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Sam curran's Shop

Average Rating3.82
(based on 26 reviews)

A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.




A shop which mainly offers secondary school mathematics materials such as worksheets, revision materials and investigations. Also on offer are English Language resources in particular advice on essay writing. Finally, the shop also offers materials geared towards career education such as giving students advice on how to compose CVs, university personal statements and covering letters with templates and model examples provided.
Secondary School Teacher Planning Lessons Resources

Secondary School Teacher Planning Lessons Resources

11 Resources
This bundle contains some extremely useful resources to help secondary school teachers with their lesson planning. These materials can be used in any subject across the curriculum. It contains flexible, time-saving templates for planning behaviour management and learning activities, a set of differentiated assessment for learning starters, main body and plenary activities, a series of peer and self assessment templates and Bloom’s taxonomy resources to promote higher-order thinking skills and reflective learning among students. These are complemented by an adaptable collaborative learning activity involving key words and a self-audit of subject knowledge for GCSE maths teachers.
KS3 Maths Level Assessment Descriptors

KS3 Maths Level Assessment Descriptors

This is an excellent resource of the old level descriptors pupils have to meet/fulfill in KS3 Maths. It’s very useful in helping teachers formatively assess pupils’ progress and acts as a aid for self and peer assessment. Each level is structured by clear outcomes of operations and activities across all 4 areas (number, geometry, algebra, data handling) students must be able to complete to meet the criteria for achieving the level. As well as boosting cross-curricular links I also used this resource as a poster/wall display and a handout for pupils to self and peer assess their progress.
GCSE Maths Acceleration and Velocity Questions

GCSE Maths Acceleration and Velocity Questions

This resource contains a set of questions and revision notes for pupils on acceleration and velocity-time graphs in GCSE Maths (Mechanics). Pupils are provided with worked examples and formulae to calculate the acceleration and displacement from a velocity-time graph before attempting a set of questions themselves. This resources builds strong cross-curricular links with literacy and developing pupils’ knowledge of mathematical notation and formulae.
KS3/GCSE Maths Exam Question Key Terms Glossary

KS3/GCSE Maths Exam Question Key Terms Glossary

This is an incredibly useful resource for students of a glossary of all the key words and terminology used in exam questions in KS3 and GCSE Maths. This is excellent for improving students’ exam technique, as a revision aid and developing their literacy skills. A definition is provided for each key word alongside a worked clear example. In my practice I gave this to pupils as a handout and it was very helpful for revision purposes and greatly improved their exam technique.
GCSE Maths Foundation Extension Assessment Questions

GCSE Maths Foundation Extension Assessment Questions

This resource contains a set of extension questions for GCSE Foundation Maths (which are grouped by topic) which are good at stretching pupils (especially more able students) and summatively assessing their knowledge of topics. The questions progress in difficulty and encourage pupils to think deeper and reflectively about what they’ve learned including evaluating, conjecturing, considering special cases and explaining/justifying. This resource would also work well as a plenary activity or to be set as homework.
GCSE Maths Higher ExtensionAssessment Questions

GCSE Maths Higher ExtensionAssessment Questions

This resource contains a set of extension questions for GCSE Higher Maths (which are grouped by topic) which are good at stretching pupils (especially more able students) and summatively assessing their knowledge of topics. The questions progress in difficulty and encourage pupils to think deeper and reflectively about what they’ve learned including evaluating, conjecturing, considering special cases and explaining/justifying. This resource would also work well as a plenary activity or to be set as homework.
Huge GCSE Maths Higher Resources Pack

Huge GCSE Maths Higher Resources Pack

13 Resources
This bundle contains a comprehensive amount of resources to help plan and deliver GCSE Maths Higher lessons. It includes a set of powerpoints containing full lessons on topics such as Interior and Exterior Angles of a Polygon, Standard Form and Probability, a bank of exam questions on Quadratics and Relative Frequency and a collection of starters on Probability topics. Also in the bundle is a series of investigations which aim to boost literacy higher-order thinking skills into topics like Factors, Square Numbers, Compound Interest and Areas of Triangles and a glossary of all key words and terminology that pupils can keep to use for revision.
KS3 and GCSE Maths Literacy Resources

KS3 and GCSE Maths Literacy Resources

12 Resources
This bundle contains a set of resources for KS3 and GCSE Maths which aims to boost students’ literacy skills and build strong cross-curricular links. It has several varied resources including lists of key terms and formulae in KS3 and GCSE Maths to help students become more familiar with key words and notation, a set of 6 investigations on topics such as square numbers, compound interest and factors which support students in building their mathematical fluency and communication skills and a collaborative learning activity involving key words to promote discussion and team work and a template for peer assessing a piece of work.
Set of KS3 and GCSE Maths Whole Lessons

Set of KS3 and GCSE Maths Whole Lessons

9 Resources
This bundle contains a comprehensive set of powerpoints containing whole lessons for KS3 and GCSE maths topics. All the lessons are interactive and include activities for students to complete, whilst promoting cross-curricular links, self and peer assessment and collaborative learning. Examples of topics included are Relative Frequency, Constructing and Solving Linear Equations, Drawing and Interpreting Pie Charts, Interior and Exterior Angles in a Polygon, Scatter Graphs and Correlation, Sample Space Diagrams and Standard Form.
KS3 and GCSE Maths Bank of Exam Questions

KS3 and GCSE Maths Bank of Exam Questions

7 Resources
This bundle contains a huge bank of exam questions and revision for KS3 and GCSE Maths. It includes exam questions on topics such as Relative Frequency, Quadratics, Area and Circumference of a Circle, Straight Line Graphs, Averages, Equations, Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and Probability. These can be used in class for revision purposes and improving exam technique or to summatively assess pupils.
Higher-Order Thinking Skills Resources

Higher-Order Thinking Skills Resources

7 Resources
This bundle contains a set of resources designed to promote higher-order thinking skills in students and encourage reflection and collaboration. It consists of a series of templates to help students self and peer assess a piece of work (including a specialised one for evaluating a piece of writing), collaborative learning tasks involving the definition of key words in KS3 Maths, Literacy and Humanities, a plenary activity involving Blooms’ taxonomy and a learning mat on Blooms’ thinking hats to use as a resource for pupils in class in any subject.
KS3 Maths Glossary of Key Terms and Formulae

KS3 Maths Glossary of Key Terms and Formulae

This resource is a comprehensive glossary of all the key terms and formulae used in KS3 Maths. It’s excellent for revision, as an aid to in-class work and building cross-curricular links with English/Literacy. The definitions are sorted by each area of mathematics they correspond to (Number, Algebra, Data, Shape and Space) and are explained in a simple, concise manner. There’s also a section detailing key formulae used in geometry, labeled diagrams of parts of a circle and advice on the different types of questions students will have to answer with guided examples.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Geometry Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Geometry Resources

9 Resources
This bundle contains a set of useful resources to help teachers plan and deliver lessons on geometry topics in KS3 and KS4 Maths. It contains a set of whole lessons on area and perimeter of 2-D shapes, interior and exterior angles in a polygon and recognising and drawing nets of 3-D shapes and a comprehensive bank of starters to use in lessons. There’s also an investigation into the areas of triangles aimed at those in KS4 and exam questions on finding the area and circumference of a circle. Revision materials for pupils on 2-D shapes, finding the area and circumference of a circle and a formula sheet are also provided.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Algebra Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Algebra Resources

5 Resources
This bundle contains a set of materials to help teachers prepare and deliver lessons on KS3 and KS4 Algebra topics in Maths. Included in this bundle is a couple of investigations on convergence and algebraic formulae (with worksheets included), a comprehensive bank of GCSE higher exam questions for quadratic equations and a couple of powerpoints for whole lessons on constructing and solving linear equations and writing equations and formulae.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Probability Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Probability Resources

9 Resources
This bundle contains a large set of resources for teaching probability topics in KS3 and KS4 Maths. Included are a set of interactive whole lessons (powerpoints) on Relative Frequency, Drawing and Interpreting Pie Charts, Sample Space Diagrams, Scatter Graphs and Correlation. This bundle also contains a set of starters and exam questions for probability, an investigation on the probability of football scores (worksheet included) and a collaborative learning activity where pupils test each other on key mathematical vocabulary and terminology.
KS3 and KS4 Maths Number Resources

KS3 and KS4 Maths Number Resources

13 Resources
This bundle contains a huge set of resources for teaching number topics for use in KS3 and KS4 Maths. The bundle contains a set of interactive investigations (with worksheets provided) on number topics like square numbers, factors, compound interest and triangular numbers as well as a set of starters involving fractions and addition. Also included in the bundle are worksheets/exam questions on fractions, decimals and percentages, revision materials for ratios and triangular numbers, a test on averages and a whole powerpoint lesson on standard form.
Huge KS3/KS4 English and Maths Resource Pack

Huge KS3/KS4 English and Maths Resource Pack

20 Resources
This incredible value bundle contains a comprehensive set of resources to support students/teachers in teaching and learning KS3 and KS4 English and Maths. The English resources include a collection of learning mats for pupils to assist them throughout lessons and with revision and exam technique/preparation. There is a general one for KS3 and KS4 and also specialised ones on grammar, punctuation and spelling, writing and Romeo and Juliet. It also has a couple of full lessons for writing magazines and persuasive writing in addition to a collaborative learning activity to help pupils learn key words and terminology. The maths resources contain a huge bank of starters for KS3 (including on Geometry, Fractions and probability), a comprehensive bank of KS3 revision/exam questions, a set of 4 whole lessons on probability, scatter graphs, pie charts and solving linear equations. It also has a glossary of key words used in KS3 and 4 Maths and a subject self-audit for student and qualified teachers to examine and assess their subject content knowledge.
GCSE Maths (Foundation and Higher) Ultimate Resource Pack

GCSE Maths (Foundation and Higher) Ultimate Resource Pack

20 Resources
This bundle is extremely comprehensive and great value, containing 20 resources which can be used in the teaching and revision of GCSE Maths (Foundation and Higher). It contains banks of starter and exam questions, whole lessons on topics such as Relative Frequency, Area and Perimeter of 2-D Shapes and Constructing and Solving Linear Equations. This is supplemented by a range of tests and worksheets, in addition to a set of thought-provoking investigations for students on topics such as Areas of Triangles and Probability. It’s rounded off by a useful subject self-audit for student and qualified teachers to examine and assess their subject content knowledge.
KS3 Maths Year 8 Properties of Polygons Sample Lesson Objectives

KS3 Maths Year 8 Properties of Polygons Sample Lesson Objectives

A set of sample learning objectives for teaching a Year 8 KS3 Maths class about Polygons (Classifying and Properties of). Differentiated objectives/outcomes are shown for the topic, literacy links, real world applications of the topic are displayed so that pupils can see the relevance of what they are learning as well as homework, merits and lesson questions pupils should be able to answer. This is an easily adaptable resource which can be changed and formatted to display any topic in the KS3 and GCSE Maths curriculum.
Year 10 GCSE Maths Surface Area Lesson Sample Learning Objective

Year 10 GCSE Maths Surface Area Lesson Sample Learning Objective

A set of sample learning objectives for teaching a Year 10 GCSE Maths class about Surface Area of 2-D Shapes (drawing and interpreting). Differentiated objectives/outcomes are shown for the topic, literacy links, real world applications of the topic are displayed so that pupils can see the relevance of what they are learning as well as homework, merits and lesson questions pupils should be able to answer. This is an easily adaptable resource which can be changed and formatted to display any topic in the KS3 and GCSE Maths curriculum.