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Mr. Zee's Resources

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Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee




Welcome! I am a Business, Economics and Psychology teacher working in London, examining for GCSE & A-Level and providing high quality resources so your students can enjoy and thrive in the study of these beautiful subjects. Positive reviews are much appreciated. School purchase orders can be emailed to zee.tes@hotmail.com - Zee
2.1.2 External finance - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.1.2 External finance - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This set of resources can be delivered over 2-3 lessons and introduces learners to the various external sources of finance, building on from 2.1.1 internal finance. We start by recapping the reasons for finance, then go through each one with their pros and cons. A brief case study on Dr. Dre’s beats and share capital with a 4 mark question and model answer provided. We then go on to consolidating the knowledge with some matching and recall activities before a group activity, students are put into groups and given scenarios that require finance, students decide which sources of finance are most appropriate for scenario and present ideas back to class. Class then decides who the weakest link is (encouraging application and evaluation skills) A case study and 12 mark question on venture capital is included, structure guidance and a concise model answer is provided to help students develop their exam technique. A link to a kahoot quiz and box plenary to finish off with. I have found this to be a very engaging lesson personally. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.1.3 Liability - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.1.3 Liability - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to the ‘tricky at first’ concept of limited liability. We start by clarifying limited and unlimited liability, with an illustrated example before going onto an interesting and concise case study about a sole trader who failed, then started again as a LTD company - a 10 mark question with structure guidance and a concise model answer for learners to use in self/peer assessments. A kahoot quiz to consolidate the topic. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 - 3.3.1 Quantitative sales forecasting

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 - 3.3.1 Quantitative sales forecasting

This lesson introduces learners to quantitative sales forecasting, the lesson is broken down right from the beginning - we recap how to work out basic averages learnt in math, we then look at an example of how to work out 3 year moving average and then to centring with 8 figures, all broken down step by step. We then look at the limitations of using quantitative sales forecasting. We then go on to read a concise case study where students have to work out the moving averages and then answer a 20 mark question (this can be done as a discussion or answered as an exam question), concise model answer is given and students can see how to structure a 20 mark question. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 - 3.1 Business objectives and strategy

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 3 - 3.1 Business objectives and strategy

4 Resources
This 4 lesson bundle covers: 3.1.1 Corporate objectives 3.1.2 Theories of corporate strategy 3.1.3 SWOT analysis 3.1.4 Impact of external influences Filled with real life examples, case studies, questions, concise modelled answers to improve exam practice and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
2.1.1 Internal finance - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.1.1 Internal finance - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This lesson introduces learners to ways of raising capital from within the business. we start by discussing the reasons for why a business might need finance and the different types. We look at the 3 main types of internal finance with their pros and cons, before a short pair research task to apply and consolidate. We then look at a concise case study of a firm that requires capital but wants to only use internal finance - a 12 mark question on this with structure guidance and a concise model answer for students to use when peer assessing. A peer assessment grid and how it is used by examiners is provided for students to make improves on WWW and EBI. A box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
2.1.4 Planning - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

2.1.4 Planning - Theme 2 Edexcel A Level Business

This set of resources (1x PPT and 8x word docs) can be delivered over 3-4 lessons and introduces learners to the importance of business planning with an emphasis on cash flow forecasting. We start by looking at what’s included in a business plan and the purpose of creating one, a group matching cards activity to consolidate the contents of the business plan. We then go on to looking at the importance of a positive cash flow, and how to construct a cash flow forecast from scratch step by step (although this isn’t required it helps understand the topic well). Students then go on to consolidate this by creating a cash flow forecast for Ian Beale’s fish and chip shop, some further calculation practice followed. This is followed by 2 x 12 mark questions, one on business planning and one on cash flow forecasting based on Ian Beale’s forecast. Both comes with structure guidance and concise model answers for students to peer assess with. Two links to kahoot quizzes on the topic and a box plenary to finish with. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.2.4 The competitive environment

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.2.4 The competitive environment

This lesson introduces learners to competition, competitive advantage and what makes a market competitive. We go through each way a business can gain advantage, then we contextualise each of these ways. Real examples of how businesses compete with each other, rather than competing on price. SWOT analysis task included where students use one of the businesses given and look at their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Two 3 mark questions with model answers to build exam technique. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.4.2 Understanding business performance

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.4.2 Understanding business performance

This lesson introduces learners to interpreting graphs and coming to conclusions from interpreting. Infographics and other graphs included to show various types of interpretations that might be needed. A 6 mark analyse context question with a model answer for students to peer assess. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.7.7 Analysing the external environment: The competitive environment - AQA A Level Business

3.7.7 Analysing the external environment: The competitive environment - AQA A Level Business

This resource includes 1x PPT and 1x word document which can be delivered over a double lesson. We focus on Porter’s five forces by starting with a video outlining the model, then some slides to consolidate the theory on this interesting tool to analyse influences on an industry. A case study on Tesco’s buyer power is looked at before students attempt to carry out a Porter’s five forces analysis on the smartphone industry, this could be carried out as a group activity and findings presented back to class. In the second lesson, we look at a case study which we previously looked at in year 1 (3.1.3) on the gaming market, now that students have studied the external environment in thorough detail in year 2, we attempt this again. Model answer and peer assessment grid provided, debate question, videos, case studies, kahoot quiz and a box plenary to finish with. As we come to the end of external influences, some slides at the end to remind students that PESTLE and SWOT are also useful tools to analyse external influences on businesses together with Porter’s five forces. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.2.1 Conditions that prompt trade

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.2.1 Conditions that prompt trade

This lesson introduces learners the types of conditions which push or pull countries to operate in different countries. We then go on to look at the difference between off-shoring and outsourcing with examples, pros and cons are discussed. A concise case study on an IT company Xceed is looked at, and why they decide to operate in a different country - this is a good build up to the next lesson where we assess countries. Guidance and some structure is given, then students can look at a concise model answer to help with self assessment Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.1 Growing economies

Edexcel A Level Business Theme 4 - 4.1.1 Growing economies

This three lesson bundle covers 4.1.1 Growing economies area of the specification. We start by looking at what an economy is and how it is measured. Then we move on to looking at examples of emerging economies such as the BRICs and MINTs. In the second lesson we look at a case study on Lucozade attempting to challenge Coca-Cola in the USA, students then attempt a question on this, with guidance on how to achieve marks for knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation. Once they’ve answered, we look at an example model answer which students can aspire to when peer assessing and making improvements. A case study on Mark’s & Spencer entering India, again with guidance and and a model answer for students to look at for marking. In the third lesson, students look at how China’s growth affects UK businesses, a model answer to look at to develop exam technique. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
OCR Cambridge Technicals Business Unit 1 The business environment - LO1

OCR Cambridge Technicals Business Unit 1 The business environment - LO1

3 Resources
This 5 lesson bundle covers: 1.1 & 1.2 Types of businesses and sectors - 1 lesson 1.3 and 1.4 Different forms of legal business ownership and factors which inform ownership - double lesson 1.5 Differing business aims and objectives - double lesson Filled with real life examples, case studies, questions, concise model answers to improve exam practice and kahoot quizzes to consolidate learning in an engaging way. All you need - open the powerpoint, run through it, and deliver quality lessons whilst saving precious time. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! - all files in zip folder. Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.2.3 Promotion

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.2.3 Promotion

This double lesson introduces learners to the various promotional strategies used by businesses. Lots of real life examples to contextualize each promotion. A few 3 mark questions with modelled answers to develop exam skills. A 6 mark with modelled answer and context building skills. A group activity to develop a brand and present it to the class with a worksheet to guide this. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.1.3 Business and globalisation

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.1.3 Business and globalisation

This double lesson introduces learners to globalisation and the impacts from trading internationally. Haribo starter to stimulate discussion on benefits. Clear detailed examples of tariffs and quotas so students understand protectionism, real life example with Trump and China’s recent tariff war. Finally glocalisation examples from Mcdonalds given to show how they adapt their food in so many ways to meet different cultural tastes. A number of 3 mark questions with model answers to self or peer assess included. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.5.4 Motivation

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 2 - 2.5.4 Motivation

This double lesson introduces learners to what motivation is, students reflect on what motivates them. Financial and non financial methods are discussed. Two case studies, two 9 mark questions, one with guidance to help write a model answer. I have included Maslow’s hierarchy of needs although they do not need to know this for this particular course, however it helps with understanding motivation and extend their knowledge on the topic. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.3.3 Cash and cash flow

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.3.3 Cash and cash flow

This double lesson introduces learners to the importance of cash for the survival of a business, inflows and outflows are discussed, students seperate inflows from outflows, then they go on to complete a cash flow forecast step by step with guidance on the powerpoint. Formulas are given to help work out net cash flow, opening and closing balance. Students then go on to consolidate this by creating a cash flow forecast for Ian Beale’s fish and chip shop, some further calculation practice followed. 3 and 6 mark questions with model answers to build exam skills on the topic. A consolidation lesson where students complete a cash flow forecast with a template on the computer. They can play with the figures to see how it will affect closing balance. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.2.2 Market research

Edexcel GCSE Business - Theme 1 - 1.2.2 Market research

This lesson introduces students to what market research is and how vital it is to businesses. The different types of research are looked at with their pros and cons. Examples of quantitative and qualitative research is looked at. A 3 mark question with a model answer to self assess. Finally a task to create a questionnaire. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.7.3 Analysing the existing internal position: Overall performance - AQA A Level Business

3.7.3 Analysing the existing internal position: Overall performance - AQA A Level Business

This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 3 lessons (over 50 slides of engaging and interactive learning). In the first lesson, we start by looking at how marketing, human resources and operations data can be used to assess the internal performance of a business. We look at a variety of ways to assess from each function i.e capacity utilisation for operations, labour turnover for human resources etc. In the second powerpoint, we focus on core competencies and other ways to assess the internal performance of a business such as Kaplan & Norton’s Balanced scorecard and Elkington’s Triple bottom line. Research tasks, exam practice, true or false questions, box plenary, debate and kahoot quiz included. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.7.6 Analysing the external environment: Social and technological - AQA A Level Business

3.7.6 Analysing the external environment: Social and technological - AQA A Level Business

This set of resources includes 2x PPTs which can be delivered over 3 lessons (over 65 slides of engaging and interactive learning throughout the bundle). We start by discussing the different types of social changes that exist before looking at some informative graphs and charts to contextualise understanding. A short exam style question before going on technological changes, again discussion of real life examples for context and a short question. Some true or false questions as a mini plenary and debate. In the second powerpoint, we focus on corporate social responsibility, lots of real life examples. case studies, videos to help students understand the extent to which businesses are socially responsible (or not) i.e Apple and Primark’s suppliers and tax avoidance by many firms. We also have a case study on shareholders vs stakeholders, students prepare arguments to present back to the class on whether the firm should aim to satisfy shareholders or stakeholders, this can be answered as a 24 mark exam style question with a peer assessment grid to follow. Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you
3.7.5 Analysing the external environment: Economic change - AQA A Level Business

3.7.5 Analysing the external environment: Economic change - AQA A Level Business

This set of resources includes 6x PPTs which can be delivered over 9 lessons (100s of slides of engaging and interactive learning throughout the bundle). This bundle consists of lessons on Economic influences on business, the lessons are broken down as follows: L1-2 GDP and exchange rates L3 Inflation L4 Fiscal policy (taxation and government spending) L5 Monetary policy (interest rates) L6-7 Open trade vs protectionism L8-9 Globalisation A range of activities including case studies, videos, debates, research tasks and more throughout the lessons! Colourful, concise and engaging slides! Thank you