
KS3 Literature Poetry and Prose
4 schemes of work comprising of Oliver Twist (12 lessons), the Philip Pullman adaptation of Frankenstein (13 lessons), A Midsummer Night's Dream (14 lessons) and a poetry scheme (8 lessons) with supplemental WW1 poetry material (6 lessons). There is a a focus on extract analysis throughout and opportunities for collaborative writing and performance.
Suitably for higher ability year 7 groups or mixed ability year 8 classes.

KS3 Poetry Bundle
A bundle consisting of an 8 lesson challenge scheme featuring 'Jabberwocky', 'A Martian Sends a Postcard Home', the Witches' Speech from Macbeth, 'Brothers' and 'Mother Diving' by Andrew Forster. Additionally there are separate lessons on war poetry that include 'Dulce et Decorum Est', 'Anthem for Doomed Youth', and 'The Soldier'.
Suitable for a high ability year 7 group or a mixed ability year 8 class.

English Literature Key Stage 3 into Key Stage 4
A bundle consisting of several KS3 English Literature schemes of work: Oliver Twist, A Midsummer Night's Dream, a challenging poetry scheme and Frankenstein (the play adaptation) with additional WW1 poetry lessons.
Moving into KS4, there is a 30 lesson scheme that covers An Inspector Calls and a 15 lesson scheme that covers extract analysis and a range of activities for A Christmas Carol. There are accompanying extracts, contextual notes, modelled examples and an exam process scaffold. Suitable for accompanying a read through of the text or as additional analysis for year 11.
The KS3 schemes are aimed at challenging years 7 and 8 while An Inspector Calls can be used for a high ability year 9 group or mixed ability year 10 with revision activities for year 11 at the end of the scheme. A Christmas Carol would suit a mixed ability year 10 group if following along with a read through of the text.

WW1 Poetry KS3 Bundle
A series of lessons exploring war poetry, attitudes to war and authorial purpose. Suitable for a year 8 mixed ability group or higher ability year 7.

KS3 WW1 Exploring Author's Purpose
An exploratory lesson that focuses on considering authorial purpose for a recruitment speech. Students will need access to cameras/recorders to be able to perform sections of the speech. Resources are included as well as explanatory notes within the powerpoint. Suitable for high ability year 7 or mixed ability year 8 group and would mesh with a scheme on war poetry or supplement the study of War Horse or other WW1 texts.

Life as a Soldier WW1 KS3
An exploratory lesson on life as a soldier during World War 1 with summarising and pair work activities. Would support contextual background for war poetry or for the novel 'War Horse'. Suitable for a year 8 KS3 class.

WW1 Comparing Attitudes to War
An introductory lesson that explores attitudes towards World War 1 and war propaganda. Suitable to use alongside the study of 'War Horse' and as a supplementary lesson for a history scheme on WW1. Useful for a high ability year 7 or mixed ability year 8 group.