Even meticulous work can not avert losses.
Reports may be verbose and cover every hypothecal scenario.
Sometimes the proximity to random benevolent pedestrian events will boost a company.
Other times, a company goes quiescent for no apparent reason.
To say buy or dissent is often up to chance.
It’s wrong to indict those that are wrong.
Even careful work can not prevent losses.
Reports may be wordy and cover every possible outcome.
Sometimes the closeness to accidental favorable ordinary events will raise a company.
Other times, a company goes dead for no easy to see reason.
To say buy or pass is often up to chance.
It’s wrong to accuse those that are wrong.
Stock prediction is an enigma; a genre of geniuses.
People patronize brokers and concede their discourses are profitable.
At best they are innocuous; at worst nefarious.
Some advise is predatory, sending you into oblivion and agitation.
Stock prediction is a mystery; an art of geniuses.
People use brokers and admit their pronoucements are profitable.
At best they are harmless; at worst evilly intentioned.
Some advise is out to get you, sending you into ruin and turmoil.
It’s wrong to generalize about stock brokers; but
I can cite some examples.
They recount how a company has done and synthesize a
A hardy company may have latent value.
Profits may abate in an acute way, inducing a panic.
It’s when you get it wrong that causes rancor.
It’s wrong to paint all stock brokers with the same brush; but
I can give some examples.
They describe how a company has done and make a
A strong company may have unrealized value.
Profits may stop in a sharp way, causing a panic.
It’s when you get it wrong that causes ill will.
German scientists in WW2 made a scrutiny of the research.
They concurred a cogent case could be made for making an atomic bomb.
They brought it to Hitler but his apathy for Crazy Science had it futile.
Such a program was viable because they had heavy water in which uranium is soluble.
They became inured to his flagrant interference exacerbated by increasing supply shortages.
German scientists in WW2 made a study of the research.
They agreed a convincing case could be made for making an atomic bomb.
They brought it to Hitler but his indifference for Crazy Science had it hopeless.
Such a program was workable because they had heavy water in which uranium will dissolve.
They became used to his outright interference worsened by increasing supply shortages.
June is bee time here in New York.
The hedges pump gobs of odoriferous pollen into the air.
Many bees come to work, going from flower to flower.
It had rained and a bee was stuck in a overturned garbage pale lid with some
water in it.
I dumped it out onto the ground.
The bee walked a bit forward.
It was moving its abdomen up and down, a bad sign an insect is too far gone.
I waited looking.
I would move it or kill it to prevent it being eaten alive by ants.
Then it tested its wings with a buzz.
After another wait, it rose up and hovered like they do.
It then went right back to a hedge flower and started working.
The son says to his father, “Dad am I a 100% polar bear?”
The father say “Yes, I and your mother are 100% polar bears. Your grandparents
are 100% polar bears. That means your are 100% polar bear.”
The son say, “Are you sure??? because I’m *#$%@ freezing.”
Bha Tòmas Jefferson na bhall den Chòmhdhail Mhòr-thìreach ann an 1776.
Bha Cogadh Ar-a-mach Ameireagaidh a’ tòiseachadh agus bha a’ Chòmhdhail a’ feuchainn
dèan rudeigin mu dheidhinn.
Chaidh tì Breatannach a bha còir a bhith air a chìs a dhumpadh dhan chala.
Mar thoradh air an sin, dhùin na Breatannaich am port.
Rinn na Breatannaich turas a-steach don dùthaich gus fùdar-gunna a ghlacadh
agus ceannardan nan ceannairceach.
Choinnich militia Ameireaganach riutha agus chaidh an gluasad air ais agus stad a chuir a-steach gu Boston.
An uairsin chaidh na h-Ameireaganaich air cnoc tarsainn na h-aibhne airson losgadh a-steach don bhaile.
Chaidh na saighdearan Breatannach thairis air an abhainn agus suas am bruthach.
Anns a’ bhlàr seo, sheall na h-Ameireaganaich gum b’ urrainn dhaibh sabaid leis an arm Bhreatannach air an aon ìre.
Air ais ann am Philadelphia, rinn a’ Chòmhdhail aon athchuinge mhodhail mu dheireadh chun Rìgh ach chaidh a freagairt gu mì-mhodhail.
Bha na roghainnean aca cuingealaichte.
Bidh iad a’ taghadh sgrìobhadair ealanta airson sgrìobhainn ullachadh a’ toirt cunntas air an t-suidheachadh aca:
Neo-eisimeileachd le liosta de na h-adhbharan airson gun robh an ceum seo riatanach.
Às deidh ochd bliadhna fada agus taic Frangach chaidh an cogadh a bhuannachadh.
Thàinig Tòmas Jefferson gu bhith na 3mh ceann-suidhe.
Tha e air a chuimhneachadh as fheàrr airson a bhith a’ sgrìobhadh The Declaration of Independence.
Tha am brat-ùrlair fhèin air a ghleidheadh gu breagha agus tha e fhathast ri fhaicinn ann an Washington DC.
Cuir fios air ais
Pannalan taobh
Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson was a member of the Continental Congress in 1776.
The American Revolutionary War was beginning and Congress was trying
do something about it.
British tea that was supposed to be taxed was dumped into the harbor.
As a result, the British closed the port.
The British made a trip into the country to capture gunpowder
and the leaders of the rebels.
They were met by American militia and driven back and blocked into Boston.
Then the Americans went on a hill across the river to fire into the town.
The British soldiers crossed the river and up the hill.
In this battle, the Americans showed that they could fight with the British army on an equal footing.
Back in Philadelphia, Congress made one last polite petition to the King but was rudely answered.
Their options were limited.
They choose an articulate writer to prepare a document describing their situation:
Independence with a list of reasons why this step was necessary.
After eight long years and French support the war was won.
Thomas Jefferson became the 3rd president.
He is best remembered for writing The Declaration of Independence.
The actual parchment has been lovingly preserved and can still be seen in Washington DC.
My professor had an innate composure; a disinclination to hyperbole.
The likelihood he would document an experience by devising a lively
story were zero.
The implications of his style were deleterious.
I’m an optimist - I thought he would improve one day.
My professor had an inborn calmness; an aversion to exaggeration.
The likelihood he would relay an experience by making a lively
story were zero.
The results of his style were negative.
I look on the bright side - I thought he would improve one day.
Bha othail dhùthchail aig m’ ollamh ; dì-cheadachadh airson hyperbole.
An coltas gum biodh e a ‘clàradh eòlas le bhith a’ dealbhadh beòthalachd
cha robh sgeul air.
Bha buaidhean an stoidhle aige dona.
Tha mi dòchasach - shaoil mi gun dèanadh e adhartas aon latha.
Bha ciùineas neo-bhreith aig m’ ollamh ; naimhdeas an aghaidh aingidheachd.
An coltas gum biodh e a ‘toirt seachad eòlas le bhith a’ dèanamh beòthail
cha robh sgeul air.
Bha toraidhean an stoidhle aige àicheil.
Tha mi a 'coimhead air an taobh shoilleir - shaoil mi gun dèanadh e leasachadh aon latha.
The founder of the charter school had a conviction to give gratuitously
to methodically further knowledge.
His conjecture was this would improve the world was reflected in a profusion
of great courses.
His obdurate drive for excellence was tempered by a need to assuage
the less zealous.
The establisher of the charter school had a belief to give freely
to systematically further knowledge.
His hunch was this would improve the world was mirrored in an array
of great courses.
His stubborn drive for excellence was moderated by a need to keep
the less enthusiastic happy.
Bha dìteadh aig an neach a stèidhich an sgoil fastaidh a bhith a’ toirt seachad an-asgaidh
gus eòlas a thoirt air adhart gu rianail.
Bha e den bheachd gun toireadh seo piseach air an t-saoghal ri fhaicinn ann am pailteas
de chùrsaichean fìor mhath.
Bha a dhragh neo-dhùrachdach airson sàr-mhathais air a theannachadh leis an fheum air fhulangas
na 's lugha eudmhor.
Bha creideas aig an neach a stèidhich an sgoil fastaidh a thoirt seachad gu saor
gus eòlas a thoirt air adhart gu riaghailteach.
Bha an t-sealg aige gun toireadh seo piseach air an t-saoghal air a nochdadh ann an sreath
de chùrsaichean fìor mhath.
Bha an oidhirp làidir aige airson sàr-mhathais air a mhodaladh le feum air cumail
an fheadhainn nach eil cho dealasach toilichte.
It’s trite to say the U.S.S. Constitution is archaic. So, I’ll
The advantages of any warship are ephemeral.
The vigor and bravery of the crew are negated by its being obsolete.
A superficial look at the ship in Boston Harbor is expository.
It was built in a formulaic way with eclectic elements in 1796.
After a distinguished career it became obsolete and was used for nebulous uses
after that.
It’s tired to say the U.S.S. Constitution is a relic. So, I’ll
keep from doing that.
The advantages of any warship are temporary.
The strength and bravery of the crew are canceled out by its being obsolete.
A surface look at the ship in Boston Harbor will explain.
It was built in a standard way with this and that elements in 1796.
After a honored career it became outmoded and was used for unclear uses
after that.
Tha e gòrach a ràdh gu bheil na SA Tha am bun-reachd àrsaidh. Mar sin, nì mi
Tha buannachdan bàta-cogaidh sam bith gun samhail.
Tha spionnadh agus gaisgeachd a’ chriutha air an àicheadh leis gu bheil iad air a dhol à bith.
Tha sealladh farsaing air an t-soitheach ann am Boston Harbour gu math follaiseach.
Chaidh a thogail ann an dòigh foirmleach le eileamaidean taghaidh ann an 1796.
Às deidh neach-cùraim cliùiteach chaidh e à bith agus chaidh a chleachdadh airson cleachdaidhean neo-shoilleir
Às deidh sin.
Tha e sgìth a ràdh an U.S.S. Tha bun-reachd na àite. Mar sin, nì mi
cùm bho bhith a’ dèanamh sin.
Tha buannachdan bàta-cogaidh sam bith sealach.
Tha neart agus gaisgeachd a’ chriutha air an cuir dheth leis gu bheil iad air a dhol à bith.
Mìnichidh sealladh uachdar air an t-soitheach ann am Boston Harbour.
Chaidh a thogail ann an dòigh àbhaisteach le seo agus na h-eileamaidean sin ann an 1796.
Às deidh neach-cùraim le urram dh’ fhàs e seann-fhasanta agus chaidh a chleachdadh airson cleachdaidhean neo-shoilleir
Às deidh sin.
Bha an t-àrd-ollamh agam buailteach a dhol air adhart.
B’ e an reusanachadh mion-fhiosrachadh a mhìneachadh.
B’ e ruaig fhiadhaich fhiadhaich a bh’ ann airson a leantainn.
Tha mi cinnteach, cha robh beothalachd sam bith an sàs ann.
Dh’fhaighnich mi gu modhail, am biodh e comasach atharrachadh;
gus stoidhle derivative de neach-labhairt nas soilleire a chleachdadh?
Bha e coltach gun robh an t-àrd-ollamh agam a’ falbh bhon chuspair.
B’ e an t-adhbhar mion-fhiosrachadh a bha doirbh a thuigsinn.
Bha e mar ruaig gèadh fiadhaich a leantainn.
Tha mi cinnteach, cha robh droch thoil sam bith an sàs ann.
Dh’fhaighnich mi gu modhail, am biodh e comasach atharrachadh;
airson stoidhle leth-bhreac de neach-labhairt nas soilleire a chleachdadh?
My professor was prone to digressions.
The rationale was to explain abstruse details.
It was a figurative wild goose chase to follow him.
I’m sure, no animosity was involved.
I asked politely, would it be feasible to change;
to use a derivative style of a clearer talker?
My professor was likely to wander off topic.
The reason was to explain hard to understand details.
It was like wild goose chase to follow him.
I’m sure, no ill will was involved.
I asked politely, would it be possible to change;
to use a copied style of a clearer talker?
Tha cogadh na rud brònach.
Feumaidh luchd-tagraidh a bhios a’ co-èigneachadh airson a thòiseachadh, a bhith air an caisgireachd
gun vaccil.
Ge-tà; b’ e adhartas concrait a bha anns an itealan He111.
Thug an dà einnsean a bha an cois a chèile e suas anns an
speur àrd.
Tha cogadh na rud puinnseanta.
Feumaidh luchd-tagraidh a chleachdas feachd airson a thòiseachadh, a bhith air an dìteadh
gun sgios.
Ge-tà; bha am plèana He111 na adhartas làidir.
Thug an dà einnsean taobh ri taobh aige air èirigh suas anns an
speur àrd.
War is a virulent thing.
Proponents who coerce to start it, must be censored
without vacillation.
However; the He111 plane was a concrete advancement.
Its two engines in juxtaposition made it soar in the
lofty sky.
War is a venomous thing.
Advocates who use force to start it, must be condemned
without hesitation.
However; the He111 plane was a solid advancement.
Its two side by side engines made it soar in the
towering sky.
Bha Van Goug torrach.
A ‘tòiseachadh gu mì-chinnteach, cha b’ fhada gus an do leig e sìos cuingealachaidhean.
Paris; gu math buailteach do stoidhlichean, rinn e sealladh perfunctory air
ealain aige agus chuir e cùl ris.
Bha Van Goug den bheachd gu robh an ealain aige fìor.
Cha toireadh an Institiùd cead dha anns na cruinneachaidhean aige.
Dh’fhalbh Van Goug gu neo-eisimeileach gun neach-taic;
beatha àmhghair.
Bha Van Goug cinneasach.
A’ tòiseachadh gu stad, cha b’ fhada gus an do leig e stadan air.
Paris; gu math buailteach do stoidhlichean, thug e sùil èigneachail air
ealain aige agus dhiùlt e i.
Bha Van Goug den bheachd gu robh an ealain aige fìor.
Cha bhiodh an Institiud a’ fulang leis anns na cruinneachaidhean aige.
Dh’fhalbh Van Goug gu neo-eisimeileach gun duine a 'ceannach na h-ealain aige;
beatha fhulangais.
Send feedback
Van Goug was prolific.
Starting out tentatively, he soon dropped constraints.
Paris; highly susceptible to styles, made a perfunctory look at
his art and repudiated it.
Van Goug held the contention that his art was pure.
The Institute would not condone it in its collections.
Van Goug went off autonomously without a patron;
a life of adversity.
Van Goug was productive.
Starting out haltingly, he soon dropped restraits.
Paris; highly prone to styles, made an obligatory look at
his art and rejected it.
Van Goug held the belief that his art was pure.
The Institute would not suffer it in its collections.
Van Goug went off independently without a person buying his art;
a life of suffering.
Tha e ìoranta gun robh amaran stagnant aig Manhattan ìosal uaireigin.
Is e seo an dearbh mhìneachadh air suidheachaidhean mì-fhallain tàbhachdach.
Gus luach a chuir air seo, thig gu Eilean Staten.
Bidh làn-mara ag atharrachadh, a 'fàgail uisge seasmhach agus suidheachaidhean fìor àicheil.
Tràth air adhart, chaidh co-dhùnadh ciallach an uisge a dhrèanadh ann am Manhattan.
Chaidh canàl iomchaidh a dhèanamh airson seo a dhèanamh.
Tha e neònach gun robh amaran seasamh fuaimneach aig Manhattan ìosal uaireigin.
Is e seo an dearbh dhealbh de shuidheachaidhean corporra mì-fhallain.
Gus seo a thuigsinn, thig gu Eilean Staten.
Bidh làn-mara a ‘tighinn a-steach agus a-mach, a’ fàgail uisge seasmhach agus fìor dhroch shuidheachadh.
Tràth air adhart, chaidh aonta glic airson an uisge a dhrèanadh a dhèanamh ann am Manhattan.
Chaidh canàl freagarrach a dhèanamh airson seo a dhèanamh.
It is ironic that lower Manhattan once had stagnant pools.
This is the very definition of material unhealthy conditions.
To appreciate this, come to Staten Island.
Tides fluctuate, leaving standing water and very negative conditions.
Early on, a prudent determination to drain the water was done in Manhattan.
An appropriate canal was made to do this.
It is odd that lower Manhattan once had noisome standing pools.
This is the very picture of physically unhealthy conditions.
To understand this, come to Staten Island.
Tides come in and out, leaving standing water and very bad conditions.
Early on, a wise agreement to drain the water was done in Manhattan.
A suitable canal was made to do this.