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Affordable Outstanding History and Politics Lessons

Average Rating4.71
(based on 56 reviews)

15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!




15 yrs experience in outstanding schools and 5 years exam marking. I have a range of affordable resources for all Key Stages in History and ALevel (KS5) Government and Politics. I do the hard work so you don't have to! Track record of outstanding teaching and results over 15 year career so far. SPI +1.10 and a residual of +0.48 in 2023. Please review my resources as this helps me to improve and produce what teachers want. Any issues feel free to email me- moss_emma@hotmail.com and ill help!
Western rebellion Nature and Threat

Western rebellion Nature and Threat

Alevel lessons on Tudor Rebellions This is work for 2 2 hour lessons plus homework on the Nature and Threat of the Western rebellion. The Western Rebellion is one of the key rebellions which students need to study in depth for OCR ALevel. This lesson has a retrieval starter based on previous lesson. Colour code, mapping exercise to learn the narrative of the rebellion. Includes a detailed timeline/ chronology of the Western rebellion which will save you hours as I had to put it together from many different sources. Also includes a huge A3 threat evaluation sheet broken down into key criteria used to evaluate threat. This is a depth study so resources are very detailed. Analysis of threat based on all work done so far and a conclusion as well as a key debate on how violent the western rebels were.
Impact of WWI on Russia Causes of February Revolution

Impact of WWI on Russia Causes of February Revolution

Alevel Russian History OCR -can be used for any spec/ GCSE if simplified Very comprehensive double 2 hour lesson plus homework on the Impact of WWI on Russia - Economics, Society and Politics and the Causes of the February Revolution Includes a very detailed powerpoint including retrieval tasks for previous work studied, including debates, e.g. how stable was Russia on eve of war? Was the February revolution from above or below? Looks at all political, economic and social effects of WWI follows my previous lesson on How stable was Russia in 1914. Card sort of factors, Ripple diagram for pupils to fill in with causes for different groups in society e.g. national minorities and peasants vs army and industrial workers. Also includes an example 20 mark essay examining the significance of WWI vs Nicholas II’s actions even before WWI.
Renaissance Medicine Lessons

Renaissance Medicine Lessons

Edexcel GCSE History Medicine Through Time This is a complete set of lessons on Renaissance Medicine. Including the Great Plague. Lesson 1 and 2 Great Plague and comparison to the Black Death including 4 mark exam question. Lesson 3 Renaissance Ideas about Causes Lesson 4 Renaissance Ideas about Treatment (may take 2 lessons) Lesson 5 Renaissance Ideas about Prevention Lesson 6 Summary of Individual Contribution and how far did medicine advance during Renaissance? Lesson 7 Summary Renaissance and 12 mark exam Q.
Stalin's Economic Policies

Stalin's Economic Policies

OCR ALevel Russia 1894-1941 but can be adapted/ used for other specs. Set of lessons on all Stalin’s economic policies - very detailed for ALevel or could be simplified for GCSE. Aims Collectivisation- implementation and successes and failures Industrialisation- 5 year plans implementation and successes and failures
ALevel Russia Example Essays 1894-1941

ALevel Russia Example Essays 1894-1941

A huge bundle of example answers for ALevel Russia 1894-1941 - OCR ALevel course but can be adapted for any exam board. OCR uses 20 mark “How far do you agree?” style open essays and 10 mark shorter questions in which students must only compare 2 factors as a more important cause or consequence of something. These answers are all A-A* grade responses. Long essay questions included: -How successful were Stalin’s economic policies? -How far did Russia achieve stability 1906-1914? -How far do you agree that the failures of the provisional government led to the October/ November Revolution? -Stalin rose to power because of his strengths and his position within the Bolshevik party. How far do you agree? -To what extent did WWI cause the February Revolution? -“The 1905 Revolution was a result of Nicholas II himself” How far do you agree? Short essay (2 factors) quesions included: -Which was the most important reason for the introduction of the NEP: +The Kronstadt Rebellion +Famine in the countryside -Which of the following was the most important cause of the Oct/ Nov revolution in 1917? +The failures of the provisional government +The Actions of Lenin -Which of the following was the most important cause of the 1905 revolution: +Industrialisation +Political Opposition
Edexcel GCSE History Medicine Through Time Industrial Era

Edexcel GCSE History Medicine Through Time Industrial Era

Full unit of work on Industrial era Medicine -Intro context and Jenner -Germ Theory- Pasteur and Koch -Improvements to Surgery -Improvements to Hospitals -Cholera/ Public Health -Improvements to Public Health -Further vaccinations -Industrial era summary and exam Qs
Detente SALT I Helsinki Accords Apollo Soyuz

Detente SALT I Helsinki Accords Apollo Soyuz

GCSE History Superpower Relations in the Cold War Edexcel but can be used for any spec This 3 lesson bundle is very detailed and includes loads of info and tasks on Detente, SALT 1, Helsinki Accords and the APollo Soyuz mission Also Why did Detente fail? SALT 2 and its failure. Includes analysis of events and also an SEND reduced content worksheet. Also includes an 8 mark model answer but as a “find and fix” the errors exercise to test student knowledge and understanding. No textbooks necessary or any other info all included.
Tudor Rebellions Revision and Retrieval- All English Rebellions

Tudor Rebellions Revision and Retrieval- All English Rebellions

ALevel Tudor Rebellions Course- Revision Resource: These retrieval grids cover all the rebellions against the Tudors in England. Grid 1: Henry VII between 1485-1499 Grid 2: Henry VIII and Edward VI rebellions 1509-1553 Grid 3: Mary I and Elizabeth I rebellions in England 1553-1601 Note: I have not included the Irish rebellions grid as I’ve not had chance to make this yet. These are two word documents- due to small size of text to fit on one side -will ideally be printed A3. 2nd Word document is the answers highlighted in case you are unfamiliar with the course. Has detailed but succinct breakdown of the main themes: -Aims and causes -Support and leadership and size -Affected regions -Government response -Reasons for success/ failure -Impact Please note: PNG files are for illustration only- file includes fully editable word documents.
Revision Resource Paper 2 Saxon and Norman England

Revision Resource Paper 2 Saxon and Norman England

This is a mega powerpoint of entire Key Topic 1 for Revision. I compiled it from my lessons so there is NOTHING NEW/ DIFFERENT to what is in my lessons but it is all slimmed down into one long powerpoint which I recorded a video with using zoom for our students to learn at home. Could be used for the same purposes if you need it! Also includes a revision table mat worksheet from students to work from which I suggest is printed on A3 double sided and covers all key aspects of Topic 1 including Saxon economy, religion, law and order including trials by ordeal, blood feuds and Wergild, society and hierarchy/ social mobility, government and local government administration and Shire Reeve, powers of King, Powers of Earls, House of Godwin and origins of power and controvesy. Feud with Earl Godwin, Rising against Tostig Causes, events and consequences and the Claimants to the throne in 1066 alongside an evaluation of their claim (included in video), Battles of Gate Fulford, Stamford Bridge and Hastings. I’ve included the video for you if you need it-it is very long 1 hour 40 mins (whhoops! And is also interrupted by the Morrisons delivery man half way through) but tells the story well with loads of references/ analysis for exam questions and call backs to William’s England and struggle for control as well as changes he makes. Also includes for revision: Match up sheet for Who’s Who in Saxon England Match up sheet for Which Battle as students often get confused by these
Tudor Rebellions Revision

Tudor Rebellions Revision

This is a pack of all my ALevel Revision Resources for Tudor Rebellions- based on the OCR ALevel but can be used with Edexcel or AQA also. Includes: Course and Revision Guide including Who is Who- Tudor AListers- know your Duke of Norfolk from your Duke of Northumberland Overview of rebellions Retrieval Grids with answers Revision Thinking Quilts Fun Quizzes- Nob or Nobility Thematic teaching powerpoints on Causes, Nature, Succcess/ Failure of rebellions
Tudor Rebellions Essay Plans Thematic

Tudor Rebellions Essay Plans Thematic

Attached are many thematic essay plans which are fairly detailed with examples of rebellions for loads of past paper thematic questions. EG for the questions such as: Evaluate the view rebellions led by gentry were most successful Evaluate the view crown was most important factor in maintaining stability Evaluate the view rebellions led by nobility were most threatening Evaluate the view rebellions in Ireland were less successful than in England Evaluate the view some regions more prone to unrest than others Evaluate the view that the church always supported the monarch Evaluate the view that policies destabilised the monarch Evaluate the view that rebellions failed due to lack of support Evaluate the view that government response to rebellions changed over time Evaluate the view that the nobility became less involved over time Evaluate view that objectives changed over time And many more!
Edexcel GCSE Medieval Medicine 1250-1500

Edexcel GCSE Medieval Medicine 1250-1500

Unit of work on Medieval Medicine for the Edexcel GCSE History specification. A fully dual coded learning journey for the entire medicine course. Whole topic! Complete with knowledge retrieval quizzes, dual coding resources, videos, worksheets and 2 practice 16 mark questions and model answers and also a full glossary of key words. Lesson 1: Intro to exam, thematic course, medieval England and diseases includes research hwk on Hippocrates and Galen Lesson 2: Ideas about Causes of Disease in medieval England Lesson 3: Care of the Sick, consolidation of Four Humours and Attitudes and introduction to WASIIC factors for change/ continuity Lesson 4: Medieval ideas about Treatment Lesson 5: Medieval Hospitals and exam practice Lesson 6: The Black Death case study Lesson 7: Medieval ideas about Prevention of Disease Lesson 8: Summary of Medieval era- causes of change and continuity NOTE: Updated in 2024 with lots of new resources and improved powerpoints and word resources. 2 Any reference to the textbook can be ignored as all lessons include alternative information sources which are clearly signposted. PNG files are for illustrative purposes only- all files are fully editable powerpoint and word documents. This is an absolute bargain and very handy for beginners!
OCR Tudor Rebellions Ireland- Irish Rebellions Bundle

OCR Tudor Rebellions Ireland- Irish Rebellions Bundle

This is a bundle of lessons for the OCR ALevel Course Tudors- Rebellion and Disorder -Lesson 1: English rule in Ireland and Intro -Lesson 2: Silken Thomas -Lesson 3: Shane O’Neill -Lesson 4-5: The Desmond/ Geraldine Rebellions Plus all four lessons on the depth study of the Tyrone Rebellion If you buy the lessons: email me for the video clips which I cannot add for copyright reasons: -The Fall of the House of Kildare -BBC the Story of Ireland Part 3 At present you can also find them on Youtube moss_emma@hotmail.com
GCSE Medicine Through Time Revision Bundle

GCSE Medicine Through Time Revision Bundle

7 Resources
This is for Edexcel but can also be used for AQA. Medicine THrough Time Revision Resources: 1.Includes full set of detailed Lotus revision diagrams 2. Thematic timelines to teach big picture of medicine over time 3. Big fat medicine quiz for an intense revision session 4. 4x weekly revision quizzes plus answers which cover whole themes: -Changing understanding of Causes over time -Changes approaches to treatment and care of sick over time -Changing attitudes and approaches to prevention over time -Case studies Black Death, Great Plague, Cholera and Lung Cancer 5. Revision task booklet 6. Model answers for 2021 paper 7. Mock exam feedback and model answers for 2022 paper Cost to purchase separately £29
WWI Medicine on the British Sector Western Front

WWI Medicine on the British Sector Western Front

6 Resources
This bundle is my new and updated Medicine Through Time bundle of lessons on WWI Medicine: British Sector of the Western Front Total cost to purchase individually £24 Heavily discounted Includes all the basics you would need to teach this topic for the first time. All lessons are fully resourced, no need for a textbook but obviously if you have the textbook you can further enhance the lessons. Also includes model answers and exam questions for every question type and a guide for students on how to answer the questions.
Tudor Rebellions- Rebellions against Mary and Elizabeth

Tudor Rebellions- Rebellions against Mary and Elizabeth

4 Resources
OCR ALevel Tudor Rebellions These lessons look at rebellions against Mary I and Elizabeth I in ENGLAND. I have a separate bundle for Ireland so they are not on here. Includes: Lady Jane Grey, Wyatt, Revolt of the Northern Earls and Oxfordshire and Essex (as one mega lesson). Cost to buy separately £19
Norman England Topic 2 Establishing Control

Norman England Topic 2 Establishing Control

6 Resources
Edexcel GCSE History Anglo Saxon and Norman England Key Topic 2: William Establishes Control over England Includes all lessons needed includes exam questions / planning sheets for exam questions. Total price would be £20.00
The Tudors Scheme of Work

The Tudors Scheme of Work

KS3 Scheme of Work on the Tudors but very challenging with lots of detail so could be used for KS4 and even adapted for KS5. Includes the following lessons: 0. Glossary of key terms Henry VII and the legacy of Wars of the Roses Henry’s problems and solutions Henry VIII Problems as he ascended the throne Henry VIII Wives- a revisionist view looking at his wives achievements, strengths and influence Dissolution of the monasteries Interpretations of Henry VIII- Renaissance Prince or Terrible Tyrant? Black Tudors- examining African people’s lives in Tudor England and deconstructing misconceptions Edward VI Reign and legacy Mary I- Does she deserve her bloody reputation? Elizabeth I and her problems Elizabeth I and the issue of marriage- Tudor Take Me Out Religious Rollercoaster lesson
Superpower Relations: Topic 3: The End of the Cold War

Superpower Relations: Topic 3: The End of the Cold War

5 Resources
Edexcel GCSE Superpower RElations bundle Key Topic 3 The End of the Cold War Includes a load of useful resources Including: Key word glossaries for all topics Exam questions and a variety of model answers/ tasks e.g. find and fix, gap fills, planning etc Retrieval tasks e.g. highlighter heads- who is who from Topic 1 and 2 Lesson 1 and 2 DEtente, SALT and Helsinki Accords and Why did Detente fail?/ Failure of SALT 2 Lesson 3 The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Lesson 4 Reagan and the Second Cold War including Reagan Doctrine and the Star Wars programme Lesson 5 Gorbachev’s New Thinking and the collapse of Soviet Control in E. Europe and End of the Cold War Lesson 6 The Fall of the Soviet Union/ USSR Total of lessons individually £24
Superpower Relations Cold War Key Topic 2

Superpower Relations Cold War Key Topic 2

5 Resources
This is a bundle of my lessons for Edexcel GCSE Superpower Relations in the Cold War 1945-1991 Key Topic 2: Crises oof the cold War Includes: -The Berlin Crisis 1958-1961 -The Berlin Wall and impact -The Cuban Revolution and Bay of Pigs Invasion -THe Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 -The Prague Spring 1968 causes events and consequences Includes a range of exam questions of all 3 question types and model answers. Total Cost would be £21 individually Here is a link to my Key Topic 1 Bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-cold-war-superpower-relations-topic-1-12813074