I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E.
I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need.
I produce video resources here:
I am an A Level tutor who teaches Film Studies A Level & G.C.S.E., Sociology A Level, E.P.Q., English Language G.C.S.E.
I complete schemes of work for each of my courses and aim to upload as many resources as I can in the near future. If you like my work and would like to request a resource, please let me know and I will produce what you need.
I produce video resources here:
TES – Beliefs pack
This pack contains a complete scheme of learning for the AQA – Sociology Paper 2 module: Beliefs in Society.
The pack contains twelve [12] complete lessons – each lesson is fully animated, full of tasks, activities, assessment materials, assessment tasks and consolidation activities. All lessons are accompanied by a handout/booklet that students can use during the teaching of the sessions. Documentary recommendations are included, as well as links to further reading and suggested materials for engaging students outside of the classroom.
The sub-topics covered are:
1 – Definitions of Religion - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12774527
2 – Feminist View of Religion https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/feminist-view-of-religion-sociology-12701674
3 – Functionalist View of Religion - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12774533
4 – Marxist View of Religion https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-marxist-perspective-of-religion-12739724
5 – Social Change and the Conservative View[https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/religion-force-for-change-or-conservative-force-12701703
6 – Religious Organisations and New Religious Movements - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12858285
7 – Secularisation -https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12858297
8 – Alternatives to Secularisation https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-sociology-alternatives-to-secularisation-full-lesson-12766222
9 – Religion and Social Groups https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-sociology-religion-and-social-groups-12769375
10 – Science as a Belief System https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-sociology-paper-2-religion-as-a-belief-system-12773915
11 – Religion in a Global Context https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12858303
12 – Religion and Ideology https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-sociology-religion-and-ideology-12774148
This pack contains a 20-slide PowerPoint and accompanying booklet.
The lesson is the first in a series of lessons designed to cover ‘Beliefs in Society’ module of AQA’s Paper 2.
The lesson covers:
students asked to define religion
Students asked to identify religious symbols - discussion of what students already know about selected global religions [mainstream and NRMs]
Debate: Is religion a force for good or force for evil in the world?
Benefits and Drawbacks of religion
Discussion of ‘Why we are studying Religion’
What is Religion?
Substantive Definition
Functional Definition
Constructionist Definition
All three definitions are explored in detail. The strengths and limitations of each definition are discussed in a task
Assessment - 10 mark question
Planning activity included
This pack contains a 20 slide PowerPoint and an accompanying 14-page handout/booklet that students complete during the lesson and for consolidation
The lesson covers: IDEOLOGIES - Paper 2 - Beliefs in Society
- Define ‘ideology’
-What is the FUNCTION of IDEOLOGIES in society?
- How do IDEOLOGIES BENEFIT people/society?
- How do IDEOLOGIES HARM people/society?
Four functions of Ideology
Problems presented by Ideologies
Re-cap Marxism
Ideology and Marx
Ruiling class ideology
Reinforces Class Conscioiusness
Gramsci -
- Hegemony
Dual Consciousness
Organic Intellectuals
Define the term, examples included
Claims of nationalism
Reading and summative task
ideological Thought vs Utopian Thought
Free Flowing Intelligencia
Total World View
Feminism and Ideology
Reading and summative task
Summary Slide
Assessment is included in the booklet
Sample answer/essay included in the booklet
Final consolidation and mind-mapping activities also included in the booklet
This pack contains a 35-page PowerPoint presentation and an accompanying booklet that students can fill in as you teach. The pack also contains a sample answer and a seperate mock-question assessment task.
The PowerPoint covers:
Starter Task - Students view on religion and science; similarities, differences, types of knowledge-claims made by each side
Faith in Science
Manufactured Risks
Cognitive Power
Karl Popper - Open Belief Systems
The Scientific Method
The Principle of Falsification
10 min in-class summative writing task
Robert Merton - CUDOS / Norms
Science as a tool for society
Explaination of how the Protestant Reformation led to the rise of scientific thinking
CUDOS - task - students create their own list of ethics
CUDOS - define and explore the ethical criteria
Closed Belief Systems:
Define and expain
Case Study - Witchcraft Amongst Azande Peoples
Michael Polanyi
- Circularity
- Subsidary Evidence
- Denial of Legitimacy to Rivals
- Paradigms - discussion of Velikovsky
- Paradigm Shifts
- Reading task - Paradigm shifts and Scientific Revolution
Interpretivist View of Science
Students asked to justtify their ‘belief’ in several scientific concepts
Karin Knorr-Cetina - Paradigms
Steve Woolgar and LGM (LIttle Green Men}
Marxist and Feminist View of Science
Short reading task
Reflection and consolidation task
Post-Modernist View of Science
Manufactured Risks
Plenary -
Consolidation activities
Sample answer - read and annotate
Planning and write a response to an exam question
This pack contains one 20-slide PowerPoint presentation, one booklet (to be completed by students; the booklet also contains several consolidation activities) and a starter task
Starter/Re-cap/revisiting activity - definitions of religion
For each of the four groups listed above there are 2-3 slides for each.
The slides cover key arguments, contain graphs and statistics to support points, key terms are highlighted and theorists are cited.
Consolidation activity - students to read one of four articles that cover each of the groups studied in the lesson. Each student annotated, draws out quotes and key arguments and then contributes to a group ‘wiki’ page. The ‘wiki’ page can be created in Teams, or it can be created on paper, shared with the teacher and then scanned in to one comprehensive revision resource.
This pack contains:
A 45-slide PowerPoint presentation
This lesson covers:
Re-cap of Post Modern theory
Definition, Grand Narratives and institutional power
Starter Task - students discuss and share their experiences with religion in 21st century
Two slides discussing the over-arching criticism of Secularisation Theory
Religious Market Theory & Theories of Late Modernity and Post-Modernism
-Grace Davie: From Obligation to Consumption - defined and discussed, examples provided to enhance understaning
Believing without Belonging
Vicarious Religion & The Spiritual Health Service
Critics of Davie: Steve Bruce, Voas and Crocket, Abby Day
Cultural Amnesia & Spiritual Shopping
Danielle Hervieu-Leger: Pilgrims vs. Converts
Post Modern Religion
Globalisation and its impact on religion
Desembedded religion
Religion online and Online Religion - reading, note taking and discussion task
Religious Consumerism & The Sphere of Consumption
Religious Consumerism
Religious Disenchantment
Reading and assessment task: New Age Religions
Self-Religion and Sheilaism - video resource, reading task
Task: students given tenants of major religions as well as tenants of some global religions. Students use their phones and this data to create their own ‘commandments’
Religious Market Theory
Are humans inherently religious?
Religion as a Compensator
American Vs. Europe
Supply Led Religion
Televagelism explored
Critiques of Religious Market Theory: Bruce, Norris and Inglehart, Beckford
Existential Security Theory
People from poorer societies/nations are much more likely to be religious that people from richer societies/nations. Comparison made between Burundi (poorest nation on Earth) and Germany (one of the wealthiest)
Norris and Inglehart: Existential Security
Poor societies vs rich societies
Case Study: Uruguay
The booklet is 28 pages long
The book contains a combination of note taking, gapped sections, tasks
A two-page linear, bulletpointed list of key facts, dates and developments that will help students understand the process of seculariation and rise of alternative religions
Several consolidation activities aimed to help learners of all learning styles.
This pack contains one 18-slide lesson and one handout that cover the following:
Starter - Dissecting Marx’s ‘Opium of the people’ quote
Religion as an Ideological State Apparatus
Religion and class / prosperity Theology
Task - using quotes from major religions, students are to explain their use and link them to the Marxist perspective
Spiritual Gin / Lenin
Critiques of the Marxist perspective of Religion
Classical vs Neo Marxist perspective
Brief overview of Ernst Bloch and Dual Characteristics
Brief overview of Otto Maduro & Religion as a Revolutionary Force
This pack contains a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying booklet.
The lesson covers:
Task / in-class debate: Is religion a force for change, or a conservative force?
Task - re-cap of Functionalist, Marxist and Feminist view of religion
Religion as a force for change:
Max Weber and Calvinism
Evaluation of Weber’s perspective
Consolidation Task - answer writing
Task: Research for presentation
The accompanying booklet contains additional content (essays, cartoons and additional consolidation activities)
This pack contains one lesson and one accompanying handout that covers
AQA year 13 SOCIOLOGY - Feminist View of Religion
The lesson covers:
Evidence of patriarchy in religion
What would Liberal/Radical/Marxist feminists think about religion task
Answers to previous question
Research tasks - evidence of patriarchal ideologies in religion
Four categories are given for the research task
Consolidation from task
Evaluation of feminist view: Karen Armstrong, Nawal El Saadawi, Linda Woodhead, Sophie Gilliat Ray Elisabth Brusco,
Secular society
Assessment - 10 mark question set
The booklet is detailed, contains additional content and further reading. Students will complete the handout during the lesson and write their assessment in the same book.
This pack contains an entire scheme of learning for the **AQA Sociology: Education **topic
There are over 50 resources in this pack:
The pack contains lesson PowerPoints, handouts, work booklets, assessment materials and activities for all of the following areas:
Introduction to Education
Funcationalist Approach to Education
Marxist Approach to Education
Social Class and Achievement
Gender and Education - boys, girls
Ethnicity and Education
Social Policy
**I have included several screenshots of lessons to give an idea of the quality and style of the resources. **
Each lesson and handout has been designed with students in mind - they are colourful, full of images, interesting tasks and are engaging for learners. There are a variety of approaches used across the scheme, as well as a variety of assessment activities.
Every single lesson has an accompanying booklet for students to fill in during lessons.
Sample responses, past paper questions, additional reading, documentary recommendations, and more are contained within the lessons.
This pack contains:
75-slide PowerPoint lesson that covers:
How to answer 4, 6, 10, 20, 30 mark questions on Paper 1 (AQA Sociology)
Each section contains:
a collection of past paper questions
Guide to structure for each question
Exemplar responses - some broken down in to smaller sections to demonstrate how to apply the structures
Planning and writing tasks for each of the question types
All relevant handouts and additional resources are also included.
Please look at the screenshots attached so you can see what type of content is covered.
**This pack is designed for the AQA Paper 1 - Education, Theories, Methods Paper.
This pack contains a 54 slide PowerPoint presentation that covers the following:**
*** Slides 1 - 11 -** Break down of the exam, types of questions students will face and discussion of marks awarded for each question
Slide 12 - PEEEL - how to structure answers to 10 mark questions
*** Slides 14 - 19 -** How to plan and write a ten mark response to the question: **
Outline and explain two ETHICAL problems faced by sociologists using laboratory experiments**
Slides 21 - 23 break down of another 10 mark question RESEARCH METHODS question (unstructured interviews)
Slides 25 - 28 - break down of another 10 marks question RESEARCH METHODS non-Participant Obervations
SLIDES 35 - 54: How to answer 20 mark questions
**20 mark Research Methods question: **
Applying material from ITEM A and your knowledge, evaluate how far different factors may affect sociologists’ choice of research methods [20 marks]
**20 mark Research Methods in Context question: **
Applying material from ITEM B and your knowledge of research methods, evaluate the strengths and limitations of using written questionnaires to investigate working-class educational achievement. [20 marks]
Both 20 mark questions have slides that explain:
how to read and interpret the item
structure of 20 mark responses
Exemplar responses
** The pack also contains a 20 page booklet containing 10 exemplar 10-mark questions (with P.E.E.E.L planning activities for each question.)
The booklet also contains 10 20-mark questions with space for essay planning.
** An additional booklet is also attached - this booklet contains a sample response with assessment notes for the questio**n
Applying material from ITEM B and your knowledge of research methods, evaluate the strengths and limitations of using written questionnaires to investigate working-class educational achievement. [20 marks]
**The additional booklet also contains 2 additional RESEARCH METHODS IN CONTEXT questions with planning a tasks. **
This pack covers Dark Side of the Family: Domestic Abuse - Radical Feminist, Materialist perspectives
The PowerPoint covers:
Definition: domestic violence
What do sociologists say?
Kathryn Coleman
What does Domestic Violence occur?
Radical Feminist Explanation
Materialist Explanation
Plenary - 10 mark assessment
This pack also contains:
Handout/booklet to accompany the PowerPoint - students use this in class, it contains all info they need
Assessment handout
This pack contains a 20-question multiple choice quiz that will test your students knowledge and understanding of RESEARCH METHODS
The quiz is perfect for a Starter Task/Plenary when you reach the end of the RESEARCH METHODS module
This pack contains a 25 question quiz that tests student knowledge of Educational Achievement: Girls
The pack contains:
Answer sheet
This quiz is a great Starter Task / Plenary.
This pack contains a 24 question quiz that tests student knowledge of DEMOGRAPHY.
The quiz is scored out of 37 points and is perfect for use as a starter task and/or plenary task.
Answer sheet
This lesson covers Educational achievement and Social Class
The lesson is 38 slides long and covers: (approx one week of lesson time)
This pack contains a complete 36 lesson PowerPoint presentation, accompanying student handout, text book scans needed for task, sample response, mark scheme and an article covering Basil Bernstein’s Restricted/Elaborated Codes
The lesson covers:
Starter - middle class vs. working class achievement
External factors
Cultural Deprivation: language, parents’ education, working class sub-cultures
Speech codes: Restricted/Elaborated
Parents education: parenting style, educational behaviours
Cultural Deprivation - working-class sub-cultures
Bary Sugarman
Myth of Cultural Deprivation
Material Deprivation and Poverty
Cultural Capital / Pierre Bourdieu
Functionalist view of Family, complete lesson and handout. The pack covers:
Re-cap of Functionalism
George Peter Murdock (1949)
Stable satisfaction of the sex drive
Socialisation of the young
Reproduction of the next generation
Meeting its members’ economic needs
Criticisms of Murdock
Parsons’ Functional Family Fit
The Nuclear Family**
Extended Family
Function of the Nuclear and Extended Family
The Family as the ‘Peaceful Haven’
Critiques of the Functionalist View
This pack contains the following:
Observations complete lesson covers:
Observation starter task
Two short ‘observations’ video tasks
Discussion re: questionnaires & Interviews vs. Observations
Types of Observations (each explored individually)
Strengths of observations
Limitations of observations
Case Study - Football Hooligans - documentary available on Youtube
Tasks for completion following documentary screening
Plenary - observation research task - students to research and present a case-study based on one of four existing sociological studies.
Handout, documentary links and all resources are included.
This pack contains the following:
Complete lesson:
Starter task (re-cap key terms)
What is a Questionnaire?
Types of questions: closed/open
Strengths of questionnaires
Weaknesses of questionnaires
Pilot Studies
Plenary assessment tasks
Sample response to exam question