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Petermorris2001's Shop

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Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.




Everything in the shop is a pound cheaper than in Poundland.


Interactive drag-and-drop IW activity for practising jobs and professions. The activity has 50 jobs embedded, but will select at random 10 jobs to practise each time it is opened. With any luck it will never be the same activity twice!
Entrevue avec Shrek et Fiona

Entrevue avec Shrek et Fiona

Playscript in which Shrek, exhausted by fatherhood, can not remember basic information about his life and his family and has to be corrected repeatedly by Fiona. Revision of birthdays, where I live, my house, my family, likes and dislikes and colours.
Das Wunder von Bern

Das Wunder von Bern

Exercises to accompany the film. There is a scene-setting text with comprehension questions for students to do before watching the film, followed by comprehension and manipulation work and a writing task to do after watching the film. (Vor dem Film ist nach dem Film.) There are two slightly different versions, one for Foundation and one for Higher level.
UMWELT Wie öko sind Fernbus, Bahn und Auto?

UMWELT Wie öko sind Fernbus, Bahn und Auto?

The link is to a six-minute video clip in which young Germans test three different means of transport for price, comfort, speed and environmental impact. The worksheet has (i) a comprehension task relating to the video (ii) an article covering the video content which students can use to check or augment their answers (iii) a comprehension task based on the article (iv) a speaking task and (v) a writing task. If the link doesn't work, just put Wie öko sind Fernbus, Bahn und Auto? into a youtube search.
Untergang der Titanic

Untergang der Titanic

Two sets of German materials relating to the Titanic. They are similar but are pitched at different levels. Each set contains a lead text with a vocab list, followed by comprehension questions in English. There is then a grammar point, a find the phrase exercise, a manipulation exercise. Pupils then study a list of German FAQs about the Titanic, select questions that interest them and research the answers. Finally they are invited to write a text of their own about the Titanic.
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait?

Qu'est-ce que tu as fait?

Powerpoint with 9 slides each with a stimulus question. The questions focus on high-frequency Perfect Tense constructions. The first slide of the PPT acts as a homepage. Students choose a number and are hyperlinked to a slide they can not see.
Random grammar workout

Random grammar workout

Interactive multi-choice activity for practising the various grammar points. 30 questions are embedded but the activity will select 20 items at random to practise each time it is opened. It will also arrange the questions and the multi-choice answers in random order. With any luck it will never be the same twice. PS In response to the comments below I have de-bugged the original file. This one should be error-free. I've changed the background colour of the exercise too.
Forming Questions in German

Forming Questions in German

Updated version of an item I've previously uploaded. The worksheet has (i) an example of word order in a simple sentence compare to a normal sentence (ii) a match-up activity (iii) an activity in which students must create both a statement and a question from a given set of words.
Le petit-déjeuner

Le petit-déjeuner

Four short texts in which breakfast habits are described, using present and perfect tenses. The texts are followed by two grammar points, a vrai / faux exercise, a 'find the phrase' exercise, a manipulation exercise and a writing task.
Help me help Macmillan help people affected by cancer

Help me help Macmillan help people affected by cancer

The two PPTs are assembly resources from Macmillan Cancer Support. I will be running the Brist0l Half Marathon on the 13th of September 2015 to raise money for this charity. If you have found any of my resources on TES useful, please consider sponsoring me via this link: https://www.justgiving.com/petermorris2001/ All donations go directly to Macmillan.
Mr Beans Fahrstunde

Mr Beans Fahrstunde

Dialogue in which Mr Bean is guided around the town by his driving instructor, not entirely successfully. Lots of practice of directions. Mr Bean says 'Gracias' a few times but the pupils usually pick up on this. Add your own sound effects.