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GCSE Maths (9-1) Similar-Shapes - Full Lesson PPT
A full powerpoint lesson on Similarity I created. It is differentiated and covers the following:
What is similarity?
Similarity in real-life
Finding the scale factor of enlargement
Similarity (Length, Area, Volume)
Nested Diagrams
Proving Similarity
Challenge Grade 9 Frustum Question
‘Objective’s met’ brainstorm
I have also included pdf worksheets of the exercises included in the powerpoint, so you can print the sheets for your students.

GCSE Maths (9 - 1) Straight Line Graphs
A full lesson Powerpoint I created which covers the following topics:
Understanding y = mx + c
Finding the gradient and y-intercept from a given line
Finding the gradient between two points
Finding the midpoint between two points
Finding the equation of a straight line
Finding the coordinates of intersection points
Forming the equation of a straight line when given a point of intersection
Finding the distance between two points
Completing a table of values to plot a straight line
Understanding how Parallel and Perpendicular lines are related
Proving two lines are Parallel
Proving two lines are Perpendicular
Generating equations of Parallel or Perpendicular lines
The powerpoint includes tasks for students to complete in class. I have included these tasks as separate pdfs for printing convenience.
Answers are included in the powerpoint.

GCSE Maths (9-1) - Trigonometry Poster/Revision Sheet for Non Right-Angled Triangles
Poster including:
how to label your triangle
sine rule
cosine rule
area of a triangle
(For non right-angled triangles)

GCSE (9 - 1) Edexcel Maths Useful Formulae to Learn
Some useful GCSE Maths Formulae that I have had my year 11’s put onto flashcards and memorise.

Compound Measures Formulae - GCSE (9-1) Maths
Formula Triangles for the following:
- Density
- Pressure
- Flow
- Average Speed

GCSE Maths (9-1) Prime Factors, HCF, LCM
Full lesson powerpoint and pdf which includes:
Number Facts (Factors, Multiples, Prime Numbers)
Writing a number in prime factor form
Finding the HCF of two numbers
Finding the HCF of three numbers
Finding the LCM of two numbers
Finding the LCM of three numbers
Questions with full solutions and answers for the above
Worded Problem-Solving HCF/LCM Walkthrough & Questions
Using your casio calculator to produce prime factorisation of a number
Method used: Listing, circling common factors, venn diagrams
I have not included printable worksheets as all questions can be produced in exercise books, and some prime factor trees can be quite long!
If you would prefer to have worksheets anyway, please ask and I will be happy to post those also.

GCSE Maths (9-1) Trigonometry - Right-Angled Triangles
Poster which covers Trigonometry for Right-Angled Triangles. Information includes;
Labelling your triangle
Area of a right-angled triangle

GCSE(9- 1) Maths Percentages Full Lesson
A full lesson on percentages which covers:
Percentages of an Amount
Percentage increase & decrese (calculator and non-calculator method)
Using multipliers
VAT, deposits, interest
Percentage change (profit/loss)
Reverse percentages (finding the original)

Angles on Parallel Lines Handout /Poster
I print 4 to a page, and cut them down for studentsto stick one mini-poster into their books. Clear and simple design.

GCSE Maths (9-1) Percentages Revision
- Contains the formulae needed to answer questions involving percentages
- Each type of question has an example

GCSE (9-1) Maths-Fractions - Full Lesson
A full lesson which covers:
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Converting between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Ordering Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Fractions of Amounts
Simplifying Fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

GCSE Maths (9-1) Histograms
A powerpoint presentation going through the steps to producing a histogram, with worked exam questions.

GCSE Maths (9-1) Trigonometry (SOHCAHTOA, Sine Rule, Cosine Rule, Area of Triangles)
Created this to help my GCSE Maths students. Contains everything you need to understand trigonometry, from area of triangles, to sohcahtoa, cosine and sine rule. It contains worked examples of each queston too.

GCSE Maths (9-1) Non-Calc Pre-exam Revision
I have produced a double-sided worksheet to give to my students during a breakfast session before their first GCSE Maths exam.
I have also uploaded solutions.

GCSE Maths (9-1)- Index Laws
Index Laws including:
Multiplying powers
Dividing Powers
Power raised by a Power
Zero Power
Negative Powers
Fractional Powers

Number Facts
Number Facts Poster which includes:
- Odd and Even Numbers
- Multiples
- Factors
- Square Numbers
- Reciprocals
- Prime Numbers
- Prime Factors

GCSE Maths (9-1) Direct and Inverse Proportion
PDF on proportion which includes:
direct proportion
inverse proportion
square and cubic proportionality
Worked exam questions

GCSE (9 - 1) Maths - Linear Inequalities
Full lesson which covers:
integer solutions
inequalities on a number line
solving linear inequalities
using set notation