My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Preterit tense worksheets Spanish
This 18 page packet includes conjugation practice, personal questions, sentence writing, and writing and answering original questions with all verb types in the preterit: regular, spelling change, stem -change, irregular.
Pages 1-3: Practice with preterit tense of regular verbs (conjugations, fill in the blanks, change the verb from present to preterit, personal questions).
Pages 4-6: Write 15 original sentences with the preterit tense (regular verbs) with the guidelines provided.
Pages 7-9: Write 12 original questions with the preterit tense (regular -ar, -er, -ir and reflexive verbs using the guidelines provided).
Page 10: Spelling change -car, -gar, -zar verbs: Conjugate 3 verbs and answer 10 personal questions.
Page 11: I-Y spelling change verbs: Conjugate 4 verbs and answer 7 questions.
Pages 12-13: Irregular preterit verbs: Answer the 20 personal questions.
Page 14-15: Irregular preterit verbs: Write 14 original sentences with the guidelines provided.
Page 16: Ir stem change verbs: Answer the 10 personal questions
Pages 17-18: Ir stem change verbs: Write 14 original sentences with the guidelines provided.
A worksheet on the present subjunctive in Spanish with 20 fill in the blank statements. For each statement, the first blank must be filled in with the present tense of the introductory verb and the second blank must be filled in with the present subjunctive. Answer key is included.
A worksheet to practice the imperfect subjunctive
Part 1: Complete the 10 following sentences with the correct conjugation of the imperfect subjunctive
Part 2: Complete the 5 sentences in an original manner using a different verb in the imperfect subjunctive. Please add 3-4 words after the imperfect subjunctive verb.
*Answer key is included for part 1 only
This worksheet has 20 personal information questions in the imperfect subjunctive.
Students can to the questions orally or do them for classwork and homework.
Note: Questions do not relate to any particular vocabulary or theme
This is a reading on ir + a + infinitive.
Students will read two paragraphs and answer comprehension questions using ir + a + infinitive.
The first paragraph is short and has four questions. The second paragraph is longer and has 7 questions. All questions are information questions. Answer key is included.
Note: The paragraphs do not link to any particular vocabulary or theme.
Length: 4 pages including answer key (pages 3-4).
Practice: Poder (present tense)
Complete each sentence with the following guidelines:
Write the conjugation of poder in the first blank
Choose a different infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) from the word bank below and write in the second blank
Add 3-4 words in the third blank to expand on the sentence in an original manner.
Do not repeat any infinitives and avoid repetition (using the same words over and over). Be sure that your sentence makes sense.
Students will write an affirmative and a negative sentence for a total of 18 sentences. The English translation of the infinitives is included.
hablar: to speak / vivir: to live / comer: to eat
Yo _____________ + _________________ + ____________________
Yo no _____________ + _________________ + ________________________
Length: 2 pages
Adjectives basic practice
Complete the table with the correct conjugation of ser and the correct form of adjective.
*There are 14 adjectives total. A structured template is provided for student answers.
Adjectives included: bueno, simpático, rubio, inteligente, cómico, popular, americano, francés, argentino, portugués, alemán, azul, trabajador,
Bueno: good
Subject / Conjugation of ser / Adjective
Elena y Marta
Note: In the last column of the template the gender and number will be indicated (ex: Masculine singular / Feminine singular / Masculine plural / Feminine plural)
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip. It can be used in Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 classes.
Practice: Present tense of -AR verbs
*Only regular -ar verbs are used.
Part 1: Conjugate the verbs below in the present tense. (10 total)
Ex: Hablar / Yo : ____________
Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish. No on-line translators or unauthorized resources. (10 total: Combination of yes / no and information questions)
¿Hablas tú español o inglés? (hablar: to speak)________________________
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. Note: Student answers will vary for part 2.
This practice can be used in Spanish 1 or Spanish 2 classes. It can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Las fechas: Matching practice with dates in Spanish
Write the correct letter of each date spelled out in Spanish. Note: The numerical dates are listed as month / day. (18 total)
p. Es el catorce de febrero
r. Es el primero de enero
_____ 1. 01-01
_____ 2. 02-14
Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Las compras de ropa classification practice
Write the words below in the appropriate categories: Para describir la ropa (to describe clothing), Los colores (colors), Las telas (fabrics), Las maneras de pagar (payment methods)
*There are 48 words total.
*A template is provided to write the words.
Word count for each category:
Para describir la ropa: 18
Los colores: 15
Las telas: 7
Las maneras de pagar: 8
barato / amarillo / algodón / la tarjeta de crédito / caro / anaranjado / cuero / el cheque personal / bonito / azul / el cupón de regalo / blanco / sencillo …
Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used as classwork, homework, bell ringer, entry / exit slip, or review.
*It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2.
Cuando yo era niño paragraph fill in practice (Imperfect tense)
Complete the paragraph about Marcos’ childhood by conjugating each infinitive in parenthesis in the imperfect tense. (26 blanks total)
Me llamo Marcos. Ahora vivo en la ciudad de Nueva York y soy estudiante en la universidad. Cuando tenía seis años, yo (1) _____________ (ser) bajo, moreno, y cómico. Yo (2) ______________ (vivir) con mis padres y mi hermano mayor en un pueblo en México que se llamaba “De Ramas.” Los días escolares yo (3) _________________________ (despertarse) a las siete de la mañana. …
Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Los recados: Errands with preterit practice
In the town of “El Sol”, a number of residents were out in the town running errands when suddenly the news announced a curfew (un toque de queda), which caused the residents to stay where they were for an hour. Respond to each resident’s whereabouts and what they did prior to the curfew and how long they had to stay in one place. Use the word bank provided.
*10 total
Note: Some sentences will be slightly longer with 5-6 fill in the blanks.
tuve / cobré / estuve / me
¿Dónde estuviste tú a las once de la mañana ayer?
Yo _____________ en el banco. Yo ______________ mi cheque. Cuando se anunció un toque de queda, yo ______________ que quedar____ en el banco por una hora.
estuvo / tuvo / se / vio
¿Dónde estuvo Marcos a las once de la mañana ayer?
Él ______________ en el museo. Él ______________ los artefactos. Cuando se anunció un toque de queda, él ______________ que quedar____ en el museo por una hora.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 2.
La tienda de ropa conversation fill in practice
Your task: Complete the conversation below as the customer. Your responses should be logical, but all answers do not all need to be in complete sentences. You can use short phrases and ask questions to the employee.
*Students will complete 11 lines of dialogue.
En la entrada
E: Bienvenido(a) a nuestra tienda de ropa. ¿En qué puedo ayudarle?
E: ¿En qué color? ¿En qué talla?
This practice can be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 2. It can be used for classwork, homework, speaking practice or assessment.
Length: 2 pages
Regular -AR, -ER, -IR verbs short speedy practice (Present tense)
For each set of verbs, write the correct verb ending for the first verb (first blank) and the correct conjugation for the second verb (second blank)
All subjects included: Yo, Tu, El / Ella / Ud, Nosotros, Vosotros, Ellos / Ellas / Uds. Note: El / Ella / Ud and Ellos / Ellas / Uds use the same verb for each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir).
*There are 36 different verbs total
A table with -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference
Hablar: Yo: habl ____ / Yo: Estudiar: _______________
Comer: Yo: com ____ / Yo: Beber: _______________
Escribir: Yo: escrib ____ / Yo: Vivir: _______________
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Sentence completions with imperfect subjunctive (no collaboration / no on-line translators)
Complete each sentence by conjugating the verb in parenthesis in the imperfect subjunctive. Then add 4-5 words to expand on the sentence. Your sentence must make sense.
(hablar) Yo quería que tú ____________________________________
Students will complete a total of 15 sentences
This worksheet is a matching practice on telling time in Spanish.
There are 20 clock times and answer key is included.
r. son las seis menos cuarto / quince de la tarde t. es la una de la mañana
1:00 am
5: 5:45 pm
Length: 2 pages including answer key
A short but concise graphic organizer on the formation and use of the present progressive tense in Spanish. Students can easily take notes in it, practice the formation of the present progressive, and do an oral practice with a partner. A short quiz is also included. Answer key is included for both the organizer and quiz.
Two quizzes on conjugating and applying the present subjunctive in Spanish.
The first quiz covers regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs, go and stem change verbs. Sections include conugation chart, fill in the blanks, and writing 2 recommendations for the 4 situations given.
The second quiz covers irregular verbs. Sections include conjugation chart, fill in the blanks, and personal questions.
Answer key is provided for both quizzes except for the situations in the first quiz.
There are 8 pages total. Pages 1-4 are the quizzes, and pages 5-8 are the answer key.
Classroom objects matching and sentence practice
Part 1: Write the correct letter of the English translation. (8 total)
h. The door / f. The flag
_____ 1. La puerta
_____ 2. La bandera
Part 2: Choose any 4 words from part 1 and write a sentence (5 word minimum). Then, draw a picture for each word. Drawings must be classroom appropriate. Conjugate your verbs in the present tense. Post the word count at the end of every sentence. No translators.
Part 3: Same as part 1 but with different words (8 total)
Part 4: Same as part 2
Answer key is included on page 5 for parts 1 and 3 (vocab words only). For parts 2 and 4 (sentences), student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, added to a quiz / test, or as part of your sub plans. It can also be used with chapter 2B of Realidades 1.
25 personal questions with various tenses: present, preterit, imperfect, gustar, present subjunctive, present perfect, and conditional. Students can do the questions orally in pairs or do them for classwork, homework, or a test.