Required GCSE Chemistry Practical, Making soluble Copper Sulfate from insoluble base Copper Oxide.
These resources have been successfully used with key stage four classes.
Print, laminate, cut up, group work carousel around the room. Helps prepare Key Stage 4 Year 10 pupils for end of unit 2 chemistry test. Questions are a mix of Foundation and Higher.
Fun Space Lesson. Maths Skills.
Calculate diameter of larger stars. (by the way, all the maths in these tasks has been simlpfied and approximated so the calculations are doable without a calculator for most abilities, even key stage 3.
Identify stars from description of relative size and colour using printed pictures.
In our solar system, calculate distance of each planet from centre (from our sun), by comparing each planet to relative distance compared to earths distance from sun.
Theoretically, identify which planets would be engulfed if these larger stars replaced our sun at centre of our solar system. (diametres of stars must be halved to find star radius).
Again theoretically, identify moments in human history and estimate year they occured, and roughly caluclate how many years ago these events were in past. Match these historic events to the time it has taken for light we NOW SEE to travel to us from distance stars (using rough data of ‘light years’ distance stars are away). Looking at stars is like ‘looking at the past’.
Unit of Work, AQA Quantitative Chemistry; Conservation of Mass, Limiting Reactants, Uncertainty, Moles, Concentration. All lessons with a starter MYSTERY ELEMENT or MYSTERY MOLECULE.
Two resources here;
mixture of correct and deliberately incorrect electronic shell diagrams for first 20 elements of periodic table. Print in black/white, get pupils to mark in red pen, This reveals whether they grasp what is correct and incorrect (2:8:8:2 rule).
Pupil name column for info on atomic and electronic structure. Pass around class during lessons, to collect pieces of information about how pupils are progressing.
This is an extension lesson for those pupils very interested in exothermic and endothermic reactions. It includes the higher level Key Stage 4 energy curves.
It includes thought-provoking ideas about exploding freezers due to flammable coolants.
This is a double lesson resource.
Lesson 1 : practise balancing equations. Slides have been proven to help key stage 4 pupils with this skill.
Lesson 2: introduction to conservation of mass and loss of gas mass product. Practical with decomposition of Copper Carbonate.