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These are my contributions to the wonderful world of maths resources! They are all free. Check out my blog to see hundreds of resource recommendations for Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.




These are my contributions to the wonderful world of maths resources! They are all free. Check out my blog to see hundreds of resource recommendations for Key Stage 3, 4 and 5.
Maths Classroom and Corridor Displays

Maths Classroom and Corridor Displays

Just a few simple posters for maths classrooms, created in Canva. 1. List of essential equipment 2. 'Learn something new today’ 3. Mathematicians quote by Matt Parker - 2 versions 4. Welcome to maths (with adapted Hogwarts quote) - 2 versions 5. ‘If you are not willing to learn…’ quote - 2 versions 6. 'Entitled to disruption free learning’ 7. Alphabet maths 8. Divide by zero joke 9. Change the ending quote (often attributed to CS Lewis)
C1 Indices - Exponential Equations

C1 Indices - Exponential Equations

This is a worksheet for C1 students studying indices. It covers simple exponential equations of the type where you make the bases the same and set the exponents equal to each other. Requires knowledge of index laws and factorising quadratics but not logs. Answers provided. May also be suitable as extension work at GCSE.
Edexcel S1 Revision Cards

Edexcel S1 Revision Cards

These S1 revision cards can be used as an individual or class activity. Individuals can ask friends/relatives to test them using these cards. For use in class, hand out one laminated card per pupil. They circulate round the class, pairing up to ask and answer their questions, then swapping cards and pairing up with someone else. It's a nice active revision lesson. Please do let me know if I&'ve made any errors on these cards.
Investigating Skewness

Investigating Skewness

In this activity pupils calculate the median and mean of three data sets and consider whether mean or median is the better measure of location in each case. This prompts class discussion about the impact of outliers in a data set. A number of other discussion points may arise - see notes. This activity could be used at the start of a lesson on skewness. A word copy is attached for editing if required.
S1 Revision Quizzes

S1 Revision Quizzes

Two quizzes for Edexcel Statistics 1 revision. One is very long - it covers everything! The other is just 10 questions so would work well as a warm-up in a revision lesson.
Edexcel Core 3 Revision Cards

Edexcel Core 3 Revision Cards

These revision cards cover most Edexcel C3 topics and can be used as an individual or class activity. Individuals can ask friends/relatives to test them using these cards. For use in class, hand out one card per pupil. They circulate round the class, pairing up to ask and answer their questions, then swapping cards and pairing up with someone else. It's a nice active revision lesson. Please do let me know if I&'ve made any errors on these cards. C1/C2, S1 and S2 cards are also available.
Area under a graph

Area under a graph

Skills practice for GCSE 9 - 1. Students find the area under six graphs - the first four graphs involve straightforward shapes, the final two graphs require splitting the area into strips and estimating total area using trapeziums. Students are asked to include units to make them think about the outcome of finding areas (ie vertical axis units x horizontal axis units). Answers are included, plus an editable version of this resource.
Density questions for maths GCSE

Density questions for maths GCSE

This is a simple editable worksheet containing seven GCSE questions on density (including answers) taken from Edexcel Linked Pair papers. There's 29 marks worth of questions so this should take students 20 - 30 minutes to complete (useful for classwork or homework).
Year 12 Maths Entry Assessment

Year 12 Maths Entry Assessment

This assessment tests basic pre-requisite maths skills on entry to A level. It's editable so if you like the format but don't like the questions, feel free to change them! The idea is to give this 15 minute test in the first maths lesson of Year 12 in order to identify any students who need immediate intervention. The intervention sessions can then be tailored to specific skills eg a session on expanding brackets, and a separate session on solving equations. This assessment is print-friendly (one side of A4) and quick to mark. Teachers can complete the mini-feedback sheet for each student and staple it to their assessment, with details of upcoming intervention sessions.
Party Box Plots

Party Box Plots

This worksheet helps pupils understand how variation is represented on box plots. Either ask pupils to complete the worksheet or ask pupils to come up with their own box plots eg 'can you draw a box plot representing the ages of guests at an 18th birthday party?' etc.
Edexcel S2 Revision Cards

Edexcel S2 Revision Cards

These S2 revision cards can be used as an individual or class activity. Individuals can ask friends/relatives to test them using these cards. For use in class, hand out one laminated card per pupil. They circulate round the class, pairing up to ask and answer their questions, then swapping cards and pairing up with someone else. It's a nice active revision lesson. Please do let me know if I&'ve made any errors on these cards.
Factorising Non-Monic Quadratics by Inspection

Factorising Non-Monic Quadratics by Inspection

This resource provides a structured approach for pupils to develop fluency in factorising harder quadratics by inspection. Initially some values are given - the difficulty level increases as the scaffolding is removed.
Exploring Graphs with Desmos

Exploring Graphs with Desmos

Desmos is very user-friendly. After a short demonstration on the IWB, pupils are able to spend a whole lesson on a computer or tablet using Desmos to explore graph types and simple transformations. I used this worksheet with Year 9 - there's enough here for two lessons.
Set notation for inequalities (new GCSE)

Set notation for inequalities (new GCSE)

The new maths GCSE specification states that students will have to represent inequalities using set notation. This straightforward worksheet is for students to practise using number lines and set notation interchangeably. Answers are provided. Support and resources for teaching topics in the new GCSE are available on my website resourceaholic.com.
Inequalities homework

Inequalities homework

This is a Pret homework for solving equations involving inequalities. In Pret homeworks, pupils practise, recall, extend and think. These homeworks are typically followed in class with spelling or memory tests and discussions about research findings. For an editable version of this homework and Pret homeworks for many more topics, see http://prethomework.weebly.com/