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I have been teaching 9th grade Introductory Physics for 6 years. Along the way, I've taught some Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Integrated and Environmental Science.




I have been teaching 9th grade Introductory Physics for 6 years. Along the way, I've taught some Chemistry, Biology, Engineering, Integrated and Environmental Science.
PowerPoint Introduction to work and power with examples and practice problems

PowerPoint Introduction to work and power with examples and practice problems

This powerpoint, Introduction to Work and Power with examples and practice problems is used to teach what is work and how to solve for work and power. Designed to accompany Prentice Hall Science Explorer - Motion Forces and Energy chapter 4 Section 1 Work and Power, but could easily be adapted to fit any text. The Powerpoint for this section is 9 slides. Includes Daily Objectives. Use this to assess the quality of my work!
Bill Nye Phases of Matter Video Worksheet

Bill Nye Phases of Matter Video Worksheet

Keep your kids engaged and turn a movie day into a day of quality notes! Worksheet of questions to accompany the Bill Nye the Science Guy episode on Phases of Matter! Answer key included!
Racing Extinction Video Quiz

Racing Extinction Video Quiz

Quiz For Racing Extinction Video, can also be used as a video guide while watching. I used 30 of the Questions from throughout the film.
Horizon: Mystery of Easter Island Movie Guide Quiz

Horizon: Mystery of Easter Island Movie Guide Quiz

I used this as a review quiz after watching the Horizon Film: Mystery of Easter Island (available on youtube). It contains 21 questions specifically about the movie followed by 4 questions from our introduction to Environmental Science - Topics: Renewable vs Nonrenewable resources, Tragedy of the Commons, Sustainability, Difference between Environmental Science and Ecology and Environmentalism, and Ecological Footprints. Full answer key included as a separate word document for ease of grading. 25 questions total on 2 pages. Some short answer some more in depth. ALSO contains a second copy of the answer key with suggested point values for each question.
Phase Change Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma Chart

Phase Change Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma Chart

Chart I created to help my students learn the 4 states of matter (solid, liquid, gas, and plasma) as well as the changes between them. It is a word document for easy editing! There is some empty spaces where I had my students draw their own little pictures for each phase/phase change to help them remember better. Filled in key for easy reference or for students who need modifications (They can just draw pictures and have the pre-filled chart for reference!) Also includes an instructions page to show students what to fill-in where without giving them the answers! Aligned to the following MA state standard for High School Introductory Physics: 3.3 Describe the relationship between average molecular kinetic energy and temperature. Recognize that energy is absorbed when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas, and that energy is released when a substance changes from a gas to a liquid to a solid. Explain the relationships among evaporation, condensation, cooling, and warming.
Introduction to Work and Power Guided Notes and Practice Worksheet

Introduction to Work and Power Guided Notes and Practice Worksheet

Guided notes to accompany introduction PowerPoint (my primary free product!) and practice problems including solving for work and power, identifying when work is done, and a fill-in-the blank review section of vocab from work, power, force, etc. Designed to accompany: PowerPoint Introduction to work and power with examples and practice problems
Lewis Dots and VSEPR Geometries with PHET worksheet

Lewis Dots and VSEPR Geometries with PHET worksheet

Students are asked to draw Lewis dot structures of molecules and then assign their geometries. Links to the PhET activities in which these molecules are modeled are provided so that students may visualize the molecules in 3D and check their assigned geometries. 1 page worksheet and full answer key included.
Temperature Conversions, Heat Equation, and Thermal Energy Quiz

Temperature Conversions, Heat Equation, and Thermal Energy Quiz

Short Quiz I use in my physics class as a formative assessment of their understanding of how to do temperature unit conversions, use the heat equation, and apply some of the concepts we have learned. Contains 2 open response style problems and a fill in the blank section. Two versions are provided, one with and one without a word bank for the matching for your convenience. Also, a full answer key is included. Could also be used as a classwork or homework assignment! Aligned to the following MA state standards: 3.1 Explain how heat energy is transferred by convection, conduction, and radiation. 3.2 Explain how heat energy will move from a higher temperature to a lower temperature until equilibrium is reached. 3.3 Describe the relationship between average molecular kinetic energy and temperature. 3.4 Explain the relationships among temperature changes in a substance, the amount of heat transferred, the amount (mass) of the substance, and the specific heat of the substance.
Physics Chapter 6 Heat Unit Study Guide

Physics Chapter 6 Heat Unit Study Guide

Study Guide for my Heat Unit. Includes main ideas, essential questions, MA state standards, vocabulary list, equations, homework assignments, QR codes and links to resources, and learning checklist. Designed to Accompany Pearson Science Explorer: Motion, Forces, and Energy Chapter 6 but could be modified for any text. Word document for ease of modification.
Thanksgiving or Easter Stoichiometry Practice Worksheet

Thanksgiving or Easter Stoichiometry Practice Worksheet

Stoichiometry practice worksheet with a holiday theme! Spell "Happy Turkey Day" by solving chemistry problems! Not teaching Stoichiometry till later in the year? Then try the Easter version! PDF and word versions and Full answer key included!
Ohm's Law, Electric Power, and Energy Practice Worksheet and PowerPoint

Ohm's Law, Electric Power, and Energy Practice Worksheet and PowerPoint

PowerPoint I use to review Electric Circuits (with some hyperlinks to great animations online), Ohm's Law, Electric Power, and Energy (in kW-Hours). The PowerPoint includes practice questions, activator, and daily objectives and is 11 slides. This should be followed by the Practice Worksheet, which is 11 questions increasing in difficulty and is accompanied by a full answer key. MA Framework Focus: 5.2 Develop qualitative and quantitative understandings of current, voltage, resistance, and the connections among them (Ohm’s law).
States of Matter, Phase Change, and Heat Simulation Activity

States of Matter, Phase Change, and Heat Simulation Activity

Activity that investigates phases of matter, effects of adding heat, mixing substances, and energy transformations using two PHET simulations from Phet.colorado.edu. Contains links to quickly access the simulations and multiple screenshots from the simulations to assist students in completing the activity. Most of my grade 9 students were able to finish in just less than one full class period (~45 minutes), though not quite all. My lower level students have also been able to complete, but required 2 full periods (110 minutes total). More or less time may be required based on the level of your students. FULL answer key included. MA State Standards Addressed 3.2 Explain how heat energy will move from a higher temperature to a lower temperature until equilibrium is reached. 3.3 Describe the relationship between average molecular kinetic energy and temperature. Recognize that energy is absorbed when a substance changes from a solid to a liquid to a gas, and that energy is released when a substance changes from a gas to a liquid to a solid. 3.4 Explain the relationships among temperature changes in a substance, the amount of heat transferred, the amount (mass) of the substance, and the specific heat of the substance.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Foldable for Interactive Notebook or Binder

Electromagnetic Spectrum Foldable for Interactive Notebook or Binder

Electromagnetic Spectrum foldable, great for introducing the spectrum or review! Allows students to showcase their creativity, but can easily be taped/glued into an interactive notebook or binder for reference. Easy to print single sided template as well as student instructions, a second template with the names of the waves pre-typed (must be printed double sided), and a sample template pre-filled in. Included are both the word document for easy editing as well as a pdf version.
Physics 1.1 What is Magnetism? Guided notes and PowerPoint

Physics 1.1 What is Magnetism? Guided notes and PowerPoint

Guided notes and PowerPoint I use to teach an introduction to magnetism. It includes information on magnetic force and magnetic field lines as well as basic properties of magnets. It is designed to accompany Pearson Science Explorer: Electricity and Magnetism chapter 1 section 1 but could be modified to fit any text. The PowerPoint is 11 slides and includes daily objectives and activator/bell ringer questions. The guided notes are 2 pages and include a full answer key. This lesson only takes about 30 minutes depending on the level of students. I included some demonstrations with magnets and then followed with the Bill Nye-Magnetism episode. MA State Framework this lesson provides a basis of understanding for: 5.6 Recognize that moving electric charges produce magnetic forces and moving magnets produce electric forces. Recognize that the interplay of electric and magnetic forces is the basis for electric motors, generators, and other technologies.
Determining Percent Composition from Molecular Formula Worksheet

Determining Percent Composition from Molecular Formula Worksheet

Worksheet designed to help teach/reinforce the concept of determining percent composition of molecules from their molecular formulas in a stepwise fashion. It starts with identifying molar mass from the periodic table and works up to percent composition breaking it down into steps and giving examples for each step along the way. Includes a full answer key!!!
Virus and Cell Vocabulary

Virus and Cell Vocabulary

Vocabulary sheets for viruses and cells with word, definition, and how I can remember. Includes a student template and teacher answer key. I like to cut these out and use them as a trifold in the student notebooks for review (glue the how I remember box down and fold so you can only see the vocab words.) Word Document for easy editing (Also includes extra boxes for more words to fit individual needs).
Physics 1.3 Magnetic Earth PowerPoint and Guided Notes

Physics 1.3 Magnetic Earth PowerPoint and Guided Notes

Guided notes and PowerPoint I use to teach the magnetic properties of the earth. It includes information on magnetic force, the magnetosphere, as well as the theory on why the earth is magnetic. It is designed to accompany Pearson Science Explorer: Electricity and Magnetism chapter 1 section 3 but could be modified to fit any text. The PowerPoint is 8 slides and includes daily objectives and activator/bell ringer questions. The guided notes are 2 pages and include a full answer key. This lesson takes about 30 minutes depending on the level of students and the amount of discussion/explanation in class (one of my classes took 55 minutes as I explained things and they asked a lot of questions). There is a 2:05 minute youtube clip hyperlinked within the powerpoint as well. And I followed this by having my students work on a vocab packet for the magnetism chapter. MA State Framework this lesson provides a basis of understanding for: 5.6 Recognize that moving electric charges produce magnetic forces and moving magnets produce electric forces. Recognize that the interplay of electric and magnetic forces is the basis for electric motors, generators, and other technologies.
Transcription and Translation from DNA to coded traits worksheet

Transcription and Translation from DNA to coded traits worksheet

Worksheet that utilizes the imaginary purple people eater monsters to give students practice transcribing and translating to identify amino acids that code for specific traits. For added fun, students are asked to draw the monsters coded for by the DNA. The worksheet is 12 pages so that each student may have a unique monster! There is a full answer key included for ease of checking student work. Additionally, I have included an excel sheet of the DNA, mRNA, and Amino Acid codes for each trait for ease of making additional monster combinations.