Powerpoint with questions and images to promote discussion about health and fitness. The clock in the corner of each slide is to encourage the students to keep talking for 60 seconds if they can. The questions could also be used to help structure written work. PS Typo fixed
I've had a go at editing the various DLdA resources I've uploaded, into a single Filmheft. I've added a vocab list and a load of essay titles for good measure.
This resource contains a set of 25 exam practice questions, assembled from edited versions of materials I have uploaded previously. The stimulus materials are mostly followed by questions in English or True/False/Not in text and cover a wide range of topics.
This is a Mark II version with a number of wrinkles* ironed out. Markscheme also added.
* ie mistakes!
Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory describes his very precise daily routine. The text is followed by true / false questions, a find the phrase exercise, a manipulation exercise, and a reminder about the verb needing to be the second idea.
Higher Level text about changes pupils would introduce to their school experience if they were in charge. Text is followed by a ' find the phrase' exercise focusing on the Conditional, a table showing the formation of the Condtional, a manipulation exercise, and a writing task.
PS Typo in the rubric for Ex C spotted and now fixed.
Exercises to accompany the film. There is a scene-setting text with comprehension questions for students to do before watching the film, followed by comprehension and manipulation work and a writing task to do after watching the film. (Vor dem Film ist nach dem Film.) There are two slightly different versions, one for Foundation and one for Higher level.
Four short texts in which TV characters or celebs talk about what they do or don't do to help the environment, followed by GCSE style questions in English (plus one non-GCSE style question.)
Higher Level texts about health and fitness, followed by comprehension, summarising, 'find the phrase', and adaptation exercises plus a writing task to wrap it up.
2 texts in which teenagers talk about their free time. The first text is followed by richtig / falsch / nicht im Text questions, and the second text is followed by open questions in German.
4 short texts based on internet threads, in which teenagers blog about their dream job or uncertainty about their dream job. Texts are followed by comprehension questions in English, a 'find the phrase' activity, plus a 'now manipulate the phrase you found' activity.
This resource contains a dialogue in which a ghost recounts his birth, life and spectacular death, and manages to include the standard list of 13 verbs with être in the passé composé. There is a reflexive verb in the passé composé chucked in for good measure. The dialogue is followed by a capture sheet, upon which the pupils must add examples of the 13 verbs in the passé composé to the given list of infinitives.
40 curious facts in English about Germany. The first PPT is a straight presentation with one per week for the whole of the next academic year ... The second PPT is in essence the same, but asks students to speculate as to whether the statements are true or false, and then to try to recall interesting factoids.
Powerpoint used for departmental CPD to invite reflection on the relative demands of typical MFL activities, using Bloom's and / or Winebrenner's Taxonomy as a framework.
Overview of the Case System, with a logical question process to help pupils arrive at the correct case. For issue as a handout or for blow-up as a poster.
Text about typical and atypical eating habits, followed by some comprehension questions, a 'find the phrase' exercise, a manipulation exercise, a writing task and a speaking task
Another 25 GCSE style questions, edited together mostly from resources I've uploaded elsewhere on the TES. These are numbered 26 -50, so they can be tacked on to the previous set. Most, but not all, texts are followed by questions in English or, true / false / not in text questions. Markscheme also uploaded.