Mrsgreen2015's ShopAverage Rating4.33(based on 6 reviews)Literacy resources for pupils P1-P7Edit shopAdd a resource
mrsgreen2015Glasgow Gruffalo(0)A flipchart with comprehension activities based on The Glasgow Gruffalo. Suitable for P3-P4.
mrsgreen2015Little Bat Sound/Word Warm Up Game(0)Activinspire word or phonics warm up game for Halloween! Please edit to suit your common words and sound.
mrsgreen2015The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle Flipchart(1)Flipchart with reading comprehension ans grammar activities suitable for P3/4 and upwards. Could be adapted for younger pupils.
mrsgreen2015Sea Shanties Literacy Resource feat The Wellerman(4)Literacy comprehension and writing tasks that feature the song The Wellerman by Nathan Evans