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KS3 Exploring Attitudes to War in 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'

KS3 Exploring Attitudes to War in 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'

Three lessons that explore attitudes to war using Tennyson’s ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ as a stimulus. The series encourages students to form their own interpretations, there is a focus on poet’s methods and group/individual tasks, building towards students writing their own analytical paragraphs. Originally used for online lessons with a mixed ability Year 8 group, these lessons could easily be adapted for in-class use. These resources could be used as a standalone sequence or as part of a wider unit on poetry or war poetry.
Year 9 Gothic Scheme of Work (Writing Focused)

Year 9 Gothic Scheme of Work (Writing Focused)

A 6 week scheme (15 lessons) of learning that explores Gothic conventions and a range of extracts from notable works. The unit is writing focused and builds awareness of setting and characterisation. There are additional and optional library resources that focuses on a reading of Jekyll and Hyde (text not supplied). Suitable for a mixed ability Year 9 class.
KS4 IGCSE Life of Pi Scheme of Learning

KS4 IGCSE Life of Pi Scheme of Learning

A scheme of work that covers the entire novel and includes reading time, a reading log, exploration of key themes, analysis of quotes, debate tasks and recall activities. Originally designed for the Cambridge 0475 Literature IGCSE. Suitable for a mixed ability KS4 group. This is divided into twenty lessons but note that the lessons are one hour, thirty minutes each. This would stretch to around thirty one hour lessons. Students will need their own copies of the text.
KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird Resources

KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird Resources

5 Resources
A bundle of resources that includes an analysis of Chapter 1 and mood, how Scout and Jem are presented in Ch. 1, an exploration of changes in attitude that focuses on Ch. 8, an analysis of Atticus Finch and writing from the perspective of Scout after the events of Ch. 9. There are sample of modelled writing included and a variety of discussion tasks. Suitable for a mixed ability year 8 class.
KS3 Y8 Exploring Effective Imagery

KS3 Y8 Exploring Effective Imagery

A lesson which aims to develop student understanding of what makes imagery effective in creative writing using the short story, ‘All Summer in a Day’ by Ray Bradbury. The lesson is scaffolded with discussion tasks and writing frames. Prior knowledge of the text is required. Suitable for a higher ability Year 7 group or a mixed ability Year 8 group.
KS3 Feedback Lesson Template

KS3 Feedback Lesson Template

A ‘green pen’ lesson that allows students opportunities to respond to teacher feedback and reflect on their own learning. This is designed to be used to follow after a marking episode, and encourages students to think about larger, conceptual questions of a unit and respond to texts studied. This lesson can be adapted to fit in with an existing unit of learning. Activities take an hour to complete.
KS3 Year 8: Approaching Poetry

KS3 Year 8: Approaching Poetry

6 lessons that cover an approach to exploring and analysing poetry with a follow up lesson on writing in response. The poems for analysis are ‘Brothers’ and ‘Mother Diving’ by Andrew Forster. The overarching theme is ‘Relationships’. These lessons would be suitable for a mixed ability Year 8 class and work as a short unit or to supplement a larger scheme of learning.
KS3 Exploring Conflict in 'Lamb to the Slaughter'

KS3 Exploring Conflict in 'Lamb to the Slaughter'

2 Resources
Two lessons which focus on the presentation of conflict in the Roald Dahl short story, ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’. A copy of the story is not included but can be easily obtained online. Prior knowledge of the Roald Dahl short story ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ is required. In this lesson, students begin applying their understanding of the text and crafting What/How/Why paragraphs. Modelled samples and scaffolds are included. Suitable for a mixed ability year 8 group.
Analysing Conflict in Lamb to the Slaughter KS3

Analysing Conflict in Lamb to the Slaughter KS3

Prior knowledge of the Roald Dahl short story ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ is required. In this lesson, students begin applying their understanding of the text and crafting What/How/Why paragraphs. Modelled samples and scaffolds are included. Suitable for a mixed ability year 8 group.
KS3 'Conflict in Lamb to the Slaughter'

KS3 'Conflict in Lamb to the Slaughter'

A lesson that focuses on the presentation of conflict in the Roald Dahl short story, ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’. A copy of the story is not included but can be easily obtained online. Suitable for a mixed ability Year 8 class.
KS3 Chinese Cinderella Novel Study SoW

KS3 Chinese Cinderella Novel Study SoW

A 17 lesson scheme of work focusing on Chinese Cinderella, by Adeline Yen Mah. This scheme builds towards a reading assessment, with opportunities for discussion, presentation and creative writing activities throughout. Originally planned as an online scheme, this can be easily adapted to suit a classroom or to supplement an existing SoW. Suitable for a mixed ability Year 7 class.
CIE IGCSE 0500 English Language Mock Exams

CIE IGCSE 0500 English Language Mock Exams

3 Resources
Three mock exam papers (two of Paper 1 and one of Paper 2) based on the 0500 2020 onwards specification for CIE English Language. Inserts, question papers and mark schemes are included for all papers.
Cambridge IGCSE 0500 English Language Paper 1 Walking Talking Mock

Cambridge IGCSE 0500 English Language Paper 1 Walking Talking Mock

A full IGCSE English Language Paper 1 mock exam with sources related to experiences of food. Question paper and mark scheme are included (the mark scheme is on the powerpoint). Originally used to facilitate a walking talking mock, this can be used for individual revision also. Suitable for students of the Cambridge 0500 specification (2020 onwards).
KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird: Writing for Character

KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird: Writing for Character

A lesson focusing on chapter 9 of To Kill A Mockingbird. Students will write from the perspective of Scout as she justifies why she defended Atticus’ reputation against Francis. Extension tasks and sentence scaffolds are included. Suitable for a mixed ability Year 8 class.
KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird: Changes in Attitudes

KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird: Changes in Attitudes

A lesson that explores Jem and Scout’s changes in attitude toward Boo Radley in chapter 8 of To Kill A Mockingbird. Suitable for a mixed ability Year 8, class there are opportunities for discussion and extension tasks.
KS3 Analysing Atticus Finch

KS3 Analysing Atticus Finch

Two lessons focusing on an analysis of Atticus Finch’s character in chapter 3 of To Kill A Mockingbird. Suitable for a mixed ability Year 8 class, these lessons include extension tasks and opportunities for peer assessment.
KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird: Exploring Mood

KS3 To Kill A Mockingbird: Exploring Mood

A lesson exploring and analysing how Harper Lee creates mood in chapter 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird. Extracts, extension tasks and model writing is included. Suitable for a mixed ability Year 8 class.