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Morning Sentence Writing Picture Prompt Powepoint EYFS KS1 Reception Year 1/2
Powerpoint of pictures to inspire early writing skills
Year 1 Adjectives activity sheet
Teacher’s Notes
Objective: To help children recognize and use adjectives to describe objects, feelings, and sizes.
Materials Needed: Colouring pencils or crayons.
Encourage children to think about different adjectives and how they can describe various objects and feelings.
Assist children with reading and understanding the words if needed.
People Who Help Us Fact File Writing Spring 1 Reception Literacy Non Fiction
Non Fiction planning Spring 1 Reception planning
2 week unit
Talk for Writing EYFS Story telling assessment sheet
Sheet created for recording story assessment in EYFS when following Talk for Writing scheme.
Gruffalo Year 1 Autumn 1 Week 2 Talk for Writing planning Continuous Provision
Gruffalo Year 1 Autumn 1 Week 2 Talk for Writing planning Continuous Provision
Primary Science Curriculum Progression and Cover tracker
Primary Science Curriculum Progression and Cover tracker
Each year groups objectives are listed and colour coded by Science strand.
On each topic heading the non statutory guidance is available in the notes section.
The terms are across the top and I use this as a working document to track where each year group is up to when teaching the curriculum. It also allows to track any gaps, especially with working scientifically.
Provision Monitoring sheets EYFS Who's been learning
Monitoring sheets
I use these to track trends in learning around the provision
They can also be used to track who has completed challenges in the different areas
Primary Science Whole School Science Plan EYFS-Y6
Whole Science science plan using national curriculum topics.
EYFS- Year 6
Includes investigation questions and highlighted enquiry type for each topic
EYFS Name writing Morning Jobs
Morning job cards
Editable to add children’s names.
Great for morning jobs, writing area, fine motor activities or to send home for extra practice.
Font is Sassoon Infant
Message via instagram for any questions: @missrobertsandheradventures
EYFS reception 'Sentence Detective' game/lesson input/provision activity
Sentence Detective activity
Children can use the red circle to identify the problem in each sentence.
Sentences are decodable and the children can then write out sentence correctly after competing verbal challenge.