2 lessons to introduce timetable and time revision in Spanish.
Lesson 1:
Starter - time revision
Speaking/questioning about time table
Fill the gaps speaking task with two different timetables
listening viva (higher)
Lesson 2:
revision: timetable, subjects and time
reading, reading comprehension
Song by Calle 13 -la vuelta al mundo.
Lesson includes a brief biography as a reading comprehension, the lyrics as a fill in the gap activity and the translation.
4 lessons based on Viva (foundation and higher) to revise the topic ‘Me, my family and friends; technology in everyday life’ from Theme 1: Identity and culture.
It includes conversation questions. Ideal for mixed ability groups.
Two booklets for Year 11s to practise/prepare for their writing assessment on their own with plenty of advice, different sentences to introduce and finish off their writing, advice on how to tackle translation and a practise paper to apply all the strategies discussed.
This is a great resource to help your students prepare for the writing assessment. It includes a selection of key verbs for each theme, basic verbs in different tenses, time expressions, connectives, idiom, slang and more complex structures they can use and even learn by heart to use and adapt to their writing.
Two lessons aimed at teaching festivals in a very simplified way (excellent resource if you have had no time to cover this topic).
Lessons are based on Viva.
Lesson 1:
Knowledge test -match up festival with description + key vocabulary
guess the festival -video activity
reading and introduction of passive voice
grammar- how to avoid passive in Spanish (structures with SE)
avoid the passive practise
Lesson 2
Revision on present tense conjugation
Fill in the gap, GCSE reading type task on Dia de Muertos
There is an additional reading comprehension question in the style of GCSE section B (questions and answers in Spanish)
Two lessons to teach the context of the Spanish civil war + student booklet.
Constitución de 1931: main changes
Reactions to the changes proposed by the constitution
Clara Campoamor- vote for women
La reforma militar
La reforma agraria
A whole lesson on Rosalia’s new song ‘Aute Cuture’. Power point + worksheet.
This lesson contains
-Authentic text with information and a bit of Rosalia’s biography
-Reading comprehension + optional vocabulary support
A video activity for students to find the meaning of certain expressions from the song through an interview with the artist
The classic card game adapted to the Spanish classroom. The same rules apply but if you want to go next you need to be able to answer the question in Spanish.
Template easily adaptable. Just print double sided and laminate your cards.
Lesson / half a lesson on the song ‘me quedo’ by Aitana and Lola Indigo.
Worksheet + powerpoint with biography/ reading comprehension, gap fill activity and idioms and expressions from the song.
A lesson on subjunctive in Spanish designed for mixed ability groups.
Student centered with AFL activities differenciated by tiers and a sentence builder for weaker students.
8 different templates to use as a class game or plenary.
Easily adaptable and very engaging, students love it!
You can use it so it does not require any prep by asking questions orally or type your questions using the template.
Ideal for team competitions using mini whiteboards.
Ideal for primary and secondary.
All subjects.
-Ninja turtles
-Mario Kart
-Crash Bandicoot
-Sponge Bob