Welcome to the Shop for PT Computing! We're thrilled to have you here. Explore a wide range of resources in computing, business, relevant law, and media studies. With over 34k views and 20k downloads, our customers love the quality of our work. Take a look around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Happy shopping!
Welcome to the Shop for PT Computing! We're thrilled to have you here. Explore a wide range of resources in computing, business, relevant law, and media studies. With over 34k views and 20k downloads, our customers love the quality of our work. Take a look around, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Happy shopping!
Topic Area 3: Data and testing
This resource includes resources on the following criteria with built in tasks to the 7 lesson Power Points. As well that is a worksheet to go along with each PPT and a teacher copy including all of the suggested answers.
3.1 Information and data
3.2 Data use
3.2.1 Use of data types in different contexts
3.2.2 The difference between validation and verification
3.2.3 Data validation tools
3.2.4 Data verification tools
3.3 Data collection methods
3.4 Storage of collected data
3.5 Application of testing to a range of contexts
3.5.1 Importance and purpose of testing To include:
3.5.2 Test data
3.5.3 Types of testing
As well as all of the above, there is a interactive multiple choice quiz that covers criteria from all of topic area 3.
Included files;
7 Worksheets
7 Answer sheets for teachers
7 Teacher PowerPoints
1 interactive quiz
T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context.
This resource inlcudes over 13 PowerPoints for the T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 1: Business context course which covers all of the criteria for the following learning objectives.
R1.1 Types of organisations and stakeholders within the business environment.
R1.2 Key factors that can influence the business environment:
R1.3 The measurable value of digitalisation to a business:
R1.4 The influence and impact of digitalisation within a business context and market environment:
R1.5 The role of technical change management in digital operational integrity:
R1.6 The components of technical change management:
R1.7 Factors that drive change and a range of methods organisations can apply in response to change
R1.8 The steps organisations take to respond to change:
R1.9 The measurable value of digital service to customers and end users
R1.10 The considerations and value of meeting customer and end user needs within a business context
R1.11 Risks and implications within a business environment.
R1.12 The purpose and applications of codes of conduct within a business
R1.13 Types of hacker and the implications of hacking and non-compliance with a code of conduct.
On top of all of the above, each lesson comes with a questions worksheet for students to answer. In total there are 13 Lessons and 13 worksheets. There are also some bonus multiple choice quizzes that students can take part in as well as further help sheets.
Level 3 BTEC Business - Unit 6: Principles of Management (All Learning Aims A-F)
The resource includes teacher made PowerPoints for every learning aim in Unit 6: Principles of Management (All Learning Aims A-F).
A - The definitions and functions of management
B - Management and leadership styles and skills
C - Managing human resources
D - Factors influencing management, motivation and performance of the workforce
E - Impact of change
F - Quality management
This resource also includes 4 different assessment practice activities as well as various other worksheets, quizzes and key terms sheets.
Please check my seller page for more resources from a range of units and qualifications.
his resource includes 8 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria.
1.1 The fundamentals and principles of business and how they are applied
1.2 Common business models and organisational structures
1.3 The responsibilities of corporate governance within an organisation
1.4 The principles of taxation and how they are applied
1.5 The role of the government in controlling and directing the economy
1.6 Solutions-based approaches to decision-making in accounting
1.7 The factors influencing the quality and effectiveness of business
1.8 Analysis of the internal and external business environments
There are also 8 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
Topic Area 2: Human Computer Interface (HCI) in everyday life
Teaching content Breadth and depth
This resource includes resources on the following criteria with built in tasks to the lesson Power Points. As well that is a worksheet to go along with each PPT and a teacher copy including all of the suggested answers.
2.1 The purpose, importance and use of HCI in application areas
2.2 Hardware considerations
2.3 Software considerations
2.4 User interaction methods
The tasks included in the lesson PPT allow students to know the purpose of HCI, why and the importance of HCI use for different application areas and be able to apply the advantages and disadvantages of the use of an HCI. Know how the HCI used on different OS and how that impact on the design.
As well as all of the above, there is a interactive multiple choice quiz that covers criteria from all of topic area 2.
Unit R050: IT in the digital world
Topic Area 1: Design Tools
This resource includes PowerPoints and examples as well as student tasks to complete revolving around the following criteria.
1.1 Types of Design Tools
□ Flow charts
□ Mind maps
Tunnel timeline
□ Visualisation diagrams
□ Wireframes
This will include getting students to know the components of each design tool from the list above and the types of software that can be used to create each type. As well activities based around each getting them to practice using the software and applying their knowledge of the unit.
• Advantages and disadvantages of each design tool
• Creating flow charts, mind maps, visualisation diagrams and wireframe diagrams using software.
I have fully completed and gone over the Digital Information Technology COMPONENT 2: Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data Pearson Set Assignment January 2025.
This is a great guide to help you complete the new released January 2025 paper.
Great tool to assist the marking process so you can check and cross reference against the provided answers.
Included is a fully completed Excel Spreadsheet with all completed tasks for 2A 2B and 2C as well as a complete ‘how to guide’ on PowerPoint.
Fully completed examplar answers for 3 errors patterns and trends, as well as a guide on responding well to task 1, task 1 is generic and can be used on any PSA, not just the JAN2025.
Added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
11/11/2024 - Marking grids (updated) for answers 2A, 2B and 2C
A completed marking grid to show you the best practice.
02/12/24 - Added a marking grid and fully marked student work for COMP2 Jan 2025 with screenshots/comments.
11/12/24 - Added a comment bank and made some minor changes to the marking grid template/marked work.
I have completed the entire planning process for the IT BTEC LEVEL 3 - Unit 3 Using Social Media in Business Learning Aim B & C
Complete with ALL of the PMD criteria starting with the following P3 Planning template, P4 review questions and guide on how to use them. Posting Schedule examples, P5 Producing content examples and P6 a range of sample data for students to apply to their own projects. There are also quizzes with teacher answer sheets included.
The M criteria covers justifications of planning decisions with relevant examples, teacher PowerPoints, quizzes for students and also covers how to optizmise content while providing up to date relevent examples. The D criteria covers templates and advice on how to structure your evaluations as well as recording evidence along the way.
This is everything you need to run the learning aim B & C assignement. Please leave a review if you like the resources :)
T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 5: Legislation & Regulation
This resource includes 10 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria.
5.1.1 Health and Safety at Work etc Act. 1974 (including The Work at Height
5.1.2 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988:
5.1.3 Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998:
5.1.4 Data Protection Act 2018:
5.1.5 employment legislation ensures all employees are treated fairly
5.1.6 Environmental Protection Act 1990:
5.1.7 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006:
5.1.8 Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018:
5.1.9 Defamation Act 2013:
5.1.10 implications of non-compliance
There are also 10 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 4: Audience
This resource includes 7 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria.
CK4.1 Key factors and importance of audience and customer research
Students should be able to:
CK4.2 Demographic, geographic and psychographic considerations to support
CK4.3 Methods that may be used to measure the impact of products, services
or content on an audience or customer.
There are also 7 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
T Level Technical Qualification:Media, Broadcast and Production - Content 3: Cultural Context & Vocabulary
This resource includes 7 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria.
Content area 3: Cultural context and vocabulary
CK3.1 The influence of external factors on the emergence and evolution of
style, tastes and trends within the creative industries
CK3.2 Common risks and impacts of cultural appropriation within the creative
CK3.3 The contextual vocabularies used in the principles of storytelling
Students should be able to:
There are also 7 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
Learning Aim A: Modern technologies - A1 - Modern Technologies and A2 Impact of modern technologies.
8 teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim A for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson.
Updated 18/01/24 to include answer sheets for all questions in PPTs.
02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
120 Exam questions for the COMP3 Exam - great for practice with students in the run up to exams.
Exam questions cover all material from assessment criteria A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2 & D1.
I have a bundle of resources for the entirety of DIT COMP1, COMP2 & COMP3 which offers a 23% discount when purchased together.
Please find here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-tech-award-l1-2-component-1-2-and-3-12943995
02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
DIT Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award - Component 1 - Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques
I great resource to help you plan for delivery of this unit - what is included are example User Interfaces and guides on how to make them (different scenarios), templates that help you structure written tasks and even example answers.
This resource covers in depth examples and how to guides for every task in the controlled assessment.
02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
16/10/2024 - added a small presentation covering key milestones and task dependencies for task 1A/1B
21/10/2024 - added a wireframe design for task2 example
08/11/2024 - added a marking template for all practical tasks 1B, 2 & 3.
Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim C & D
Subject: Computing & DIT
Learning Aim C: The Wider Implications of digital Systems - C1 - Responsible Use C2 Legal & Ethical. Learning Aim D: Planning and Communication - D1 Forms of Notation
Teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim C for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson.
Included Files
8 Teacher PowerPoints
8 Student worksheets/PowerPoints
Lesson Plans
Peer Review form
Debate Task
02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
B Cyber security
Learners must understand how the increased reliance of organisations on digital systems to hold data and perform vital functions presents a range of challenges and dangers. They should understand the nature of threats to digital systems and ways that they can be mitigated through organisation policy, procedures and the actions of individuals. They should be able to apply knowledge of cyber security to a range of vocational contexts.
Lessons and Worksheets: Learning Aim B
Subject: Computing & DIT
Learning Aim B: Modern technologies - B1 - Threats to Data B2 Prevenetion Management and Threats to Data B3 - Policy
8 teacher PowerPoints that cover all of learning aim B for Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices with student worksheets to accompany each lesson.
02/05/2024 - added a tracker for the entire DIT course that covers COMP1, COMP2 and COMP3 and can be used for your entire class.
This resource includes 6 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting – Version 1 – December 2021 learning criteria.
● 10.1.1 Principles of data architecture: the set of rules that surround
data collection, input, access and movement:
● 10.1.2 Developments in reporting:
● 10.1.3 The key requirements of a data governance framework:
● 10.2.1 Management Information (MI) and its importance for measuring
performance, analysing trends, and in the decision-making process:
● 10.2.2 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and its importance.
● 10.2.3 Big Data characteristics:
● 10.2.4 Big Data:
● 10.3.1 Methods/tools used to analyse finance and accounting data:
● 10.3.2 Visualisation tools for presenting and reporting on data:
● 10.3.4 Business Intelligence (BI) software and its impact on retrieving,
analysing, transforming and reporting data for business intelligence.
● 10.3.5 Advantages and disadvantages/risks of outsourcing data
10.4 Design thinking and its use as a tool to address challenges in the finance
● 10.4.1 Design thinking ethos: understanding customer needs and
putting these needs at the heart of every project, creating space and
platforms where project teams and end users naturally interact.
● 10.4.2 Alternative investment opportunities:
There are also 6 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.
This resource is for the Version 1.5 March 2022 T Level Technical Qualification in Digital Support Services: Route core element 12: Tools. It includes teacher PowerPoints for the following criteria;
R12.1 The application of digital tools and methods in a business context.
R12.2 The application of collaborative communication tools and technologies in business.
There is also a student worksheet that comes with each PowerPoint as well as a teacher version that includes suggested answers.
As well as all of the above, there is a Task for Comprehensive Project Planning Exercise & multiple choice quizzes in a Kahoot style that cover various elements of the core element 12: Tools.
Please check out the sample image to see a sample of the purchase.
I have created 132 exam questions for EVERY SINGLE Criteria point of the Specification with answers using the following COMMAND WORDS:
Define: 1 mark question requiring only definition of concept.
Describe: 2 marks, 1 for identification and 1 for description. If multiple descriptions are required,follow same rule/
Explain: 1 mark or more, depending on total marks of the question. If multiple explanations are required, allocate 1 mark per explaination point.
Give: 1 mark per point asked, based on the number of pieces of information requested.
Identify: This will always have 1 mark per identification. If multiple identifications are required, follow same rule.
State: (1 mark) per based on the number of pieces of information requested. 7. Evaluate: (6) Introduction (1 mark): Begin your response by introducing the topic or scenario you’re evaluating. Provide a brief context or background information to set the stage for your evaluation.
Positive Aspects (2 marks): Identify and discuss the positive aspects or advantages of the topic or scenario. Explain why these aspects are beneficial and provide examples or evidence to support your points.
Negative Aspects (2 marks): Next, discuss the negative aspects or disadvantages of the topic or scenario. Explain why these aspects are problematic or challenging and provide examples or evidence to support your points.
Conclusion (1 mark): Summarize your evaluation by reiterating the main points from both the positive and negative aspects. Offer a balanced conclusion that reflects your overall evaluation of the topic or scenario.
This resource includes 6 teacher PowerPoints on all the learning criteria from the specification and is built around the Pearson Technical Qualification in Media, Broadcast and Production (Level 3) – Version 1.0 – April 2024 learning criteria.
Content Area 1: The Creative Economy
CK1.1 The different creative and non-creative industries that form part of the
CK1.2 The characteristics of different types of organisations that operate within the creative economy
CK1.4 The features of models used to monetise products and services in the
creative industries
CK1.5 The common sources of finance and funding opportunities available
within the creative industries
CK1.6 The purpose of relevant bodies, trade associations and organisations
that operate within them
There are also 6 multi-page student worksheets. Each one is focused on the above criteria, which all have teacher copies with suggested answers included. As well as Kahoot style interactive multiple choice quizzes to deliver to your classes.