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I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!




I’m Rachel and I've been teaching for 18 years! I first taught English (TEFL) in Japan and Madrid and then taught French and Spanish in Surrey. I subsequently worked in a UK curriculum school in sunny Dubai. I have now relocated to the UK and have a gorgeous baby daughter! I have a learning-centred approach and encourage my students to be active and reflective learners. I really enjoy the creative process of making PowerPoints and worksheets and hope you enjoy using them!
Spanish Teaching Resources. Adjectives To Describe Towns & Villages.

Spanish Teaching Resources. Adjectives To Describe Towns & Villages.

This presentation presents adjectives to describe towns and villages in Spanish. The first slides have each adjectives in Spanish with a picture. The teacher should use this to elicit the meaning in English and drill the pronunciation. Then there is graded questioning. Firstly there are multiple choice slides followed by what's missing memory game slides. You can also use the final slide to play a game of "beat the teacher" to revise the learning at the end or during the following lesson. Beat the teacher is played like this: The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
Spanish Teaching Resources. Describing Hair Colour & Style PowerPoint + Hair & Eyes Battleships Game

Spanish Teaching Resources. Describing Hair Colour & Style PowerPoint + Hair & Eyes Battleships Game

This colourful and fun PowerPoint presentation presents various hair colour and hair styles. Phrases: Tengo el pelo rubio. Tengo el pelo castaño. Tengo el pelo pelirrojo. Tengo el pelo largo. Tengo el pelo corto. Tengo el pelo ondulado/ rizado. Tengo el pelo liso. Llevo barba. Llevo bigote. The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. PPC stands for Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! The following slides allow the teacher to go through each phrase, check the translation, the pronunciation and drill. Slide 12 can be used for a game of Beat The teacher: The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! Then there are graded questioning slides followed by What's missing? slides. Battleships Game Vocabulary covered: Tengo el pelo rubio y Tengo el pelo castaño yTengo el pelo corto y Tengo el pelo largo y Tengo el pelo pelirrojo y Tengo el pelo rizado y tengo los ojos azules. tengo los ojos verdes. tengo los ojos marrones. llevo gafas. llevo barba. llevo bigote. Instructions I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation and to reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the Spanish version and then try to play the game saying the Spanish phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the Spanish version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the Spanish version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the Spanish version as little as possible.
Spanish Teaching Resources: Colours & Adjectives To Describe Pets/ Animals.

Spanish Teaching Resources: Colours & Adjectives To Describe Pets/ Animals.

This PowerPoint presentation presents adjectives (mainly colours) to describe pets. Vocabulary presented: amarillo/a, atigrado/a, azul, blanco/a, dorado/a,gris, marrón, negro/a, rojo/a, verde, grande & pequeño/a. The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. The final slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary where you can pounce on unsuspecting students and ask ¿Qué es? This slide can also be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! (as can slide 14) The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources. Noël! Vocabulary PowerPoint, Jingle Bells lyrics and Lotto/ Bingo Game.

French Teaching Resources. Noël! Vocabulary PowerPoint, Jingle Bells lyrics and Lotto/ Bingo Game.

PowerPoint: I use this resource to present Christmas vocabulary. Vocabulary presented: la crèche un sapin de Noël. le Père Noël un cadeau de Noël un ange une dinde un chant de Noël un renne un bonhomme de neige The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next slide has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. Jingle Bells: I use this for a bit of a sing-song in my French Christmas lesson. The slide has the following lyrics from Vive Le Vent (Jingle Bells): Vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver; qui s'en va sifflant, soufflant dans les grands sapins verts. Oh! Vive le temps, vive le temps, vive le temps d'hiver. Boules de neige et jour de l'an et bonne année grand-mère. I talk the students through the lyrics, then drill them singing each line and put it together for a fun 10 minute activity. I usually get the boys to compete with the girls too! The slide can be printed out too. Enjoy! Lotto: This is a simple lotto game practising the numbers 1-20. Students choose 4 numbers and then I go through the PowerPoint, counting the number of different festive items with the students in French. * Note I count the carol singers as 6! Please note this doesn't cover all the numbers from 1-20, but when I've played it with my classes I've had a winner in all but 1 game!
Noël French Teaching Resources. Christmas Mystery: Perfect Tense.

Noël French Teaching Resources. Christmas Mystery: Perfect Tense.

I use this French Christmas Mystery with my Year 10 and 11 students who have studied the perfect tense and perfect infinitive. It could also be used with younger Gifted and Talented students. I show them the PowerPoint first, eliciting the information in English and then give them out a set of cards. There are a variety of clues, including some red herrings, so the students really have to use their thinking skills and teamwork. I allow them to use dictionaries. * The ANSWERS to the mystery are at the top of the cards sheet. Be careful not to give this information out!! All students are aiming to figure out who. Most to find out what gift and some why. The suspects are the Santa’s reindeer including; Tornade (Dasher), Danseur (Dancer) , Furie (Prancer), Fringant (Vixen) and Comète (Comet)! Examples of clues: Hier soir Tournade a porté des gants jaunes. Danseur est allé à la discothèque à 18h00. Il est rentré à 22h00. Danseur ne s’entend pas avec Tonerre. Furie a perdu son portable. Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources DVD/ Film Worksheet: School: Être et Avoir.

French Teaching Resources DVD/ Film Worksheet: School: Être et Avoir.

I use this differentiated worksheet to revise and build upon key school vocabulary. It features a 16 minute extract from the gorgeous French film Être et avoir, which we watch with subtitles. Être et avoir. 1.04.30 – 1.07.24 : Ami/ amie : Chapitre 12. The first section tells students to: Cochez les choses que vous voyez : Le coucher du soleil l’aube une vache un cheval un fleuve un champs un livre un tableau un élève une règle une trousse un professeur/ un instituteur une photocopieuse un stylo un crayon un cahier une chaise une poubelle une gomme un taille-crayon There are 5 Extra questions for stronger students such as: 1. Comment dit-on « un volet » en anglais ? 2. Comment dit-on « grince » en anglais ? 4. Marie et Jojo font… a. du café b. de l’équitation c. des photocopies The next extract: 1.07.24 – 1.16 minutes has 16 Vrai ou faux ? questions such as: 1. Ils apprennent comment dire « friend. » 2. Jojo dit « maman et son ami Jojo. » 3. Létitia fait une erreur. 4. Johann parle de son ami. 5. La photocopieuse est en panne. 6. Le collège est plus grand que l’école primaire. There are 7 Extra questions for stronger students such as : 1. Quel animal est sur le sweat de Laetitia ? 2. Comment s’appelle le collège ? 3. Ils parlent de deux types de vaches. Lesquels ? 4. Comment dit-on « Year 7 » en français ? The answers are on the first 2 sheets. The student question sheet is the third sheet.
French Teaching Resources. Rio 2016 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

French Teaching Resources. Rio 2016 Olympic & Paralympic Games. Les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques

These resources celebrate the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic games. They build student’s knowledge of sports vocabulary and adjectives using YouTube extracts, colourful slides, animations, matching cards, a video extract worksheet and finally a creative task to help the students express their Olympic/Paralympic passions! Slide 2 presents the differentiated lesson objectives. Slide 3 has the Olympic motto and some great black and white pictures of Olympian heroes. Slide 4 is the warmer task to name as many Olympic/Paralympic sports as possible from student’s previous knowledge and includes links to the Ensemble Campagne officielle du CIO in both French and English (1 min 30 secs each) to inspire the students. They may do this in teams, pairs or individually. The full list of Olympic and Paralympic events can be found on a PDF in these resources. Slides 5 to 43 build new Olympic/Paralympic sports vocabulary. Expressions presented: L’athlétisme L’aviron Le canoë-kayak Les sports équestres L’escrime L’haltérophilie La lutte Le plongeon La natation synchronisée Le tir Le tir à l'arc La voile Slide 5 invites the students to: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! *Here the students quiz each other, e.g French to English, English to French, spellings etc. of the new vocabulary. Slides 6 to 17 have 1 slide per expression and allow you to drill the new vocabulary. Then there is graded questioning. Slides 19 to 30 show the images and give the students a choice of two possible sports to choose from. Then slides 31 to 43 are what’s missing? slides. Slide 44 should be used in conjunction with the worksheet. Here the students tick the sports they see on the Paralympic trailer video (2 mins 48 secs) and includes an extension task for stronger students. The answers are on the first two pages of the worksheet PDF. The next slide should be used in conjunction with the English-French adjectives matching cards. Adjectives: travailleur/ euse, enthousiaste, paresseux/euse, nerveux/euse, concentré(e), assuré(e), détendu, ravi(e), fier/ fière, égoïste, têtu(e), lent(e), rapide, bavard(e), habile. Then complete the second half of the worksheet where students watch the official Rio 2016 trailer and tick the adjectives which reflect the emotions of the athletes and spectators as well as other adjectives to describe what they see. There is an extension task. Then the students have a choice of three creative tasks: to design and decorate in French an Olympic torch, a flag or to write a poem about their Olympian/Paralympic hero. Both PowerPoint slides have an accompanying worksheet including a suggested poem template. The final slide provides an opportunity for reflection.
Teaching Resources. Metacognition Learning To Learn PowerPoint (languages)

Teaching Resources. Metacognition Learning To Learn PowerPoint (languages)

Metacognition/ Learning To Learn PowerPoint Description I led a School Improvement Group looking at Metacognition, or put more simply Learning To learn. I was concerned that my language classes were not developing efficient and effective ways to memorise new vocabulary and grammatical structures. As a consequence I created this PowerPoint presentation, which I have used with all my classes from years 7- 13 (UK)/ grades 6 to 12. I find it particularly powerful to show before assessments and show it regularly throughout the academic year! It starts with the powerful statement: Intelligence is not fixed or unchanging. We can build intelligence. I then ask the students to discuss how they learn vocabulary and grammatical structures. Then there are some examples of mnemonics in Lingala, Chinese and French, followed by a French grammar analogy. Finally there are 2 slides of ideas for the students to try (which you may wish to print out) such as: Practice testing * You MUST DO THIS! Test and be tested by a friend/family member/ yourself. Write a challenging quiz e.g Millionaire, zondle, Kahoot, Tiny Taps… Teach someone or something (teddy bear will do!). We remember 90% of what we teach others. You may wish to print out some slides for display or perhaps share ideas with parents. Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources: PowerPoint Presentation: Expressions with Avoir.

French Teaching Resources: PowerPoint Presentation: Expressions with Avoir.

Expressions: J’ai chaud, j’ai froid, j’ai faim, j’ai soif, j’ai envie de vomir, j’ai envie de dormir, j’ai de la fièvre, j’ai un rhume, j’ai la grippe, j’ai le rhume des foins. The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. The next slides have the phrase and a picture for the first 6 expressions. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. Then the process is repeated for the remaining expressions. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint Presentation: Les films

French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint Presentation: Les films

The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. All: Translate the films below. Most: Identify the tenses. Some: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge & QFQs! Je regarde un film d’aventure. Je vais regarder un dessin animé. J’ai regardé un film policier. J’adore regarder les films de science-fiction. Je n’aime pas les films d’horreur. Je regarde un western. Je vais regarder une comédie. Nous avons regardé un film romantique. The next slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
French Teaching Resources. Premiere Guerre Mondiale. World War 1/ Armistice.

French Teaching Resources. Premiere Guerre Mondiale. World War 1/ Armistice.

I designed these activities to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. These resources could also be used each year to commemorate the Armistice. I really wanted the students to experience and express an emotional connection with the topic and can honestly say that they produced some extremely moving written work in response to the material. They were also studying themed lessons in History, English and Drama lessons on the topic of World War 1. I spent 2 lessons on these activities and used them with my Year 9 students (aged 13-14). I feel it would also work well with Year 10 students (aged 14-15) and younger Gifted students. The PowerPoint guides you through the material. It starts with a YouTube link to play as the students enter the classroom. This shows footage of trench warfare and I felt this powerfully set the scene for the lesson to come. Slide 3 presents the objective: To learn about La Première Guerre Mondale and to respond creatively to your learning. This is then differentiated into All, Most and Some. I then give out the cards to unjumble the following text: Les 3 et 4 août 1914, l’Allemagne, la France et l’Angleterre se déclaraient la guerre. C’était le début de la première guerre mondiale. Elle allait durer quatre ans. Pendant la guerre, environ 19 millions de personnes sont mortes (9,7 millions de militaires). En 1918 on comptait 1 325 000 soldats français morts. Beaucoup étaient très jeunes. Les conditions de vie dans les tranchées étaient très difficiles. Il faisait froid. Il y avait de la boue et les soldats étaient souvent sales. Il n’y avait pas d’électricité et pas de chauffage. Les hommes dormaient dehors. They found the text unjumbling activity pretty challenging so I circulated and game plenty of support. It is definitely worthwhile printing out slide 4 which gives useful vocabulary translations to support the students. The students then watch a 4 minute extract from the film Joyeux Noel (make sure you have the English subtitles) and complete the worksheet. If you do not have the DVD you may be able to find the correct extract on YouTube. The students then have time to produce their creative response. Weaker student can produce and acrostic or a calligramme using their support sheet. Stronger students may adapt the Nelson Mandela Poem to write about La Guerre. More gifted students can read through the letter from the frontline in the book Lulu Et La Grande Guerre (scan attached) and write their own letter. I asked the students to read out/ present their work to the class and we created a stunning display of the student’s work. Finally there is a slide to reflect on What Went Well (WWW) and Even Better If (EBI).
French Teaching Resources: Euro 2016 Football Lesson!

French Teaching Resources: Euro 2016 Football Lesson!

I have planned this lesson not only to teach vocabulary and facts about football, France and Euro 2016, but also to help the students to respond creatively to their learning and hopefully share their passion for football! The PowerPoint uses matching cards, colourful pictures and animations and YouTube extracts set to music to inspire the students. It is planned to use with students from Years 6-9 (the final task is very open-ended). Slide 2 states the objective: Objectif: To learn about Le Football & Euro 2016 and to respond creatively to your learning. Slide 3 has a YouTube link to follow to use with the attached worksheet. This uses the official UEFA promotional video (3 mins 57 secs) and the worksheet builds vocabulary, cultural and factual knowledge such as the locations of the stadiums, their capacities, cultural images and numbers of matches, volunteers, teams etc. The worksheet is differentiated with an Extra! challenge section. The answers are on the first page of the worksheet. Slide 5 introduces key vocabulary and can be used with the matching cards. The students should work in pairs/ groups to match the vocabulary and the picture using their previous knowledge, cognates and a process of elimination. Vocabulary: Le joueur de foot Le gardien de but L’arbitre Le stade Le ballon de foot La coupe Un drapeau Une équipe Un carton jaune Le terrain de foot Un maillot de foot Des chaussures de foot The activity is differentiated as follows: All: Match Up! Most: Perfect Pronunciation Challenge! Some: Quick Fire Questions! (Here the students quiz each other: French to English, English to French, spellings, accents…..). Slides 6 to 17 show each word and the matching picture and colourful animations. Slide 18 has all the pictures for a quick recap. Then there is graded questioning: Slides 19 to 30 have A, B, C multiple choice questions. Slides 31 to 44 are “What’s missing?” slides. Then slide 45 has a YouTube link to the official song and video (3 mins 49 secs) and students should note down new nouns and adjectives expressing the emotions they see and feel (if they don’t know the French they can grab a dictionary later!) The creative challenges are presented on slides 45 and 46, this is to either create an acrostic, a calligramme or a poem (there is a poem template provided). This information is also on the accompanying worksheets. Slide 47 provides the opportunity for reflection. I really hope you and your students enjoy these resources!
French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint: Jobs/ Professions.

French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint: Jobs/ Professions.

Expressions: Les métiers! acteur/ actrice chanteur/ chanteuse serveur/ serveuse vendeur/ vendeuse coiffeur/ coiffeuse infirmier/ infirmière médecin musicien/ musicienne footballeur programmeur/ programmeuse mécanicien/ mécanicienne pilote d’avion, professeur, secrétaire, au chômage. The first slide encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation and question each other before the teacher checks with the whole class. The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. The next section of slides have multiple choice questions. Then there are "what's missing?" slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins!
French Teaching Resources: The Conditional Perfect. Presentation & Millionaire Warmer Game.

French Teaching Resources: The Conditional Perfect. Presentation & Millionaire Warmer Game.

This simple 5 slide PowerPoint elicits the formation of the Conditional Perfect Tense. My students found this a challenging 15 minute warmer activity to test their knowledge of the conditional perfect tense. I gave out mini-whiteboards and gave them 20 seconds to choose the correct answer. Choisissez la bonne phrase au conditionnel passé A. J’aurais fini B. J’aurait fini C. J’aurais finie D. J’aurai fini Enjoy!
French Teaching Resources. The Present Participle.

French Teaching Resources. The Present Participle.

The PowerPoint should be used with the English - French matching cards to elicit the formation and use of the present participle. Examples of expressions on cards: Il faut réagir énergétiquement en évitant de se battre. You have to react energetically while avoiding a fight. Tu ne perdras jamais de kilos en mangeant tant de plats sucrés. Will will never ________________ whilst you eat so many ___________.
French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint & Matching Cards: Perfect Tense+ Irregular Past Participles

French Teaching Resources. PowerPoint & Matching Cards: Perfect Tense+ Irregular Past Participles

The first slide quickly revises regular past participles using the following examples: J’ai joué au foot. J’ai fini mes devoirs. J’ai vendu ma voiture. Elicit from the students how to change the infinitive into the regular past participle. Slide 3 explains: If we take the verb faire and apply the rules for re verbs we get the following: Faire – re = fai + u = faiu! French doesn’t like this so the verb faire has the irregular past participle fait (which doesn’t follow any rules). Slide 4 encourages the students to actively engage with the new vocabulary: working in teams, using their prior knowledge, knowledge of other languages and using a process of elimination to figure out the meanings. They then discuss the pronunciation (PPC = Perfect Pronunciation Challenge) and question each other (QFQs = Quick Fire Questions) before the teacher checks with the whole class. The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. Then there are multiple choice slides followed by Qu’est-ce que c’est? slides. The final slide has pictures of all the phrases. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If its the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! Expressions presented: J’ai fait du ski. (faire) J’ai bu un coca. (boire) J’ai vu la Tour Eiffel. (voir) J’ai lu un livre. (lire) J’ai pris une photo. (prendre) J’ai écrit une lettre. (écrire) J’ai dit bonjour! (dire) Cards: These matching cards can be used either to elicit key irregular past participles or to revise previous learning. Expressions covered: J’ai fait du ski. Faire = to do/make J’ai bu un coca. Boire = to drink J’ai vu la Tour Eiffel. Voir = to see J’ai lu un livre. Lire = to read J’ai pris une photo. Prendre = to take J’ai écrit une lettre. Écrire = to write J’ai dit bonjour! Dire = to say You may choose to have different levels of challenge. For example, Level 1 = put the cards into 3 columns: the picture, the infinitive and the perfect tense phrase and discuss the pronunciation. Level 2 = As above and then have quick fire questions from French to English, whereby 1 student closes their eyes and their partner reads out the French cards which the student must translate into English from memory. Level 3 = As Level 2 but the quick fire questions are from English to Following checking there are 2 fun games to play, either pelmenism or slap the card.
French Teaching Resources. Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid: Pluperfect Tense.

French Teaching Resources. Battleships Game/ Lotto Grid: Pluperfect Tense.

Expressions: Avant de faire mes devoirs Avant de quitter la maison Avant de manger le déjeuner Avant de me coucher Avant de voyager autour du monde je m’étais levé(e) tôt. j’avais fait la vaisselle. j’avais lu une bande dessinée. j’avais vu les actualités. je m’étais lavé(e). Battleships Game Instructions The students love this competitive and fun game! I use this battleships game (which can also be used as a lotto grid) to help students to practise their pronunciation and to reinforce new vocabulary and grammatical structures. Firstly I ask the students to work independently in pairs to translate the expressions. The students then focus on pronunciation and decide the two easiest and two most difficult words to pronounce. I then check the translations and drill pronunciation with the whole class before they play the game. The students secretly choose 5 squares on the top grid and then try to guess which 5 squares their partner has chosen, filling in the bottom grid with “hit” and “miss.” To choose a square say a phrase from the horizontal line and complete the sentence with a phrase from the vertical line. Where the 2 phrases meet up is the square you have chosen. I use the English language sheet to further challenge the students: they should place this on top of the French version and then try to play the game saying the French phrases as far as possible from memory. I allow the really weak students to have the French version next to the English version so they have lots of support, stronger students are allowed a few “sneaky peaks” at the French version and the really strong students aim to refer back to the French version as little as possible. This really helps the students to memorise the vocabulary/structures! During the game I circulate the classroom checking pronunciation. This is followed by whole class drilling of pronunciation mistakes. Enjoy!
Day of the Dead! Día de los Muertos Teaching Resources.

Day of the Dead! Día de los Muertos Teaching Resources.

Day of the Dead! Día de los Muertos Activities. These activities should take a whole lesson and could be extended into homework. Students will learn cultural facts and vocabulary such as: un cementerio une tumba una ofrenda unos cempasúchiles unos juguetes unos angelitos el pan de muerto unas calaveras una catrina Start by showing the PowerPoint: I have written in English, adding in the Spanish vocabulary and have tried to keep words to a minimum. I have aimed to include vibrant and interesting images and animations to fire the students’ imaginations! This should take about 10 minutes. Then either show the YouTube link to the gorgeous 3 minute animation of La Día de los Muertos or give the students the worksheet to complete as they watch. You may wish to play the animation twice. Finally use the last sheet to help the students respond creatively to what they have learnt by creating a Spanish acrostic, a calligramme or a poem. These will make beautiful displays!
Spanish Teaching Resources. PowerPoint: Holiday destinations and transportation.

Spanish Teaching Resources. PowerPoint: Holiday destinations and transportation.

Spanish PowerPoint presenting holiday destinations and transport. Vocabulary: ¿Adónde vas de vacaciones normalmente? Voy a la costa. Voy a la sierra. Voy al campo. Voy a un pueblo. ¿Cómo vas? Voy en coche. Voy en avión. Voy en tren. Voy en autocar. Voy en ferry. The first slides have the phrase and a picture. Use this to elicit the pronunciation, the English and to drill. Slide12 has pictures of all the new vocabulary. This can be used for a Beat the Teacher game, which the students love! The teacher points to a picture and says a word. If it is the correct word the students all repeat it. If it’s the wrong word the students must stay absolutely silent. If they do, they win 1 point. If not, the teacher gets 1 point. Most points wins! The next section of slides have verdad o mentira questions. Then there is a ¿Qué es? slide.