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I hope that you find all of your k-12, SAT/ACT/GED prep needs in my store. Although I currently teach high school math and test prep classes, my resources span all subjects. Happy Shopping!!!!




I hope that you find all of your k-12, SAT/ACT/GED prep needs in my store. Although I currently teach high school math and test prep classes, my resources span all subjects. Happy Shopping!!!!
Geometry Basics-Compass and Straightedge

Geometry Basics-Compass and Straightedge

This informative guide is a must for your 7th grade math class. The skill of using a compass and straightedge is CCSS aligned to: Grade 7-Geometry Draw construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them. CCSS.Math.Content.7.G.A.1 Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale. CCSS.Math.Content.7.G.A.2 Draw (freehand, with ruler and protractor, and with technology) geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus on constructing triangles from three measures of angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle. CCSS.Math.Content.7.G.A.3 Describe the two-dimensional figures that result from slicing three-dimensional figures, as in plane sections of right rectangular prisms and right rectangular pyramids. Regardless of the math standards, it is a must for your geography and art classes. Students will learn the necessary skills for using a graphing compass via student-friendly, step-by-step instructions. Each page has a colorful example of the activity that they can perform on paper. There are also 2 practice pages for drawing circles.
Teacher Work Sample

Teacher Work Sample

If you are student teaching or an experienced educator and need a sample of a well-done portfolio, then this is your resource! This sample includes 2 years of in-school research and may be used as a performance-based assessment tool for educators. It prompts teachers to reflect on instruction and student learning in order to improve their teaching practice. If you like this product, you will find other resources for graduate research, professional development, GED and SAT math prep, and general science lessons, plans, and Powerpoints in My Store.
Analyze Patterns and Relationships Worksheets

Analyze Patterns and Relationships Worksheets

This is a great resource to challenge your 4th or 5th grade math class with identifying and explaining patterns and relationships. Generate and analyze patterns CCSS.Math.Content.4.OA.C.5 Analyze patterns and relationships. CCSS.Math.Content.5.OA.B.3 Generate two numerical patterns using two given rules. Identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms. Form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns, and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane. Explain informally why this is so. Challenging bonus question included. Teacher answer sheet included.
Individual Learning Plan Template

Individual Learning Plan Template

Here are some templates for ILP's. Great assessment for student learning, and no teacher should be without! If you like other free stuff, visit My Shop. Total Pages-4
Football Math-Fractions, Decimals and Percents

Football Math-Fractions, Decimals and Percents

The season is here and now is the time to get ready for some football. Be the hero in your classroom when you hand out NFL Football-themed math worksheets. If you are a 3rd-6th grade math teacher, you are sure to find the right fit of math worksheets for your class. The clip art on each page is great and includes both math and NFL Football themes. Also included is a listing of the 32 teams with their logo. Worksheet topics include: Fractions: from beginning to difficult. There pages on very basic color graphic fraction problems, and there are pages on simplifying fractions and adding different 2-digit denominators. Decimals: There are pages of adding decimals, fill-in the missing decimals, and read and write the decimal. Percents: This is my favorite section. It includes a word problem pertaining to each of the 32 NFL teams (with logo). Students will love it!
Earth Science Test

Earth Science Test

This tool (test) is a great way to assess understanding of students in your middle-school Earth Science (History) class. The 25 questions are both multiple choice and short answer and are completely student-friendly (many graphics). I have included both a PDF and Word version so that you may edit the test to your liking. The teacher answer sheet is included in the file.
2nd Grade Fractions-Complete Plan & Worksheets

2nd Grade Fractions-Complete Plan & Worksheets

You will have great success with this step-by-step (and believe me it works!) lesson plan (with tips) for your 2nd grade class on fractions and proportion. No it is not too early to begin teaching the concept of fractions and proportion because it involves equal-sharing. There is even a section on what do do when you encounter problems. The plan includes amazing visual descriptions of each step along with worksheets for students to complete each step. You will wonder why you hadn't thought about this sooner! Beginning fraction worksheets included! 30 pages You’ll find tons of fun and productive math products in My Shop.
7th Grade Geometry Test

7th Grade Geometry Test

This is a great assessment for 7th grade geometry. It is a 25 question multiple-choice test (plus 5 extra credit questions for the advanced learner) which covers all 7th grade geometry Common Core standards. Great illustrations of geometric shapes. Answer key with full explanations for each answer. If you like this product, check out my 7th Grade Geometry Bundle which includes this resource plus Measure Area, Perimeter, and Volume and 7th Grade Geometry-Using a Compass and Straightedge. Total Pages-21 Answer Key Included
Geometry Basics

Geometry Basics

This is a great presentation for any grade 6-8 to review or learn basic geometry concepts. Use as a refresher any time of the year. There are 64 slides with common terms, facts and principles, and it is a life-long tool for any math class. If you want any topic in math from k-12, please visit My Shop. Total Slides-64
Adult Basic Education Math-Measurement

Adult Basic Education Math-Measurement

Knowing basic measurement conversions in both the metric and customary system is one of the critical skills required on the New GED test. This packet of worksheets and conversion guide will make your job easier when it comes to assessment of measurement skills. If you would like bundled ABE products, please visit My Shop. Total Pages-16 Answer Key Included
SAT Practice Test-English (Reading and Writing)

SAT Practice Test-English (Reading and Writing)

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Great practice (95 pages) for the SAT English-Reading and Writing Test. This product is one of my finest SAT prep resources. It has been one of my best-sellers for the last couple of months, and if you purchase this product, you will have upgrades for life. (It began as a 20 page resource. The now, 95 pages, with College and Career Readiness Standards indicated before each section, has been added due to buyer feedback.) This practice tests include the following prompts: -Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. -The following sentence contains either a single error or no error at all. -Part or the entire following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. -The following passage contains either a single error or no error at all in the underlined portion. If the underlined portion contains an error, circle the letter which corresponds to the correct answer. -The passages in this test are followed by 1 or more questions. After reading the passage, circle the letter which corresponds to the best answer to each question. You may refer to the passage as often as necessary. An essay writing prompt has been added as a result of buyer feedback: -Write an essay on the following topic(s). Make sure students get all of the practice that they need. Remember "Practice Makes Perfect".
Christmas Fraction Word Problems

Christmas Fraction Word Problems

20 word problems with Christmas cheer. Bring loads of fun to the math classroom during the holidays. Students will have forget that they are learning while completing the colorful Christmas-themed worksheets. The 20 fraction word problems relate to real-world situations and completely align to: CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.A.1 CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.A.2 CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.3 CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.4 Can't beat the price! Teacher answer key included. If you would like fun and productive CCSS-aligned products, please visit My Shop.
Grammar Test

Grammar Test

Assess your high school students' command of English grammar and usage. The Common Core Standards requires it, but more importantly, you as an English teacher should emphasize it! This assessment is a 3-part multiple choice test on: -- grammar and usage --vocabulary --figurative language and context
Save the Environment Club-Reading

Save the Environment Club-Reading

I wrote this Earth Day story for children in order to show how everyone, even kids, can make a difference. This will make a great hand out or resource for a literacy center activity or guided reading lesson. A Powerpoint in pptx. and pdf are included. Club in the City is about one of the many activities that children who live in urban areas can do for Earth Day. When their mindset is on protecting our environment, it will make a huge difference both at home, and in the classroom.
Problem Solving Ready Made Plan

Problem Solving Ready Made Plan

This 26 slide Powerpoint lesson will work super in your pre-algebra classroom. It will actually work in any math class from grades 5-10. CCSS standards require students to be able to solve real-world situations involving math. Great graphics included.
Superhero Math-Percentages, Fractions, Decimals

Superhero Math-Percentages, Fractions, Decimals

If you are a 5rd-7th grade math teacher, you are sure to find the right fit of math worksheets for your class. Most of the questions and the clip art on each page is Superhero themed. Worksheet topics include: Fractions: adding-subtract-multiply-divide, comparing fractions, and solving word problems Decimals: There are pages of adding decimals, fill-in the missing decimals, and read and write the decimal. Percents: This is my favorite section. It includes a word problem pertaining to superheroes. Students will love it! Teacher answer keys included.
Math Task Cards-Ratio and Proportion-Save Ink

Math Task Cards-Ratio and Proportion-Save Ink

Ratio and proportion task cards have been the most invaluable resource used in my classroom. I use this product in a pinch and to save on my color ink (color version is here: Ratio-Proportion Task Cards) I credit this to 2 reasons: 1. The cards are a load of fun for the kids. 2. When students have full comprehension of the basics behind setting up ratio and proportion problems, then they can solve any algebraic problem that comes their way. Using ratio and proportion as useful tools for solving mathematical word problems will make your job as a math teacher much easier. What better way to review, practice or emphasize the necessary skills than with a fun task card activity. These colorful task cards with easy 2-sided printing (question on front-answer on back) have matching pictures on question and answer card. If you do not want 2-sided printing, you will easily find the matching answer. Please print on heavy paper or card stock and laminate. (That is what I did and they have lasted for years) My students have gained tremendously from this activity. You can match cards to student abilities with the varying difficulty levels of cards. There are 66 cards in all (2 cards on each page) and topics are aligned to the Common Core, PA standards (6th and 7th) and also CMP3 math curriculum. Grade 6-Ratios & Proportional Relationships • CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.1 • CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.2 • CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.3 Grade 7-Ratios & Proportional Relationships • CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.1 • CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.2 • CCSS.Math.Content.7.RP.A.3 Topics include: 1. word problems 2. simplifying 3. solving for the variable 4. comparing 5. measurement proportionality
2nd Grade-Understanding Place Value Word Problems

2nd Grade-Understanding Place Value Word Problems

The worksheets include 25 fun word problems with cute graphics for your 2nd graders. Students can determine the value of the digit in the whole number, (first by determining its place value). For example, if one number (for example, 100) has more digits than another number (95), it automatically has the higher value. However, if two numbers have the same number of digits, such as 200 and 195, you must compare those digits from left to right. Most of the word problems are CCSS-aligned to: CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.1 CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.1.a CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.1.b CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.A.3 There are also word problems with place value up to thousands, ten-thousands, and hundred-thousands place. I have included a copy in Word, just in case you want to edit place value to your liking.