and patterns (camouflage).
Activities include reading and answering questions, labelling, highlighting answers in different colours, completing a table, using word banks to complete sentences, sorting cut and paste, and illustrating.
For more useful activities, please check other Minibeasts resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Set of resources for introducing differences and similarities, features of different types of homes at home and around the world, and how homes changed over time.
• Flashcards of different types of homes
• Set of Bingo – with cards of pictures, names and descriptions
• PowerPoint – Different Types of homes – Bingo – to use along side
• PowerPoint – Homes Around the World
• Homes A Long Time Ago – fact sheet
• To know that we live in many different types of homes: match names to pictures
• To know the features of different types of homes: match each home with a description
• To know the name of different buildings and the main features: label the different features and materials used for each type of home
• To know that homes are different around the world: draw arrows to show where the different types of homes come from (map)
• To know the similarities and differences between homes: use key words to explain why
• Homes a long time ago: cut and paste: put pictures in the correct order to show how homes have changed over time
• Non – Chronological Report blank sheet
Useful Tip! Use the PDF doc with your IWB to work through the pages with your children :)
Hope that you like and find them useful.
If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
A handy word mat for independent writing with sentence starters for each part of the story, verbs and adjectives.
For additional resources based on the story of The Three Little Pigs, please check my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources :)
I have also created a 5 part PowerPoint that can be used over 5 lessons with worksheets for follow up activities.
Hope that you find the word mat useful. If you have any comments or recommendations to make, please do not hesitate to do so.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)
Includes teaching suggestions, activity set (pictures and labels), instructions, worksheets, posters and answer sheets.
This is a great activity for children to learn how animals are grouped into different categories. The objective is to match each animal (pictures) under the correct group name (labels) – vertebrate, invertebrate, mammal, reptile, bird, fish, amphibian, and insect – and match its features (labels) - while cooperatively making decisions and discussing the different possibilities.
Set consists of:
• Introduction - Information Posters: text about the different groups of animals (suggest display on big screen)
• Classification Activity : Animal Flashcards, Group Name labels, Feature Labels
• Worksheets: to record from activity
• Answer Posters: to check at the end of the sorting activity as well as worksheets (suggest display on big screen)
For more useful activities, please check my other Amazon Rainforest Animals resources in my shop Marie’s Teaching Resources.
For updates go to my Facebook page – Marie’s Teaching Resources
Thanks for looking :)