Fun Space Lesson. Maths Skills.
Calculate diameter of larger stars. (by the way, all the maths in these tasks has been simlpfied and approximated so the calculations are doable without a calculator for most abilities, even key stage 3.
Identify stars from description of relative size and colour using printed pictures.
In our solar system, calculate distance of each planet from centre (from our sun), by comparing each planet to relative distance compared to earths distance from sun.
Theoretically, identify which planets would be engulfed if these larger stars replaced our sun at centre of our solar system. (diametres of stars must be halved to find star radius).
Again theoretically, identify moments in human history and estimate year they occured, and roughly caluclate how many years ago these events were in past. Match these historic events to the time it has taken for light we NOW SEE to travel to us from distance stars (using rough data of ‘light years’ distance stars are away). Looking at stars is like ‘looking at the past’.
Print element cards (4 per A4 page)
Supply pupils with most element cards, except Te, I, Ge and Ga.
Pupils must construct groups 1-8 (1-zero) of periodic table on their desk. Gap cards supplied with ‘?’ and group chemical properties.
Answer cards for gaps to be printed separately by teacher and supplied to pupils who successfully construct groups showing gaps mendeleev left. (In reality, Mendeleev only left gapd for Ge and Ga and not for I and Te. However, the I-Te swtich is an important teaching point. Monitor whether pupils put Te first or I first, based on either atomic mass or proton number. Then teach about Mendeleev changing order)
Cards to be printed. Does atom/ion symbol match the atom/ion diagram? (all diagrams are ‘accurate’, so pupils decide if symbol (mass, proton, overall charge) is correct. I suggest you play this as rounds in pairs with monopoly money.
Song to tune of popular pop song.
Song lyrics about group 1 alkali metals (lithium, sodium and potassium), their reaction with water, and their reactivity trend.
Slides and a booklet to teach and assess Key Stage 4 pupils on most of the content from the topic Plant Organisation. Booklet adapted from BBC bitesize web pages. Slides are full of questions which increase in their difficulty/complexity and interesting examples of real life plants.
Engage pupils in Cardiovascular topic. Pupils see from Doctor’s perspective and use real examples of ECG and X-Ray to inform diagnosis and treatment suggestions.
Lesson to teach classes how to calculate density, link to basic knowledge of atomic mass from periodic table (are metals light or heavy) and draw clear diagrams showing cubic volume. Practical requires metal blocks of various regular volumes.
This is an extension lesson for those pupils very interested in exothermic and endothermic reactions. It includes the higher level Key Stage 4 energy curves.
It includes thought-provoking ideas about exploding freezers due to flammable coolants.