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Paul Smith (Teacher of French & German KS3 - 5)

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In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul




In amongst the madness that is modern-day teaching, I still find time (somehow) and enjoy creating my own resources, from Key Stage 3 worksheets and PowerPoint presentations to Key Stage 5 model A-Level French & German essays, and everything in between. PLEASE leave an honest review if you purchase any of my resources! Thanks, Paul
A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe kiffe demain Analysez les rapports entre personnages masculins / féminins ESSAY

A-LEVEL FRENCH Kiffe kiffe demain Analysez les rapports entre personnages masculins / féminins ESSAY

A 762-word model essay in response to the AQA A-level French Paper 2 question on Faiza Guene’s Kiffe Kiffe Demain with the title “Analysez les rapports entre les personnages féminins et les personnages masculins dans ce roman.” The model essay is accompanied by 6 exercises, including a synonym finder task, a grammar gap-fill based on adjectival agreement, a verb formation gap-fill task, a diamond 9 speaking task based on relationships between characters, an English summary task to show understanding of model essay’s structure and content (Point-Evidence-Evaluation) and the final task which requires pupils to choose the relationships they wish to analyse and to offer their thoughts to each one. This resource could be used over the course of 2 lessons and serves as an excellent model to support less confident pupils, but also contains a wealth of vocabulary and structures in order to inspire the more able.
AS GERMAN GERM1 Kino Model Essay Writing Question Das Kino ist tot

AS GERMAN GERM1 Kino Model Essay Writing Question Das Kino ist tot

A model response to the AQA AS GERM1 Essay Writing Question: "Das Kino ist tot. Ein Kinobesuch ist teuer, die Auswahl der Filme ist schlecht und ich hasse die Werbung vor den Filmen. Ich sitze lieber bequem auf dem Sofa und sehe mir DVDs an. Wie reagieren Sie auf diese Meinung?" This can be utilised in a variety of ways; I usually get pupils to look at this alongside an AS writing marks scheme, extract key ideas, generic essay expressions and to list grammatical structures used. It is also a useful model for pupils to adapt when writing their own!
AS FRENCH - FREN1 L'avenir du cinéma MODEL ESSAY

AS FRENCH - FREN1 L'avenir du cinéma MODEL ESSAY

A self-penned AS model essay on the AQA essay question: « Le cinéma traditionnel est en voie de disparition à cause des DVD et le téléchargement en ligne. Grâce à Internet et aux DVD, il est de moins en moins nécessaire d’aller au cinéma pour voir un bon film» Les DVD et les films qu’on peut télécharger sur Internet, vont-ils remplacer le cinéma traditionnel ? Quel est l’avenir du cinéma ? Alongside it's use as a good model, pupils can also access this for key language, ideas, essay writing phrases.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Points positifs et aspects qu'on pourrait critiquer (Essay + exercises)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Points positifs et aspects qu'on pourrait critiquer (Essay + exercises)

A model essay on La Haine for the A2 French cultural studies essay writing question "Quels aspects de l’œuvre du metteur en scène que vous avez etudié est-ce que vous trouvez plutôt positifs ? Est-ce qu’il y a des aspects de l’œuvre que vous critiqueriez ? Expliquez pourquoi." This resource includes a 732-word model essay with a variety of points, vocabulary and grammatical structures and also 3 exercises for pupils to complete, including a vocabulary finder task, a reading comprehension and target language response task, and a third task which invites pupils to think of further positives and criticisms of La Haine.
AS FRENCH - Quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs d’être une célébrité MODEL ESSAY

AS FRENCH - Quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs d’être une célébrité MODEL ESSAY

Model essay in response to AQA FREN1 past paper question from the January 2013 paper: "A votre avis, quels sont les aspects positifs et négatifs d’être une célébrité?" As many of my students continue to translate their root ideas that they have in English literally word for word, we looked at how to "keep it simple", i.e. using vocabulary and structures that were within the realms of their knowledge. This essay can serve as a useful model, and can be used to ask pupils to identify grammatical structures they recognise. Another useful exercise is to ask pupils to read through the essay and to tick every relevant point made in relation to the title.
A-LEVEL GERMAN - Goodbye Lenin - Was sind die interessanteste Aspekte des Werks + warum? (ESSAY)

A-LEVEL GERMAN - Goodbye Lenin - Was sind die interessanteste Aspekte des Werks + warum? (ESSAY)

A 619-word model A-level essay response to the question "Welche Aspekte der Arbeit des von Ihnen gewählten Regisseurs finden Sie besonders interessant? Erklären Sie warum." which can be used for preparation for either the legacy or new specification writing paper, given the fact that it is full of useful vocabulary, idioms and ideas. There are some tasks for pupils to work through, including identifying the point, evidence and analysis sections of the main body to highlight the need for clear structure, translating expressions in bold in essay into English, a comprehensive vocabulary list from essay which can be set as homework, and a Point-Evidence-Analysis grid for pupils to complete. At our centre, we encourage pupils to plan the essay in brief English phrases as it is much quicker than in the target language, and then carefully work ideas into the target language when completing the essay itself. The grid could be used in two ways, either by using the model essay as a reading comprehension and getting pupils to note PEE in English, or getting them to discuss and note down their own PEE plan. This could then be presented to class and constructive feedback given or it could lead to further discussion of ideas among peers.
GCSE GERMAN - New AQA 2018 specification GCSE-style Foundation Writing Paper on topic of Holidays

GCSE GERMAN - New AQA 2018 specification GCSE-style Foundation Writing Paper on topic of Holidays

Bemoaning the lack of new GCSE-style assessment materials to accurately assess our pupils, and using a draft assessment resource from the AQA website as a rough guide, I create my own foundation writing paper on the topic of holidays. This will need to be used in conjunction with the writing marks scheme from the new AQA specification, but at present there are no raw mark - grade conversions. This can nonetheless be devised by teachers using either professional judgement following the assessment or using percentages of old UMS conversion tables (i.e. approx. 80% = A*).
A2 FRENCH - Le Silence de La Mer - Speaking exam preparation - Dice game

A2 FRENCH - Le Silence de La Mer - Speaking exam preparation - Dice game

36 questions on Le Silence de La Mer set out in 6 categories; Analysis & literary comparisons, characters, story & context, intentions of the author, personal reaction and themes in the form of a dice game. Pupils work in pairs and require a dice and a copy of the A2 speaking marks scheme along with this list of questions. Pupils take it in turn to roll the dice twice, once to determine the category and a second time to determine the question to answer. The other pupil uses the A2 mark scheme to rate their partner on a pre-determined aspect of the marks scheme (i.e. fluency, interaction, pronunciation) and awards a mark for each questions response. At the end of the task, pupils award each other an overall accuracy mark. This acts as a sort of tie-breaker! This task gets pupils talking and enables them to gain a better understanding of the marks scheme.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Main themes of film director and your reaction to these (Model essay)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Main themes of film director and your reaction to these (Model essay)

My response to the A-level essay question Analysez les principaux thèmes ou les principales idées du metteur en scène que vous avez étudié. Comment avez-vous réagi à ces thèmes ou à ces idées ? which is relevant for either the legacy or the new-style A-level courses. This is a great model resource to discuss the importance of structure and to access for vocabulary and essay-writing phrases. We discuss the importance of the PEE model (Point-Evidence-Evaluation) and sometimes get pupils to do group work whereby each group evaluates a paragraph and explains PEE in each to other groups. ***NOW INCLUDES ASSOCIATED EXERCISES FOR PUPILS, INCLUDING PHRASE-FINDER AND TRANSLATION OF EXPRESSIONS WITHIN ESSAY***
AS German GERM1 Essay - Fernsehen - Vorteile und Nachteile

AS German GERM1 Essay - Fernsehen - Vorteile und Nachteile

My model essay answer to past GERM1 AQA essay question: "Viele Erwachsene beklagen sich, dass Kinder zu lange vor der Glotze hängen. Wie reagieren Sie darauf? Bringt das Fernsehen mehr Vorteile als Nachteile?" This can be used as a vocabulary finding exercise, asking pupils to summarise points of each paragraph inEnglish. It can also be used as a basis to discuss essay structure and of course gives pupils a useful model which they can adapt ideas from. They can also read through it and alongside an AS mark scheme discuss what makes this essay a good piece of work.
A-LEVEL FRENCH  La Haine - Examinez les similarités et les différences entre Saïd, Vinz et Hubert

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine - Examinez les similarités et les différences entre Saïd, Vinz et Hubert

A comprehensive 926-word model essay on the new AQA AS French Paper 2 writing title on La Haine "Examinez les similarités et les différences entre Saïd, Vinz et Hubert dans La Haine." The essay covers every one of the suggested bulletpoints and can be exploited in a variety of ways, and also includes a vocabulary list with key expressions and vocabulary used throughout the essay.
A-LEVEL GERMAN Goodbye Lenin - Welche symbolische Bedeutung hat das Koma der Mutter? (MODEL ESSAY)

A-LEVEL GERMAN Goodbye Lenin - Welche symbolische Bedeutung hat das Koma der Mutter? (MODEL ESSAY)

A 580-word model essay response to the new AQA AS Paper 2 essay writing question "Welche Bedeutung hat das Koma der Mutter für die Familie Kerner? Inwiefern ist es symbolisch wichtig?" The essay also has a comprehensive vocabulary list of words and expressions used throughout the essay. This essay can be exploited in a variety of ways, including asking pupils to highlight the point, evidence and evaluation sections of each paragraph, removing expressions or specific vocabulary and asking pupils to fill in the gaps (this can be tailored to the needs of the class), summarising key ideas in English. I also ask pupils to assess it according to the new AQA marks scheme to help to familiarise them with the new marks and how they are obtained.
GCSE German - Sport & Food (Past & Present)

GCSE German - Sport & Food (Past & Present)

A grammar/reading comprehension resource with five exercises for pupils to tackle, including adaptation, verb-tense identification and a sentence writing task contrasting previous and current eating and exercise habits.
A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine Les thèmes principaux (1 lesson PowerPoint)

A-LEVEL FRENCH La Haine Les thèmes principaux (1 lesson PowerPoint)

PowerPoint presentation and supporting resource which introduces the main themes of La Haine. By this stage, pupils will already have built up a knowledge of the plot/storyline. Activities include a short translation starter, a match-up task which can be done in small groups, diamond 9 speaking task, a reading comprehension match-up task requiring students to match examples of specific events in film to specific themes, a synonym finder task, a short writing task to pen own examples from film and matching them to specific themes covered and a speaking task plenary to get pupils thinking about the importance and representation of the themes, as well as the director’s intentions.