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Pompey Rich's Educational Emporium (est in the year 10,191)

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A local shop full of precious things




A local shop full of precious things


Revision notes for A-level Music (Pearson Edexcel ) Two pages To be printed A3 size BERLIOZ - 'SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE’ Background notes Mind Map (‘Introduction’): Melody Texture Instrumentation Harmony & Tonality Rhythm, Metre & Tempo Mind Map (‘Sonata Form’): Melody Instrumentation Harmony & Tonality Rhythm, Metre & Tempo
Bolshevik consolidation of power (1917 to 1924)

Bolshevik consolidation of power (1917 to 1924)

The establishment of government and power Peace with Germany Civil war and foreign relations (1918 to 1924) War Communism and New Economic Policy (1918 to 1921) Lenin, government and the Communist Party colour coded: green statistics; yellow definitions; blue dates
Homework booklet: TOHOKU TSUNAMI

Homework booklet: TOHOKU TSUNAMI

Eight page booklet : define tectonic keywords, complete a fact file about the Tohoku Tsunami; SPAG exercise about Japan's seismicity; empathise with a parent, a businesswoman and a farmer from Japan after the disaster; a moral dilemma about the continued use of nuclear energy; a question about God's role in natural disasters; draw your own version of The Great Wave by Hokusai
Fieldwork Booklet: "HORNSEA"

Fieldwork Booklet: "HORNSEA"

Two part fieldwork/coursework booklet Made with the 2016 GCSE syllabus changes in mind Follows Footsteps to Investigation (Hypothesis; Expected Outcomes; Methodology; Results; Analysis; Conclusion; Evaluation) plus the chance to write a simple risk assessment for the trip Part One: COASTAL investigation to answer the hypothesis "Hornsea needs sea defences" Includes destructive/constructive waves; beach cross section; annotated landscape sketch; tally chart; angle data chart Part Two: ECONOMIC investigation to answer the hypothesis "Tourism is important for Hornsea" Includes: Land use survey; bipolar landscape evaluation; visitor questionnaire; sphere of influence; cumulative frequency graph; bar graph; pie graph; Butler's Model


Revision notes for A-level Music (Pearson Edexcel) One Page To be printed A3 size THE BEATLES: 'REVOLVER’ **MIND MAP: ** **'Eleanor Rigby'** **'Here, there and everywhere'** ** 'I want to tell you'** ** 'Tomorrow never knows'** Mind map connections: Melody Harmony & Tonality Instrumentation Texture Rhythm, Metre & Tempo


Revision notes for A-level Music (Pearson Edexcel) One page To be printed A3 size Bernard Herrmann - 'Psycho’ Mind Map 'Prelude' 'The City' 'Marion' 'The Murder (Shower Scene)' 'The Toys' 'The Cellar' 'Discovery' 'Finale' Connections include: Rhythm, Metre & Tempo Melody Harmony & Tonality Instrumentation Texture


Pearson Edxcel A-level Music Two pages To be printed A3 size JS BACH - 'CANTATA, EIN FESTE BURG, BWV 80: MOVEMENTS 1,2 8’ Mind map: 'Movement 1’ Mind map connections: Melody Harmony & Tonality Instrumentation Structure Rhythm, Metre & Tempo Texture Mind map: 'Movement 2’ Mind map connections: Harmony Instrumentation Melody Structure Rhythm, Metre & Tempo Texture Notes on 'Movement 8’


Revision notes for A-level Music (Pearson Edexcel ) Two pages To be printed A3 size ELFMAN - ‘BATMAN RETURNS’ Birth of a Penguin Part I Birth of a Penguin Part II Batman vs the Circus The Rise and Fall from Grace Mind map connections: * Melody * Texture * Instrumentation * Rhythm * Harmony & Tonality * Metre & Tempo
“Tensions grow as China ramps up global mining for green tech”

“Tensions grow as China ramps up global mining for green tech”

Geography Case Study Lithium is key to green technologies. The “Lithium Triangle” of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, holds most of the world’s lithium reserves. Chinese businesses face allegations of the violation of the rights of local communities, damage to ecosystems and unsafe working conditions. Argentinian lithium miners surrounded their Chinese managers’ compound and blockaded the entrance with flaming tyres. This resource includes a variety of lesson activities to pick and choose: Which Geography keyword is the ODD ONE OUT? 5Ws &1H about Tesla Motors and Elon Musk 5Ws &1H about a photo of lithium salt mounds In which photo would you be most likely to … meet a worker whose health is at risk? Critical Thinking: write THREE sentences to LINK these four images (technology: manufacturing, sales, use, waste) Worksheet and data to construct a dot distribution map of China’s lithium mines around the World PQE: China’s Lithium Mines - worksheet to analyse the dot distribution map using critical thinking (Patterns, Quantify, Exceptions) Several slides for screen projection: encourages class evaluation of the positives vs negatives of dot distribution Slide showing annotated map of Global North vs Global South - encourages analysis of correlation between lithium mining and socio-economic development Link to video: “Argentina indigenous groups protest against lithium mining” Concept Map: The Lithium Triangle (35 snippets of info, to be colour-coded according to Locations, Causes, Effects, Management, Supporting Data) The concept map info can then be used for: Thought Chains: The Lithium Triangle - complete the scaffolding to complete six pieces of analysis… “Chinese firms have been buying lithium mines in South America because…” “The lithium mining industry in South America is SOCIALLY unsustainable because…” “The lithium mining industry in South America is ECONOMICALLY unsustainable because…” “The lithium mining industry in South America is ENVIRONMENTALLY unsustainable because…” “Electric car makers buy Chinese lithium-ion batteries because…” “Electric cars are not yet completely sustainable because…” Geography Web: The Lithium Triangle Pupils link feature and analyse the connections between the Lithium Triangle and China, Argentina’s government, indigenous people, Tesla Motors TEACHERS’ BACKGROUND INFORMATION sheets (x3) with links to relevant articles and original BBC News story
“Kenya floods:  Nairobi homes demolished”

“Kenya floods: Nairobi homes demolished”

Geography Case Study April - May, 2024 Meteorologists confirmed that Hidaya is the strongest tropical cyclone ever observed in this part of the south Indian Ocean Floods in Kenya killed 257 and injured 188 people; 56,000 homes destroyed Activities concentrate on the Mukuru slum in the south of Nairobi Flooding made worse by: Nairobi built on flood plain by the British colonisers + climate change + Indian Ocean Dipole + informal housing along river banks + saturated soil + impermeable concrete + infilling of Nairobi Dam 5Ws &1H: satellite photo of Tropical Cyclone Hidaya Which settlement type is the ODD ONE OUT? Which weather event is the ODD ONE OUT? Lateral Thinking about the KENYAN FLOODS: Write three geographical sentences linking four photographs Which photograph shows Kenya? Write a sentence to explain reasoning. (Actually a trick question: They ALL show different aspects of Kenya) Over a dozen slides to set the scene and prompt discussion: photos of Nairobi and Mukuru, graph showing precipitation (to spot the two rainy seasons) Links to videos for further knowledge Mystery: Why did the Mwangi family have to leave their home? Two slides of clues to help solve the mystery Worksheet: annotate the map of Nairobi to explain the causes of the floods Concept hexagons: explain the links between the icons (people, housing, cyclone, rain, flood, death) Worksheet: Conclusion - Hypothesis “The Kenyan government were right to demolish the houses in Mukuru” TEACHERS’ BACKGROUND INFORMATION sheets (x2) with further links and detail
“UK farms must grow more fruit and veg for food security”

“UK farms must grow more fruit and veg for food security”

Geography Case Study We are meant to eat our Five a Day. The UK only produces 17% of the fruit and 55% of the vegetables that are bought in British shops. 40% of UK food is produced abroad. Between 2023 and 2024, the Trussell Trust food banks distributed three million food parcels to British people. So what is going on? This resource includes a variety of lesson activities to pick and choose: Which Geography keyword (farming types) is the odd one out? Which grass (cereals) is the odd one out? In which photo of farming are you most likely to see agrichemicals being used? (vs Golden Rice). %Ws & 1H - Battery hens (for class discussion). Comparison of farming today with a 14th c. illustration. Link to Channel 4 News video: ‘Millions in UK need to double income to escape poverty’. Lateral Thinking about food supplies - ‘Discuss how these four photographs are linked… Then write three sentences to explain your ideas’ (climate change, floods, empty shekves, container ship). Development compass worksheet: ‘Food security’. Info sheet: ‘UK Food Security’ - to help complete… Question Grid: ‘UK Food Security’. Role play group sheets: HM Government UK farmers Egyptian farmers UK families UK supermarkets UK food bank organisers Each sheet has some background info, two possible questions and space for students’ own questions to prepare before the role play itself. Stakeholders’ conclusions: Worksheet folowing the role play Worksheet: complete a divided bar graph showing ‘UK Food Imports’. Then students read the text, highlighting the main reasons why the UK’s food security is a problem. Finally, they write a conclusion to explain what they have learned about the UK’s food security. Worksheet: ‘Geo-Hexagons: Food Security’ - war, climate, money, Europe, inflation, shopping. Students explain in detail how each image is linked geographically. Worksheet - Living Graph: ‘UK Households Experiencing Food Insecurity’ (with 20 clues to choose from). Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link activity - ’ Food Imports to the UK’ (info sheet including proportional area map, worksheet to complete bar graph showing origin of foodstuffs, PEEL worksheet to complete). Worksheet - ‘True for who? UK Food Security’ Worksheet - deBono’s ‘Six Hats: Food Security in the UK’. Worksheet - ‘Thought Chains: Food Security in the UK’. Activity trains students to analyse data in detail using connectives. (Imports, sustainability, food bank use in the UK). Food Security mystery: ‘Why are UK food prices so high?’ 32 clues to distribute amongst students. Includes Ukraine War, changing diets, inflation, food waste). Worksheet - ‘Geography Web: Food Security in the UK’. Part filled-in to show how students should complete the activity. Links to be made between: Food supplies, the UK, Ukraine, Russia, migrant workers, petrochemicals). Teachers’ Background Information: Includes links to original BBC article, academic articles.


Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Four pages PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION – PHILOSOPHICAL LANGUAGE AND THOUGHT ANCIENT PHILOSOPHICAL INFLUENCES PLATO THE FORMS Heraclitus Realm of the Forms Realm of Appearances Hierarchy of the Forms Allegory of the Cave Criticisms of the allegory Darwin Deus Ex Machina ARISTOTLE Method of per genus et per differentia The Four Causes The Prime Mover SOUL, MIND & BODY THE PHILOSOPHICAL LANGUAGE OF SOUL, MIND AND BODY Views of Plato: Psyche Soul Tripartite soul Allegory of the Chariot Logos Thymos Eros Views of Aristotle: Soul Nutritive soul Sensible soul Rational soul METAPHYSICS OF CONSCIOUSNESS Substance dualism Descartes “Cogito ergo sum” Mind + body Pineal gland Neural dependence Gilbert Ryle ‘Ghost in a machine’ Materialism Consciousness Monism ‘I am a body’ Rejection of soul Dawkins ‘The Selfish Gene’ SOUL ONE / SOUL TWO Susan Blackmore John Hick soft materialist
REVISION: Developments in Christian Thought - LIVING (CHRISTIAN MORALITY)

REVISION: Developments in Christian Thought - LIVING (CHRISTIAN MORALITY)

Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Five pages DCT – LIVING CHRISTIAN MORAL PRINCIPLES BIBLE = ONLY AUTHORITY FOR CHRISTIAN MORALS Theonomous Christian ethics Jesus criticised Pharisees for following law too literally Sola scriptura 2 Timothy theopneustos 2 Peter Issues with theonomous ethics TRANSLATION Exodus WHICH BIBLE Martin Luther apocrypha CONTRADICTIONS (OT vs NT) CHERRY PICKING Leviticus Bibliolatry INTERPRETATION BIBLE, CHURCH + REASON SOURCES OF CHRISTIAN MORALS Heteronomous Roman Catholic attitudes Order of decision-making authority Sacred Tradition Magisterium VATICAN II COUNCIL 1975 Papal infallibility ex cathedra Pius IX Human reason (Natural Law): JOHN PAUL II Issues with accepting Church teachings Jesus Pharisees ROSEMARY RADFORD REUTHER Liberation theology Protestant attitudes to Church teachings Order of decision-making Tradition Archbishop of Canterbury Reformation: STANLEY HAUERWAS AGAPE Autonomous Christian ethics 1 Corinthians Mark HANS KÜNG BENEDICT XVI person of goodwill 'global ethic’ PAUL TILLICH CHURCH HAS AUTHORITY OVER INDIVIDUALS Subjectivity Collective wisdom God’s word Agapeic action CHRISTIAN ETHICS: PERSONAL vs COMMUNAL Human freewill Ability to reason Beliefs of majority Utilitarianism God’s judgement of individuals Community ** CHRISTIAN MORAL ACTION BONHOEFFER Assassination attempt against Hitler DUTY TO GOD + THE STATE Obedience, leadership + doing God’s will Cost of Discipleship Romans God-given authority God’s will DAWKINS **CHRISTIANS’ KNOWLEDGE OF GOD’S WILL ** Conscience AQUINAS Humanity corrupted by Fall Decisions checked by community Freewill Civil disobedience Teachings of Christ ‘Act and Being’ Church or state Mark Romans Exodus Daniel MLK + Rosa Parks Suffragettes DUTY TO GOD OR STATE? Choice should be obvious Jesus “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s” Bonhoeffer Passivity and evil Romans Leadership on Earth Fundamental Christian principles Christians protesting abortions Bonhoeffer’s extreme circumstances Hitler as ‘anti-Christ’ MEIN KAMPF Anti-Semitism CHURCH AS COMMUNITY + SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE Confessing Church Visible Church community Proverbs Sermon on Mount SALT + LIGHT ‘Religionless Christianity’ Focus on Christ Finkenwalde Personal discipline Look outwards, not inwards Foundation of prayer Centrality of study + discussion Brotherhood ‘Cheap grace’ vs 'costly grace’ Struggling as Christ did Mark "The badge of true discipleship” Jesus “the man for others” BONHOEFFER’S EMPHASIS ON SUFFERING Contemporary relevance Bonhoeffer’s extreme experiences Effects of globalisation Jesus as central starting point
Homework booklet: INCREDIBLE INDIA

Homework booklet: INCREDIBLE INDIA

Eight page booklet : define Geographical keywords; complete a fact file about a an Indian state; SPAG exercise about Indian food; annotate a photo to show the problems of slum life; moral dilemma comparing the lives of the super rich and the extreme poor; explain why trees are important in Geography (using a Hindu quote as a prompt); a comparison of the lives of Krishna and Jesus
REVISION: Ethical Language – "META-ETHICS"

REVISION: Ethical Language – "META-ETHICS"

Revision notes for A-level Religious Studies (OCR) Four pages ETHICAL LANGUAGE – META-ETHICS Definition Do mind-independent moral properties exist? Moral realism Moral anti-realism Cognitivism True/false statements Non-cognitivism Grounding problem NATURALISM Cognitivist + realist Fixed absolutes F.H. BRADLEY Concrete absolute reality Moral perspective Self-realisation Observation Criticism DAVID HUME Empiricist challenge Reason vs emotion Moral good + evil Hume’s Law Moral ‘ought’ statements Factual ‘is’ statements Non-cognitive vs cognitive PHILIPPA FOOT Virtue ethics Moral rules ‘Natural goodness’ J.L. MACKIE Anti-realism Moral rules Tradition Variations between cultures STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES Moral nihilism Verification Tautologies Open question argument Non-moral property INTUITIONISM G.E. MOORE NON-NATURALISM Intuition Intrinsic good Non-natural property Naturalistic fallacy Closed vs open questions H.A. PRICHARD Moral obligations Duty Moral vocabulary W.D. ROSS Conflicting duties Prima facie duties Overriding obligation Seven foundational prima facie duties STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Argument from queerness Cultural relativism EMOTIVISM Approval vs disapproval DAVID HUME MORAL JUDGEMENTS MOTIVATE ACTION HUME’S FORK A.J. AYER Three kinds of knowledge ANALYTIC JUDGEMENTS SYNTHETIC JUDGEMENTS MORAL JUDGEMENTS Judgements of value Utterances of preference C.L. STEVENSON Attitude relative to fundamental belief Persuasion Approval/disapproval STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Quantify goodness/pleasure Foot’s moral realism Moral diversity Moral nihilism Changing moral views Moral progress Embedding problem Key issues: What is meant by ‘good’ Meaningful vs meaningless
China 2: "MADE IN CHINA"

China 2: "MADE IN CHINA"

Powerpoint inspired by the RGS scheme of work "China Today". Whole lesson, includes starter (multinational companies), comparison of Shenzhen in 1970 with today, Geographical mystery about Apple's involvement ion China (WHAT were the reasons for moving iPhone production to China? HOW were the Foxconn workers treated? WHY are there nets outside Foxconn factory windows? WHO benefits from Apple products being made in China? ), differentiated questions (Explain why Apple was so interested in making its products in China; Compare the opinions of a Foxconn worker in China with an Apple customer in the UK. Then give your opinion of Foxconn/Apple; Describe the living and working conditions inside a Chinese factory like Foxconn) and plenary (the suicide of Ma Xiang Qian )
Development3: "Shell Nigeria"

Development3: "Shell Nigeria"

Powerpoint comparing the UK's development with Nigeria as a starter, The main part looks at how oil has brought wealth to Nigeria (eg Eko Atlantic City) but also devestation to the peoples of the Niger Delta. Plenary compares MNCs with the GDP of various countries. Activities include a mystery exercise and an exam-style question... HYPOTHESIS: “The discovery of crude oil in 1956 has helped Nigeria to develop”
Homework Booklet: 'RADIANT RUSSIA'

Homework Booklet: 'RADIANT RUSSIA'

Eight page booklet : define keywords, Latitude/Longitude map skills, a SPAG exercise about Russia, space for pupils to analyse Russia's citizenship policy, a moral dilemma based on renewing the UK's nuclear weapons, a page to write about the pupil's photo of Russia and finally a chance to research and design a Russian doll