Attached are self-evaluation templates that I’ve created aimed to help students fully prepare for their listening, reading and writing mock exams in Modern Foreign Languages.
Wordsearch on the weather to get students settled and introduced to some key vocabulary on the topic of the weather.
As an extension, students can have a go at translating the words into English.
A comprehensive list of some useful sentence structures and phrases with different ways of expressing the same thing and avoiding repetition. This resource will help students to develop their vocabulary and further enhance the quality and authenticity of their speaking and writing.
Scaffolded worksheets designed to aid students with learning and utilising the Spanish Present Perfect Tense.
A wide range of activities give ample opportunity the students to meet new language, manipulate the language and make language their own.
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to use the Present Perfect tense confidently.
Both versions are available in Simplified and **Traditional **Chinese. Two separate PPTs are attached.
PPT on the topic of food and drink with activities/games for students to learn some different food and drink items (four of each) in Mandarin Chinese.
By the end of the session, will be able to express what they would like to eat and drink in Chinese.
Lots of choral repetition with the Chinese characters and pinyin.
Games include:
-What’s missing? - The students will see one of the images disappear and need to identify the missing one.
-The Flyswatter: Two students will come up to the front, the teacher or other students will shout out one of the words (e.g. 咖啡)and students need to the identify the image. The student who taps the board the quickest, will win the point.
PPT with a wide range of well-scaffolded activities for buying at the supermarket giving ample opportunity for students to meet new language, manipulate the language and make it their own.
A scaffolded worksheet is also included and the answers are included in the PPT.
Scaffolded worksheet on numbers 1-100 with a handout to support.
Exercise 1: Empareja el número con el español (match the number with the Spanish equivalent).
Exercise 2: Escribe en números lo siguiente (write the following in numbers).
Exericse 3: Escribe los siguientes números en palabras (write the following numbers in words).
Exercise 4: Completa las siguientes cuentas (complete the following sums).
Exercise 5: Completa las siguientes secuencias (Complete the following sequences).
ANSWERS ALSO INCLUDED (separate document)
Attached is a PowerPoint to learn about Christmas in Spain and Latin America with a wide range of activities and exercises to build and consolidate knowledge on this important festival.
Some speaking questions to get students to ask and answer questions using some of the key grammatical structures. E.g. 是。。。的。。。 A 还是 B
Questions increase in complexity.
Powerpoint to work through on what the preterite tense is, the usage and conjugations with examples for each form clearly indicated and lots of practice embedded for students to conjugate each of the verbs correctly for the different pronouns. It’s broken down into very small stages which gives learners ample opportunity to meet the new language and practise it.
A scaffolded worksheet gives students ample opportunity to meet new language, manipulate the language using the summary document to help them to complete the worksheet as well as make language their own.
Note: Sample answers are included as a separate document.
Powerpoint introducing some famous Chinese dishes and beverages.
A variety of games can be played such as:
2.Beat the Teacher
3.Pronunciation competition.
Then, there is a dialogue that I have created that students can practise and rehearse in pairs. There are two versions: one with the pinyin and the other with the characters for differentiation.
Comprises of the following worksheets with activities:
-Common phrases and sentence patterns, vocabulary and focus on grammar: the forms of have (I had, I have etc.)
-Common sentence patterns, vocabulary and focus on grammar - direct and indirect speech.
-Common sentence patterns, vocabulary and focus on grammar - imperfect vs simple past
A bundle of well-designed scaffolded worksheets for beginners Spanish students on a wide-range of topics including:
-Los saludos
-Me presento
-El tiempo
-En el supermercado
-En la farmacia
-Introducción a América Latina
-Métodos de transporte
-El Día de los Muertos
Beginner’s Spanish topics with a wide range of activities to help and consolidate learning with PPTs, materials accompanying the PPTS with worksheets included for each of the topics.
Designed for beginners with an introduction and appreciation to the Spanish language.
Bundle includes:
-Introduction to Spanish Culture
-At the restaurant
-At the supermarket
-At the pharmacy
Answers are also included towards the end of the PPTs.
Feedback would also be much appreciated to continue to further improve and develop my resources.
1.Worksheet designed for students to insert the correct definite article (el/la/los/las).
Extension: Translate the words into English using a dictionary (when necessary).
Answers are also included on page 2.
2.Worksheet designed for students to insert the correct indefinite article (un/una/unos/unas).
Extension: Translate the words into English using a dictionary (when necessary).
Answers are also included on page 2.
Scaffolded worksheet that focuses on meeting the verb “poder”, manipulating it through a wide range of exercises such as translation and making language their own by creating some sentences using “poder”.
Exercise 1: Complete the table “poder”.
**Exercise 2: **Fill-in the gaps with the correct form of “poder”.
**Exercise 3: **Translate the sentences in exercise 2 into English.
**Exercise 4: **Create four sentences using the verb “poder”.
A scaffolded reading-comprehension worksheet aimed at higher ability level GCSE students reinforcing the preterite tense in particular. These exercises aim for students to meet some new language in context of going on an exotic holiday to Colombia, manipulating the language through gap-fill exercises and reading comprehension in both languages as well as filling-in the gaps with the correct words.
These are typical GCSE-style questions which will aid students to practise and reinforce what they currently know in the context of going on an exotic holiday to Colombia.
A scaffolded worksheet on the topic of “weather” in the cultural context of towns and cities in France. There is ample opportunity for students to meet new Language, manipulate the language and make it their own.
Exercises include:
1.Mets les noms de ces villes (Can you put the names of these French cities and towns in the correct place on the map?
2.Vrai ou faux? (true or false?)
Corrige les phrases fausses (correct the false sentences).
3.Traduis les phrases en anglais (translate the sentences into English).
4.Ecris quatre phrases. (Write four sentences about the weather in Tibshelf describing what the weather is like in different seasons).
Tip: Use the vocabulary from today’s lesson to help you!