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These are my contributions to the wonderful world of maths resources! They are all free. Check out my blog to see hundreds of resource recommendations for Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.




These are my contributions to the wonderful world of maths resources! They are all free. Check out my blog to see hundreds of resource recommendations for Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.
Maths Classroom and Corridor Displays

Maths Classroom and Corridor Displays

Just a few simple posters for maths classrooms, created in Canva. 1. List of essential equipment 2. 'Learn something new today’ 3. Mathematicians quote by Matt Parker - 2 versions 4. Welcome to maths (with adapted Hogwarts quote) - 2 versions 5. ‘If you are not willing to learn…’ quote - 2 versions 6. 'Entitled to disruption free learning’ 7. Alphabet maths 8. Divide by zero joke 9. Change the ending quote (often attributed to CS Lewis)
Maths Spellings Display

Maths Spellings Display

A set of 25 posters for a maths classroom highlighting key words that are commonly misspelt. Two different versions are available.
Density questions for maths GCSE

Density questions for maths GCSE

This is a simple editable worksheet containing seven GCSE questions on density (including answers) taken from Edexcel Linked Pair papers. There's 29 marks worth of questions so this should take students 20 - 30 minutes to complete (useful for classwork or homework).
S1 Revision Quizzes

S1 Revision Quizzes

Two quizzes for Edexcel Statistics 1 revision. One is very long - it covers everything! The other is just 10 questions so would work well as a warm-up in a revision lesson.
C2 (Edexcel) Quick Facts Quiz

C2 (Edexcel) Quick Facts Quiz

A quick quiz of key C2 facts, useful for a warm-up in a revision lesson. Aligned to the Edexcel specification. If you want an editable version, please see the Core AS library on my blog.
C2 Revision Clock

C2 Revision Clock

Each student is given 12 questions (on A4) and a clock face (on A3). Students write their workings and answers in each section of the clock. Every 5 minutes or so students should be moving on to the next question/section. If all goes to plan they complete all 12 questions in a one hour lesson. When I do this lesson I set a timer to sound every five minutes - every time the buzzer sounds I write an answer on the board. This revision activity allows students to practise working under timed conditions and keeps them on task and engaged throughout the revision lesson. The questions here are taken from IYGB papers. A bonus question is provided for early finishers. Answers are also provided.
C4 Revision Clock

C4 Revision Clock

Each student is given 12 questions (on A4) and a clock face (on A3). Students write their workings and answers in each section of the clock. Every 5 minutes or so students should be moving on to the next question/section. If all goes to plan they complete all 12 questions in a one hour lesson. When I do this lesson I set a timer to sound every five minutes - every time the buzzer sounds I write an answer on the board. This revision activity allows students to practise working under timed conditions and keeps them on task and engaged throughout the revision lesson. These questions are fairly challenging so suitable for students working at a grade A. The questions are taken from IYGB papers.
C3 Revision Clock

C3 Revision Clock

Each student is given 12 questions (on A4) and a clock face (on A3). Students write their workings and answers in each section of the clock. Every 5 minutes or so students should be moving on to the next question/section. If all goes to plan they complete all 12 questions in a one hour lesson. When I do this lesson I set a timer to sound every five minutes - every time the buzzer sounds I write an answer on the board. This revision activity allows students to practise working under timed conditions and keeps them on task and engaged throughout the revision lesson. These questions are fairly challenging so suitable for students working at a grade A. The questions are taken from IYGB papers.
C1 Revision Clock

C1 Revision Clock

Each student is given 12 questions (on A4) and a clock face (on A3). Students write their workings and answers in each section of the clock. Every 5 minutes or so students should be moving on to the next question/section. If all goes to plan they complete all 12 questions in a one hour lesson. This revision activity allows students to practise working under timed conditions and keeps them on task and engaged throughout the revision lesson. I have made two versions, both with answers. In the first version, the questions are taken from old practice papers and are fairly straightforward. Some of my students got through these questions in 30 - 40 minutes. In the second version, the questions are much more challenging. These questions are taken from IYGB papers.
Maths in the Simpsons - Enrichment Lecture

Maths in the Simpsons - Enrichment Lecture

This enrichment lecture is based on ideas from Simon Singh’s book ‘The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets’. It covers Fermat’s Last Theorem, Mersenne primes, perfect numbers, narcissistic numbers, binary numbers and rock-paper-scissors. The slides include footage from The Simpsons, Futurama and The Big Bang Theory. There are 6 videos embedded in the slides which I believe you will have to save alongside the presentation to make sure they run when clicked. If you’d like some help preparing speaking notes for these slides please tweet me (@mathsjem).
Poisson or Binomial

Poisson or Binomial

11 questions in which students have to decide whether the distribution is Poisson or Binomial. Could be used with mini-whiteboards. The animation reveals the correct answer on each slide.
Finding the gradient of a curve using a tangent

Finding the gradient of a curve using a tangent

This worksheet has been made for the new GCSE specification. Students are given four graphs and are required to find the gradient using a tangent at various points. This worksheet is designed to allow students to practise the skill before moving onto application. Answers are included.
Quadratic Inequalities - Spot the Mistake

Quadratic Inequalities - Spot the Mistake

Created for the new GCSE specification but also suitable for AS level and iGCSE, this activity requires students to identify errors in quadratic inequality solutions. It is designed to highlight and tackle common misconceptions.
Set notation for inequalities (new GCSE)

Set notation for inequalities (new GCSE)

The new maths GCSE specification states that students will have to represent inequalities using set notation. This straightforward worksheet is for students to practise using number lines and set notation interchangeably. Answers are provided. Support and resources for teaching topics in the new GCSE are available on my website resourceaholic.com.
Percentages GCSE Revision Worksheet

Percentages GCSE Revision Worksheet

A mixed set of questions for Higher GCSE percentages practice/revision. Covers percentage change, reverse percentage problems and compound interest. Questions were drawn from a variety of sources.
Standard Deviation Homework

Standard Deviation Homework

This is a Pret homework for standard deviation. In Pret homeworks, pupils practise, recall, extend and think. These homeworks are typically followed in class with spelling or memory tests and discussions about research findings. For an editable version of this homework and Pret homeworks for many more topics, see http://prethomework.weebly.com/
Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Homework

Simplifying Algebraic Fractions Homework

This is a Pret homework for simplifying algebraic fractions. In Pret homeworks, pupils practise, recall, extend and think. These homeworks are typically followed in class with spelling or memory tests and discussions about research findings. For an editable version of this homework and Pret homeworks for many more topics, see http://prethomework.weebly.com/