Wordsearch on the weather to get students settled and introduced to some key vocabulary on the topic of the weather.
As an extension, students can have a go at translating the words into English.
A comprehensive list of some useful sentence structures and phrases with different ways of expressing the same thing and avoiding repetition. This resource will help students to develop their vocabulary and further enhance the quality and authenticity of their speaking and writing.
Attached are self-evaluation templates that I’ve created aimed to help students fully prepare for their listening, reading and writing mock exams in Modern Foreign Languages.
Some speaking questions to get students to ask and answer questions using some of the key grammatical structures. E.g. 是。。。的。。。 A 还是 B
Questions increase in complexity.
Students are given a grid with three tenses: present simple, perfect and near future tenses. They are given some short cut-out phrases and in pairs, they are to sort them into the right categories.
This activity is to revise their tenses and ensure they are able to recognize the differences between the present simple, perfect and the near future.
Scaffolded worksheet that focuses on meeting the verb “poder”, manipulating it through a wide range of exercises such as translation and making language their own by creating some sentences using “poder”.
Exercise 1: Complete the table “poder”.
**Exercise 2: **Fill-in the gaps with the correct form of “poder”.
**Exercise 3: **Translate the sentences in exercise 2 into English.
**Exercise 4: **Create four sentences using the verb “poder”.
Scaffolded worksheet divided into three parts:
Part 1 – Common English Phrases and Sentence Patterns
Complete the following in order to make meaningful sentences/questions.
Part 2 – Vocabulary
(i) Match the idiomatic expressions with their definitions.
(ii) Decide whether the following have been used correctly (T) or not (F).
(iii) Correct the mistakes for the ones that are false (F).
Part 3 – Imperfect vs Simple Past
Explanations with examples for both the imperfect and simple past including the uses.
A (i) Decide whether the following are the Imperfect or the Simple-Past tense.
(ii) Underline the triggers/verbs of that tense in each of the sentences.
B) Create your own sentences using the simple past tense.
C) Create your own sentences using the imperfect tense.
D) Complete the following passage with the correct verb forms.
Level: B2/C1
A scaffolded worksheet divided into three parts:
Part 1 - Common English Phrases and Sentence Patterns
-Students are to make meaningful sentences using the sentence starters provided.
Part 2 - Vocabulary
-Match up the idioms with their definitions
Part 3 - Direct and Indirect Speech
-Explanations with examples of both direct and indirect speech
-Wide range of activities to practise and consolidate.
PPT with two scaffolded lessons talking about likes and dislikes in French.
Grammar: to use the verb aimer + the definite article.
introduction to negatives.
A wide range of activities have been designed to aid students with meeting new language, manipulating and making language their own.
Answers also included in the PPT.
Worksheet designed for students to insert the correct definite article (el/la/los/las) with some nouns included in the list that are exceptions to the rule.
Extension: Translate the words into English using a dictionary (when necessary).
Answers are also included.
Two-sided scaffolded worksheet on an introduction to finances. Students are given an insight into some of the different vocabulary realted to finances which they will come across and need to know for when they manage their own finances.
Exercise 1: Match-up the key words with their definitions.
Exercise 2: True or false? Challenge: Correct the false statements.
Exercise 3: Define the key words
Exercise 4: Read the passage and fill-in the gaps with the correct words.
Exercise 5: Using the passage in exercise 4 to help you, answer the following questions in full sentences.
Exercise 6: Design a short poster to encourage other people to save money. What can we do to help others to save money? You must use some of the key topic vocabulary from this lesson.
Introduction to French PPT with worksheet included (see attached)
-Learning the alphabet
-Knowing some French greetings
-Introducing themselves
-Learning the days of the week
-Learning the months of the year
A scaffolded worksheet giving students the opportunity to meet the new language, manipulate it and make language their own.
The key grammar in this lesson is definite articles and students need to be able to know the gender of family members in Spanish.
This worksheet also focuses on developing student’s reading and writing skills.
Exercise 1: Sort the members of the family into masculine, feminine and plural.
Exercise 2: Translate the family members above into English.
Exercise 3: Read the text and answer the questions in English.
Exercise 4: Write a paragraph about your familia. Include some of the vocabulary and connectives from today’s lesson. You can use the text as a model from exercise 3 to help you.
A scaffolded worksheet on the topic of likes and dislikes of different activities.
Key grammar: “gustar” + infinitive.
Part 1: Vocabulary - matching up the Spanish with the English equivalent
Part 2: Grammar: (i) filling in the grid with the correct conjugation of the verb “gustar”.
(ii) Filling in the gaps with the correct infinitive.
Part 3: Translation: translate the sentences into English.
Wordsearch on the topic of pets/animals can be used as a Do Now/Starter activity to get students settled.
Scaffolded worksheet on the topic of animals with ample opportunity to meet new language, manipulate it and make language your own.
Part 1: Vocabulary - Match up the two halves.
Part 2: Reading comprehension activities
Part 3: Translation
(i) Spanish to English
(ii) English to Spanish
Extension: Write 5 sentences using the vocabulary from today’s lesson.